A Sign of Affection – Episode 3-4 – Recap and Review

When last we left these cute kids, Yuki had just decided she was in love with Itsuomi.

Thankfully, Yuki is the type to act on her feelings

And in a very Yuki way. She offered to teach him sign language and is writing a guide. She’ll deliver it at his work as an excuse to see him. Excellent planning Yuki.

Rin goes with her and notices Yuki’s hearing aids giving off feedback. Yuki explains to Itsuomi that with her hearing aids on there’s a jumble of something she thinks are sounds. Without them, she can’t hear anything. 

This is different from what Oushi explained. I’m confused about Yuki’s hearing but that’s fine. My hearing loss is mild to moderate. This means when my hearing aids give feedback it HURTS.

Yuki gives him the guide and everyone is impressed with her efforts. When Itsuomi gets handsy to get Yuki’s attention, Rin passes on Oushi’s warning about startling Yuki. Itsuomi immediately apologizes, but Yuki writes on the whiteboard that it’s okay if it’s him.

A challenger enters the ring! Or two drunk people enter the restaurant.

These two are Emma and Shin, high school classmates of Itsuomi’s. Emma is clinging onto Itsuomi in a way that gets Yuki’s attention.

As they leave, Yuki holds up a note with shaking hands, asking Kyouya if Emma and Itsuomi are together. She’s brave. Kyouya says no. Yuki still feels uncertain but decides to trust Kyouya.

Also, it’s snowing.

Oushi continues to annoy me and Yuki

After days without texts or meetings with Itsuomi, Yuki’s mind drifts to Emma again. But only for a moment before she texts Itsuomi. He texts that he’s at a nearby coin laundry if she wants to meet up. Yuki is adorably excited to be going out so late to see him.

Great, here’s Oushi. Oushi, who warned Rin not to startle Yuki by touching her, hits her in the back of the head with tissue packs to get her attention. Then when he finds out that she’s meeting with Itsuomi he’s nasty.

Yeah, I get that he likes her. But his concern is too controlling for me to find it charming. I’m sure he’ll grow. He better grow.

Yuki treats Oushi the way she treats her negative thinking, she ignores him and keeps going.

But never mind Oushi, Itsuomi time again!

Itsuomi shares a Croatian coin with Yuki. He’s not ready to explain his love of travel until they’re closer. Yuki texts that she wants to be closer. So bold! We’re both blushing.

While she can’t see his lips, he says he’s always pursued cultures and languages in other countries. When he saw her signing he realized there were things close by too. When she looks at him again, he asks if she wants to know him better.

She wants to be “more” closer than now so he wants to know how to sign “more”. It looks like the itsy bitsy spider and as her hands go higher he grabs them and says he understands. Then he teases her a bit. She likes seeing him laugh and doesn’t mind.

Snow is for lovers, not clingy high school friends

As he walks her home, Yuki feels she’s wrapped around his fingers. But she also feels safe. She asks him if Emma is his girlfriend. He says Emma is just a friend. He wants to know about Oushi. She explains he’s a childhood friend she doesn’t talk to much.

Yuki, on a roll now, wants to know when they will meet again. He’s free Monday.

Emma is waiting at Itsuomi’s place with booze. He lets her in but tells her not to do this again and leaves. He doesn’t want her to go out into the snow. 

Emma is upset and sees the sign language guide.

Oushi is why we can’t have nice things

Rin has a date with Kyouya to a certain big box store but isn’t ready for that level of intimacy. She wants Yuki to come and invite Itsuomi. Yuki is good for it.

On the way, Yuki tries to avoid Oushi by taking the train but runs into Oushi on the train. She lies about where she’s going and he harasses her and follows her when she gets off the train.

Itsuomi protects her from the perils of a busy subway station and sees Oushi. Oushi tells Itsuomi what he can and can’t do with Yuki. Itsuomi says Yuki told him it was okay if it was him. 

Itsuomi has Yuki tucked under one arm to protect her and she can’t see what’s happening. Oushi signs that she’s a fool and leaves. Itsuomi tells her it’s between him and Oushi. 

The Big Box Store Of Love

Rin struggles to make conversation with Kyouya. Kyouya’s mind is on Itsuomi. No, not like that. Kyouya worries Yuki will get hurt because Itsuomi is focused on other things. Rin thinks Itsuomi is interested in Yuki. I love how she believes in and supports Yuki.

Then Itsuomi and Yuki arrive, and Itsuomi is holding her hand to keep her from being run over. Inside the store, he calls Yuki’s name in a cute way that gets everyone’s attention. Kyouya now worries less.

Itsuomi asks about Yuki traveling and she says deaf people are comfortable because they can use gestures. This reminds me of world-traveling Issei in On A Starry Night.

Also, I do not like big box stores but now I want to go to one in Japan. And buy lots of chocolate.

Itsuomi ‘helps’ Rin

By pushing her to get Kyouya to take her on a ride. This also gets Itsuomi more alone time with Yuki. 

Yuki, not having heard Itsuomi push Rin, is impressed with Rin’s sudden bravery. Cute. Yuki invites Itsuomi out to dinner. She thinks she’s being rejected, but he’s inviting her to his place.

More signs of my affection for this show

I didn’t give the animation credit after my first watch. It’s not avant garde or anything, but it’s nice.

Yuki’s face is often so red that it matches her hair, but she’s amazingly brave. For most of the first few episodes, she makes all the moves to pursue Itsuomi. But not in an obnoxious way either.

I also liked that she asked Itsuomi directly about Emma, even though she’d asked Kyouya. Good communication skills.

But in these two episodes, we see Itsuomi’s interest in her. He invites her to join him at the laundry. He asks about Oushi. He was super cute with her at a big box store. We know from his cousin that this isn’t typical of him, he’s interested in her.

There’s too much about language and communication that I can’t fit in my recaps. We learn that “cute” can be signed in several different ways and get to see the signs for “like” and “snow”. We get some of Itsuomi’s feelings on travel and culture, and Yuki’s yearning to experience the world.

I like that Itsuomi is an important part of Yuki’s adventures. With him, she gains experiences like meeting a hot guy she likes at night. But I feel like Yuki would be exploring the world in other ways if he weren’t around. She’s so determined.

I like a sweet romance though, so I’m glad he’s part of the story.

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