Nanon Korapat Kirdpan as Pran and Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee as Pat in episode 10 of Bad Buddy

Bad Buddy – Episode 10 – Recap and Review

TL;DR Version:
Pat and Pran work on the mystery of why their parents hate each other and learn the stories they’ve been told are lies. After being caught together again, they both confess to their parents about their relationship. Pran’s mom slaps him and explodes at Pat’s father for stealing her college scholarship. Pran cries in Pat’s arms and they talk about escaping.

Outside Pat’s hospital room, Pran greets Pat’s family and walks off. In the hospital room, Pat’s father confronts him, and Pat tells a partial truth, that Pran helped clear him of the gun charge.

After spending days in the hospital for a graze, his family takes him home. Pran is outside their houses and Pat gets out to talk to him. Pat’s father thanks Pran for helping Pat. After he leaves Pat seems encouraged while Pran is scared. They both think the source of the conflict is Pran’s family stealing an employee and Pat’s father cheating, but they don’t know anything else.

Pat is asleep in Pran’s bed when Pran calls, needing files on a thumb drive again. Wai and another student accost Pat, who is nervously walking around the architecture buildings. They bring him to some familiar stairs and Pat is pressured to display his love for Pran in front of all the architecture majors. Pat is up to the task and declares his love.

Wai is okay with Pat, but won’t sit with Pat’s friend Korn. Not until some PPL shows up and they all drink it together. Friends now, Wai wants Pat’s permission to date his sister. Pat’s evolved enough to say that’s his sister’s choice.

Pat gets a clean bill of health from the hospital and they run into the employee they think is part of the reason for their families fighting. Chai tells them they have the facts wrong, though he doesn’t know the real reason either. Pat and Pran realize their parents have been lying.

At Pat’s suggestion, Pa tries using her own advice about looking for signs Ink likes her while Ink teaches her about cameras. Right then, Wai shows up and offers to be a model. Wai’s signals are loud and clear while Ink’s are confusing.

Wai isn’t confused though, seeing the death glare Ink is giving him, he gives up on Pa.

Pat finds out their parents knew each other back in their student days. They search for more clues in Pran’s father’s office. The office is extremely clean, almost like a set. Instead of finding anything about Pran’s father, they find a Beauty Contest Award that proves Pran’s mother went to the same high school as Pat’s father. Pran and Pat’s former high school too.

They go to their high school where Pran gets nostalgic about seeing Pat get punished. They talk to one of the teachers. She remembers Pran’s mother and Pat’s father used to enter academic competitions together. The teacher doesn’t know why they fell out with one another but implies it would have been over love.

Pa announces to Pat that she likes a girl. When he learns it’s Ink they tease each other about liking the same person.

At school, Pa realizes Ink is her peer mentor and that’s why Ink’s been so nice. When she confronts her Ink confirms she’s the mentor, but it was her choice and she wanted to get close to Pa. There’s flirting and blushing and skinship.

Pat and Pran joke about being siblings while out eating. As they leave the mall, Pat’s father sees them. He knows they’re more than friends and when he gets confrontational Pran tries to intercede and gets shoved. Angrily Pat confirms, in front of a crowd, that they are boyfriends. Pat tries to take care of Pran but Pran sends him to talk to his dad. Pran is crying.

Pran can hear Pat yelling at his father as he goes home. His mother confronts him, pushing him until Pran also confesses they’re boyfriends. He brings up the lies and his mother slaps him, then looks like she regrets it as he leaves.

She rushes over to confront Pat’s father about the real reason for the fighting, he stole her scholarship. Pat’s father confirms this is the truth. Pat is disappointed in his father and leaves.

Pran is on the roof of their dorm, crying, and tries to reach Pat on the phone. Pat is already there and gives him a big hug. Pran sobs in his arms and Pat cries too. Pran says he can’t take it anymore and Pat says they should get away from there. 

I’m having the same problem with Pran’s mother as I did with Wai. She always looks angry and forces Pran to do what she wants. Pran is also far more sensitive than Pat, so this makes her even less sympathetic. Like Wai, I’m willing to believe she loves Pran and does good things for him, but it’s hard when it’s never shown on screen.

I’m not entirely sure where this is going, whether the show will redeem her or not, but seeing what happened with Wai, I’m not optimistic.

Ink and Pa continue to be adorable and have nice chemistry. I’m glad Wai gave up so easily, it makes his character more likable. Pat and Pa are also a sweet pair and I liked seeing him turn Pa’s own advice around on her.

Pran sobbing in Pat’s arms and Pat taking care of him gave me the most feels of this episode. Since I’m not really a romcom person, and I think that’s part of where I struggle with this show, it makes me wish I were seeing something more dramatic with them. Maybe not more guns though? Now I’m thinking about what the far more dramatic and angsty Not Me would be like if it had starred these two. (Of course Off/Gun were perfect for that and I’m being silly.)