When last we left our weird duo, the vampire angst was ratcheting up. In the final two episodes, the show goes full vampire trope.

Somchai laughs and Pun and Yoh have an imaginary wedding
Pun finds Somchai on the roof and strangles him to get him to leave everyone alone. Somchai laughs. He finds the idea of PunYoh hysterical. And refers to Pun as his younger brother. Yoh overhears it and leaves while Somchai is still laughing.
The next day, Pun and Yoh go to the temple, feed tortoises, and bike ride together. Pun isn’t using an umbrella and claims he used a lot of sunblock. So did he lick that blood out of the sink? We’ll never get a clear answer.
Pun wants to marry Yoh, which Yoh thinks is ridiculous. But Yoh goes along with Pun’s pretend wedding ring exchange. At one point we even see the rings. A wedding with imaginary rings is perfect for this couple.
Back in their rooms, they look at their “rings”. Yoh wonders what he’s even doing and about his real feelings. The ghost watches and slams the door shut. I like her.

And that’s pretty much it for the good times
Somchai shows up to taunt Pun about this being his last day with Yoh. When Pun’s time is over, Somchai’s time with Yoh will start. Somchai is here to be a jerk any way he can.
Things don’t improve, as Pun, Yoh, and Kamsai eat on the deserted roof. Kamsai is worried about the restaurant. But then Pun talks about returning to being a vampire and leaving everything to Kamsai. Kamsai doesn’t like this idea. Shin arrives and doesn’t like it either. Kamsai and Shin leave in a huff.
Yoh yells at Pun because he’s disappointed. Then he leaves. Poor Pun and his last day. I miss my happy, weird vampire.

And eventually, everyone else does too
While Yoh, Shin and Kamsai try to figure out what’s going on with Pun, Somchai appears again. It’s what he does. He lets them all in on how the customers hired to cheer them on earlier were all paid by Pun. Did he pay for the internet views too?
They can’t do anything about Pun because he’s missing, having left behind a goodbye note. He says everything he owns now belongs to Yoh, including his heart. Aww.
Pun isn’t the only one. Somchai and Janja are gone too. Everyone tries to get back to normal. We get to see the silent girl for a moment. But no one is happy. They want Pun. They want the restaurant.
To find him they hand out flyers with a picture of Pun in his vampire cape, they tell people “his loved one is missing him.” Aww.

It’s a nice day for a vampire wedding
While they wait and stargaze Yoh gets a mysterious call. Then they’re in a mysterious van. Then they’re led by a mysterious man into a mysterious church.
They sit down in the pews and Pun, Pun’s cat and Janja come out. Then Somchai appears and announces it’s a wedding.
In flashbacks, we see that for the last Millenium our vampire has been falling in love with people with distinctive birthmarks on their necks. And during this time Janja has been raging with jealousy and wanting to marry and carry on the vampire line. Pun refuses.
So Pun’s earlier voice-over history left out an awful lot.
In the present, Yoh and his friends leave the church.

Now everything just really sucks
Yoh sobs in the bathroom and remembers their imaginary wedding. Kamsai and Yoh’s sister don’t know what to do. Shin is gone. Yoh’s college friends have been MIA since the middle of the show anyway. Janja isn’t happy because Pun still loves Yoh.
Somchai shows up to fill Yoh in on his past lives. Pun always found Yoh, and Yoh always got killed by – Somchai goes for his neck. Pun shows up to stop him. He promises to protect Yoh, but Yoh says he’ll protect himself.
Pun says he can see that Yoh hasn’t taken off the imaginary ring. But Yoh says he doesn’t love him and could never love someone like him, in any life. Is he protecting Pun? What does Pun think he’s doing? What’s happening?

My least favorite on-screen text: 1 ปีผ่านไป (One Year Later)
Pun haunts the apartment building and refuses to give Somchai nieces and nephews. Their family will end with their generation. Janja tells Somchai she doesn’t love Pun anymore. One year of marriage after centuries of singlehood and she figured it out.
Janja meets up with Yoh. She says that even if Yoh didn’t always have the birthmark, Pun would find him, their love is that deep. She’s giving Pun back, for the time they have left.
Yoh wonders what the point is since he already said goodbye. Although the truth is he loves Pun to death. He goes to Pun’s empty apartment and confesses his love to the empty room. Then he hugs the mannequin with the cape on it. Then Pun is there and he loves Yoh too. Sweet hug!

And life goes on….
They open the restaurant again. They do merits to free the ghost girl. The nosy neighbor is there showing off her vampire bite marks. Pun and Yoh have a good time loving each other.
Then we see Pun sitting next to an old man who seems to be Yoh. They promise to meet again, and then old Yoh dies quietly on Pun’s shoulder.
We end with Pun and Somchai. Somchai is doing all the talking, saying they’ll be expired in 20 years and wondering if Pun will be able to find Yoh again. Pun keeps eyeing a kid nearby. Is that Yoh?
Somchai starts a song for Yoh: “Dear Yoh. You’re hopeless.”
And we’re out!

Well, that wasn’t the ending I wanted, but it was the ending I got
I have a lot of questions. I think Pun was supposed to marry Janja and have babies to carry on the vampire line. Instead, he kept meeting Yoh and Janja kept killing Yoh. So this time he married Janja to protect this latest Yoh?
And I guess the vampires die at 1000 years old? What did marriage and children have to do with that? Just that they had to do it before they died? Are these the last 3 vampires on Earth? Or in Thailand? I’ll assume they reincarnate for my own happiness but all this is very fuzzy. Most of this info comes via chaos-incarnate Somchai spouting random stuff and laughing.
I’m not sure my confusion would be fixed by better subtitles. In general, the ending felt choppy and underdeveloped. Storylines got dropped, from the documentary to the dead college students. I read there were supposed to be 13 episodes and that would help explain it.
But for me, the ending would be unsatisfying even with another episode. I wanted the quirky, silly, fun vampire satire to stay that way. I wanted it to be about vampires, ghosts, strange silent girls, Pork Blood Soup restaurants that no one wants to dine at, and all things weird. In these last 3-4 episodes though, it morphed into a standard vampire romance with vampire marriage, hereditary lines, and multiple decade time skip to see the tragic suffering of the vampire. It wasn’t quirky, silly or fun.
Not to mention that Pun and Yoh being together became Janja’s decision. How romantic.
A disappointing final arc for an otherwise bright, colorful, quirky, plotless show. All Hail Pork Blood Soup!