4Minutes – Episode 4 – Recap and Review

When last we left our time traveler and surgeon, they hung out at a basketball court. They also went on a real date, Great tried to solve his mystery, and the Tonkla latched onto Inspector Win.

Great gets another do-over

Outside the club, Great lets Tyme run and doesn’t tell Korn who attacked him.

The next day Great tries to bargin into an operating room to see Tyme. That’s not sanitary, so he waits hours before Tyme emerges alone. I assume everyone else died during surgery. 

They go to the roof where Great threatens to call the police if Tyme doesn’t explain things. Tyme yells about Great’s parents causing his parents’s death and demands to know where Nan is. Great has no answers. Tyme tells him to call the police and get out of his face if he doesn’t know where Nan is.

Great gets a 4-minute do-over. This time, he tells Tyme he’ll get Nan for him. I guess he really wants to stay in Tyme’s face.

Meanwhile, the police

The Chief demands the forensic results from Win so they can solve the case. I thought Win wasn’t handling the case. Is this a different case? Win learns the fingerprints on the rock have been identified. I don’t recognize the name, and no nickname is given. Win stares at the phone as Tonkla calls. I don’t know what that’s about either.

Win supports Tonkla at his brother’s funeral. They return to Tonkla’s and Win is spooked by guys outside. He thinks he’s being followed because of Tokla’s brother’s case. 

Win wants to move in and protect Tokla. Tonkla is good for that and some sex, but Korn shows up and interrupts. Tonkla makes a pantless Win hide.

Korn apologizes for being absent and tries to push for sex. Tonkla gets him to back off by yelling about his brother’s murder. Korn offers to talk to a police friend but Tonkla says he already has help and makes Korn leave.

Win comes out from hiding, pants still down, crying. Sexy. Tonkla reassures him of their relationship with sex.

Korn and Tonkla have had better days

Tonkla remembers them while he smokes and stares at a pet collar. The collar belonged to a cat that he buried on school grounds. Korn found him mid-burial. Tonkla has an injury on his mouth and explains he didn’t want to bury the cat near the person who killed it. Korn suggests he keep the collar as a memento.

Korn exchanges a blue ribbon around his arm for a sign hanging from Tonkla’s neck. I think these are school responsibilities and Korn’s is better. Korn says no one will bother him now.

Later we see their first time having sex. Tonkla and his brother are moving away from the abusive drunk father who must have killed the cat. Korn is helping Tonkla out financially. He promises once he graduates and takes over the business, he’ll tell everyone Tonkla is his boyfriend. It’s the sweetest we’ve seen them. Too bad that clearly hasn’t happened.

We see that present-day Win is lying awake.

Oh god, it’s the return of the comedy music

The patient who sees 4 minutes into the future is visiting Den, with snacks! People’s visions when their heart stops have to do with what they believe. She guesses it’s 4 minutes because she heard that’s how long the brain can survive without oxygen. We see the room with the projected brains and 4:00. She’s the woman sitting on the bed whose face Great couldn’t see. She turns and sees Great’s profile.

Den tells her he has another patient she can talk to with the same experiences.

Meanwhile, Sa-Marn is punching Nan for information but it’s not getting him information. Korn offers freedom and money. She still won’t share a name. Korn asks Sa-Mark to treat her nicely, because he’s naive, and Sa-Marn kicks her when Korn leaves. 

Korn gets drunk over the whole Tonkla thing. Great joins him and Korn tells him he feels like a failure. He’s not sure he can do what their father wants and one mistake can ruin everything. He doesn’t share details. Great gets Korn drunker, takes his phone, and sends Tyme info on where Nan is being kept.

Great really goes above and beyond

Tyme tries to reach him, but Great sneaks to where they’re holding Nan. While he listens, Nan tells Sa-Marn that they killed her friend. Sa-Marn shoots and kills her.

Great gets his 4-minute rewind and interrupts Sa-Marn to rescue Nan. He doesn’t get far before Sa-Marn and other goons stop him. They’re going to take Nan away forcibly when Tyme shows up. After some fighting, everyone has guns on everyone else. Despite this, probably because Great is a son of the family, Tyme and Great escape with Nan. 

The next date is glamping in the middle of nowhere

They drop Nan off at the hospital. Some time later Great stops them on a bridge. He tells Tyme about seeing the future again. Tyme thinks it’s a superpower, but Great still wants to know why it’s happening.

They drive onto this glamping location. Great, the driver, doesn’t know where they are. Their adrenaline leads to giggling and then sex. As they take off their clothes I notice Tyme is wearing black and Great white. Symbolism?

Dome leaves the hospital. He calls someone on the way home who nags him. Tonkla is watering plants as Dome pulls up in the taxi. But things get blurry and strange because Dome is Tonkla’s dead younger brother.

Mysteries that don’t need to be mysteries?

I don’t mind that Dome’s face was hidden until this episode. It’s that Tyme and Great don’t talk about anything. I get it they were on an adrenaline rush and giggly and ready for sex, but they had that whole car ride. Doesn’t Great have any questions? Like, who is Nan? Why was she being held at that place? What was that place? What’s going on with my parents business? There are hints that Great has been oblivious to what’s going on around him. Are we supposed to think that’s what’s happening here? Isn’t he changing?

I don’t know what Tyme does or doesn’t know about Great so I don’t know if he does or doesn’t have questions for him.

Maybe they’ll talk about this next episode.

So Dome is kinda dead. If things were straightforward, Tonkla and Korn are in an original, miserable, Dome-dead timeline. Meanwhile, Great and Tyme are living in the new, improved, living Dome timeline. 

But Great in-Dome-alive timeline interacted with a Korn who seemed upset over Tonkla who was upset over dead Dome. Things may not be straightforward.

The thing I’m most confused about is Win’s investigation. Who did Tonkla murder at the beginning of episode 2? The second body we see them discover in the field but get no name? Why did the Chief take Win off the case but also have him get the forensic results? Are there two timelines with Win? If Win was getting the forensics on the rock that killed Dome, that should be Title’s real name. But then, wouldn’t Win be able to look him up?

I guess next episode I’m seeing if I can work out different timelines, fun!

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