4Minutes – Episode 3 – Recap and Review

When last we left our time traveler and surgeon, they hung out at a skateboard park. There were also two murders by rock, the clock turned to 11:01, and Tonkla had a hard time.

There’s been another murder at the murder field

Inspector Win looks mildly annoyed that there may be a serial killer out there. 

Meanwhile, Dome wakes up at the hospital. Tyme checks on him for Great, but Dome doesn’t remember Great being there. After that, Tyme pisses Den off by intubating a dying patient against her orders. Den feels he’s only prolonging the inevitable. Considering this show, I’m sure This Means Something.

Great notices that all clocks show 11:01 when he’s alone. If someone else is in the room, it shows the correct time. He also knocks the number 4 billiard ball into the hole and his class ends at 4 o’clock. Before he leaves he’s given a drink from a “pale, handsome, brooding guy”. On the sleeve is a note reminding him to get his wound treated. In a flash, it changes to one asking for forgiveness, and then back to the original note.

Great goes chasing after Tyme.

Their second date is at a basketball court

Tyme claims he knew Great liked this drink because of some nameless classmate. He wants to know Great better and apologizes if it’s too much. Then he invites him to dinner. 

Great puts him off, thanks him for the tea, and leaves. Only for his heart to start pounding and send him back in time. The universe wants him to save lives and date Tyme.

Great tells Tyme what just happened, including what he knows Tyme was about to say. Tyme takes him seriously and promises to talk to other doctors about the situation. Before he leaves, Great invites him on a date after his wound treatment.

We’re back to the comedy music as Tyme approaches Den about Great’s situation. Den is still upset about the patient earlier. Eventually, they get past the comedy music and to the real issue of Great seeing the future. At the mention of 4 minutes, Den brings up his patient with the same symptoms. They agree Den’s patient should talk to Tyme’s patient. 

Tyme wants to know, why 4 minutes? Instead of an answer, we get surreal imagery of Great walking into a room with brains and 04:00 projected on the wall. There’s a woman on a bed with her back to him.

Which is what Great is thinking about on his date with Tyme

Great wants to do UFO catchers more than get a meal. He has no idea what he’s doing, but Tyme does. They bond over winning cheap stuffed animals.

Great takes Tyme back to his place and gets his backstory with his grandma. Great has a sad story of wanting to play UFO catchers with his parents but they bought him an expensive toy instead. Okay, it’s not a sad story.

Great puts his hand on Tyme’s, and has some sex memories. He leans in and they nearly kiss, but a noise stops them. Instead, Tyme tells Great about Den and his patient.

We learn how frizzy-haired woman is smuggling info, and so does Korn

Because we see a post-sex, sleeping Ma-Sarn. Frizzy-haired woman steals the key to the safe from around his neck. She pulls out documents and takes pictures with her phone. Ma-Sarn wakes and attacks but she gets away. 

She calls for help as she runs, but gets shot by Ma-Sarn. Korn is there as she’s put in a van and driven away. They have her phone but it’s dead, so they don’t know who she was communicating with. 

Tonkla is having a fit because he still hasn’t heard from Korn. He calms down enough to do some heavier drugs. The doorbell rings, but it’s Inspector Win again. He’s there to tell Tonkla that his brother’s case has been given to the chief, but it probably won’t get solved by him. The chief is known for being corrupt. Win promises he will still find the murderer.

Tonkla initiates sex and is more aggressive with Win than he was with Korn. It’s nice when the sex reveals character. 

After they’re done, Tokla does more drugs, which doesn’t bother Win. He takes Tonkla’s picture. Tonkla asks him to come by more often and Win promises he will and that Tonkla can call anytime. This is exactly what Tonkla wants from Korn.

There’s a picture of Tonkla and his brother as kids, but who knows how the brother looks as an adult.

Win tracks down someone who made a post on social media that she knew who killed Tonkla’s brother. Now she says she knows nothing. Someone is watching them, and a note is left on Win’s car threatening to kill him.

It’s 11:01 and Great is outside smoking in his underwear and thinking about Time and Tyme

The clocks change to 11:02. Great goes inside and writes down what has happened at 11:00 and 11:01. Including the sex memories, he circles the word sex. 

He tries to reach Tyme about talking with that other patient, but Tyme isn’t responding. 

Korn is at some fancy club. He nearly calls Tonkla but instead answers a call from Sa-Marn. Frizzy-haired woman, Nan, isn’t talking and the phone isn’t fixed. Korn tells Sa-Mark not to hurt Nan. Korn is naive. 

Great arrives and tells Korn about the whole seeing-4-minutes-into-the-future thing. Korn is going to make an appointment with another doctor for him.

Korn steps away and is grabbed from behind, a knife jammed into his throat hard enough to draw blood. The attacker wants to know where Nan is. Korn fights back but the attacker has the upper hand when Great runs in. 

The attacker runs and Korn tells him to chase after him. Outside the club, they start fighting until the attacker pulls off his mask and reveals he’s Tyme. Staring time!

I have new questions

The numbers 4 and 11 Mean Something. But what? The whole thing with Great’s solo clock slowly clicking away is an intriguing clue. And now three other people know about his time issues, Den, Tyme, and Korn.

Why haven’t they set up cameras in that field? They’d solve the mystery real fast. 

Tyme knowing Great’s favorite drink via some nameless friend is either a lie or his misremembering because of timey-wimey. I don’t know which. He didn’t expect to see Great at the club with Korn. Does he not know that they’re siblings? Or does he know but didn’t expect to see Great there? 

What is up with Great? In the first episode, he was hungover, nearly late for an exam, and almost did a hit-and-run. In the second episode, a friend expected his help murdering someone and he almost left the guy to be murdered. Outside of that, he’s a nice guy who just wants to play with UFO catchers. Is he normally a passive guy? I can believe seeing the future is changing him, but I wish I better understood who he was before the timey-wimey stuff.

We only see the cat in flashback so -100 points for this episode.

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