Anti Reset  – WDIW February 17th, 2024

Welcome to my weekly blog post where I give thoughts on dramas I’m watching but not recapping. 

The final episode of The Sign is currently only available for a fee, so I’m waiting to finish those recaps. Which does suck a little.

Never fear though, I recapped the final episodes 12-13 of Pit Babe, which came to a gloriously ridiculous ending. I also recapped episodes 7-8 of Until We Meet Again, which means more delicious looking Thai desserts.

This week I have an initial review of:

Anti Reset – 恆久定律 – 2024

Currently airing Taiwanese BL, I’m at 4 out of 10 episodes.

A dull, emotionless man is injured and given a cute robot helper, who has a lot more life and emotion than him. 

Here’s a link to the trailer.

Yes, this is the latest from the same production company that did Stay By My Side, You Are Mine, and VIP Only. I know the risk I’m taking. I enjoyed the skin-ship-centric Stay By My Side, but You Are Mine nosedived halfway through and VIP Only never got off the ground.

So far, this one has the feel of VIP Only, with voice overs from our robot about humanity, history, memory and experience peppering the episodes. Otherwise it’s pretty much a domestic BL along the lines of Perfect Propose. Our human guy has a robot that hangs around his house, feeds him, and takes care of everything he needs.

Unlike VIP Only, the voice overs are more intriguing to me. They’re from the robots point of view and hint at something more interesting than machinery designed to serve. At one point the robot shows a bit of attitude towards a vacuuming robot, which was fun.

The show could lean into being weirder and get a lot of points, but it’s going with contemplative instead.

How’s the romance?

Our emotionless human will likely learn the value of emotions from the robot. I’m not against that tropey storyline, but it is kind of the most obvious place to go with the set-up.

At nearly half-way through the series, the main focus has been the robot’s humanity and I’m enjoying it. If in the next 6 episodes we learn something interesting about him, I can see myself giving the show a favorable review. But I’m prepared for it to go nowhere or worse, for a jealous ex and/or horrible mother figure to show up. We’ll see!