4Minutes – Episode 5 – Recap and Review

When last we left our time traveler and surgeon, they relaxed after near-death while glamping. We also learned there are multiple timelines. Probably. Maybe.

Great and Tyme eventually realize they need to talk, eventually

First, Title gets drugged by a woman at a party. A smoking, hooded mysterious man who is Tonkla pays her off. So I’m guessing in the initial timeline the first body was Dome, murdered by Title and Great. Then that second body was Title, murdered by Tonkla, shown in the opening of episode 2.

Never mind that, Great and Tyme are chilling at their beautiful glamping location. Tyme plays guitar and croons for Great. Nothing is mentioned about the crazy day they had. If his parents hadn’t died, Tyme they’d he’d have become a musician. He’s suggesting another possible timeline that never happened. I see what you did there show.

Finally, Great wants to know why Tyme thinks it’s his parents’ fault. Tyme learned from his mother’s diary that they invested their money into Great’s family’s business, not realizing it was for the gambling operations. Then Great’s father harassed and murdered them. I feel like shooting your investors is a bad idea, why would they do that?

Great also struggles to believe it. Tyme says that’s why he needs EVIDENCE. Ugh, Evidence. Which is what Nan was doing.

Nan and Tyme’s Not-Complicated Plan

Tyme met Nan when she came to the hospital because of an ectopic pregnancy after being raped by Sa-Marn. Her friend Mon is also pregnant, probably because of Sa-Marn’s rape. Later, Nan sees Sa-Marn with blood on his shirt and a dead Mon being carried away. There’s a lot more blood on her.

Tyme plans to share what they’ve found out on the news. What did they find? Nan got caught after opening the safe, but she’d handed him a USB before. What was on that?

Great doesn’t ask that, he asks for time. Tyme thinks Great is protecting his parents and this turns into a fight. But Great is also concerned about protecting Tyme and his grandma. 

Great and Tyme are done glamping

Korn doesn’t want his dad told about Great freeing Nan, but Sa-Marn tells him anyway.

Great drops Tyme off at work like nothing happened. They even have a goodbye kiss. What was the point of the overnight glamping if they’re returned to their usual lives? Great plans to get a hotel and talk to his parents in a day or two. This is… not a plan. Great thinks no one will kill him. Famous last words.

But Tyme runs into Den, and the comedy music returns. Den asks about the guy who dropped Tyme off. Tyme puts him off and fails to mention he’s the other patient experiencing 4-minute visions of the future. The comedy music stops, and we see a man in a mask watching Tyme.

Korn tracks down Great and learns his brother knows about the gambling. Korn wants him to pretend like nothing happened and live his life. Great refuses, and Korn threatens to tell on him to Dad.

It’s 11:03, and where has the cat gone?

Great hasn’t made it to a hotel yet, and sees the time projected on his wall.

Great’s Dad and some thugs show up at Tyme’s place. Great’s Dad recognizes Tyme from when he was a kid. Again, it feels like there’s more to the story of Tyme’s parents and Great’s parents. 

Great’s Dad offers him a bag of money to stay away from Great and the company. After they’re gone, when Tyme starts to talk, Grandma smiles and nods like she understands. Does she though?

Tyme goes to Nan at the hospital and tells her to get rid of all the information she found and sit tight. Nan thinks he’s been paid off. She borrows a nurse’s phone and records herself revealing the truth about Great’s family business. 

Somehow this recording makes the news

The accident victim is back! She sees Great’s dad denying everything on the news and smiles. We see pictures of her son and he doesn’t look familiar to me.

Korn’s parents blame him for everything. He blames Great. Dad slaps him. Korn visits the woman whose father helped him out earlier. She promises her Dad can help again if he marries her and stops seeing “that boy”. Korn starts to walk away but she tells him he doesn’t have a choice. There’s a lot of that going around.

Korn sits down next to her and kisses her hand. I wonder what she’s getting out of this marriage?

Great tries to call Korn but gets no answer. He goes to Tyme’s but the place is empty and for rent.

At a temple, the accident victim shakes Kau chim fortune sticks. She gives her stick and all her money to a guy with a gun in his drawer. He says her fortune means someone’s probably going to die. This is fine with her. She’s just ordered a hit.

There’s another, hit-man-looking guy at the temple.

We get a last-minute timey-wimey moment

Great demands to know what happened to Tyme from his parents. His parents want him to be grateful that they murder people and destroy lives so he can have nice things. Great’s mom chases him outside demanding he apologize to his father.

Great drives off, but pauses to look sad at the exit. He sees the temple-hit man shoot his mom, goes back in time to protect her, and takes a bullet to the stomach/chest. He tells her to run and that he loves her, but she gets shot in the head in front of him.

Great is back in that room with brains and 4:00 projected on the wall. We’re reminded that this entire thing might be Great’s hallucinating as his brain struggles without oxygen. 

Tyme is with his grandma in some other house. Grandma wants to know what’s going on. Tyme gets a phone call from Den, who tells him as insensitively as possible that Great showed up at the hospital all bloody.

We get a cool shot of Tyme running down a flickering hallway, then stopping. I’m not positive, but there may be injuries on his face, coming and going with the flickering.

There wasn’t a whole lot of timey-wimey in this episode

After revealing the whole Dome-dead-and-not-dead situation as the last episode’s cliffhanger, they don’t do anything with it in this episode. Barely any Tonkla either. But we may have partially returned to the beginning, with Great dying while hallucinating everything we’ve seen in the last 5 episodes. 

Does the clock hitting 11:03 mean Great only has a minute left in real life before he dies? 

The puzzles in this episode were more about why characters were doing what they were doing.

Tyme appeared to cave into Great’s dad awful fast. Perhaps he was trying to protect Great while giving him the time he wanted? Great asked for 1-2 days, did Nan’s video change everything that fast? Did Tyme and Grandma move out that fast?  It has to have been more than a few days. If what Nan had was enough to start an investigation, why was she looking for more? What did she have?

The next episode better have more time shenanigans or cats. Preferably both.

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