Nanon Korapat Kirdpan as Pran and Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee as Pat in episode 4 of Bad Buddy

Bad Buddy – Episode 4 – Recap and Review

TL;DR Version:
Pat and Pran are closer than ever but an old high school friend, Ink, shows up. Pat ends up doing her some favors and Pran is revealed to have been jealous back in High School and now he is jealous again. Pat though, still wants to hang out with Pran all the time, but breaks his (and our) hearts a little when he reveals he has a crush on Ink.

Despite the ending of the previous episode, the architecture and engineering gangs aren’t ready to work together. There’s dramatic confrontation music and Pat and Pran continuing to pretend to be enemies in front of everyone only to meet secretly in the stairway repeatedly to figure out what to do. Eventually, they figure out how to manipulate their gangs using their competitive spirits.

Later the engineers show up well dressed for an interview that turns out to be with an old school friend of Pat and Prans, Ink. Pat runs quick interference and asks her to keep this secret, which she’s willing to do with a requirement we don’t get to hear.

After a rugby practice in preparation for a larger match between the two warring groups, Pat comes across Pran looking for his earbuds outside in the dark. Pat tries to help and promptly steps on them. He shows up later at Pran’s apartment with his own earbuds as replacements. Pran tries to say no but eventually takes them, and he tries to keep Pat out of his room but that doesn’t work either.

There’s more bickering, with Pran objecting to Pat’s smell, Pat forcing his head into his shirt, and Pran having enough and physically forcing him out. Pat claims to not have his keys but Pran doesn’t care and doesn’t let him back in. Once he’s gone though, Pran smiles.

While out somewhere Pran sees Pat and Ink sharing a drink at a shop. There’s a flashback where we see this isn’t the first time Pran has been jealous of Pat and Ink. Back in the present, he repeats his actions of the past and leaves without saying anything, upset. Meanwhile Pat and Ink continue to talk about whatever favor he’s mysteriously doing for her.

When Pat is absent from a bus stop inspection the next day, Pran is told it’s for a family thing. But Pat is having his picture taken by Ink, modeling some clothes for her. There’s a moment when she’s fixing his hair and it’s hard to understand his expression. Pran’s is more clear, when he sees the modeling pictures on Instagram he’s upset and he takes his aggression out during the architect’s rugby practice. 

Later Pran tries to avoid another encounter with Pat and Ink but ends up looking miserable. When another flashback makes him jealous he bails on them. Pat, though, shows up at his place with some chicken. Pat tends to Pran’s earlier rugby injury and Pran demonstrates some PPL while removing Pat’s earlier makeup. The bickering is more like flirting this time, as Pat calls Pran’s dimples cute and then just calls Pran himself cute.

Rugby happens! There’s some on-field flirting, but Pat can’t save the injured Pran from further injury and can’t show his concern for him in front of their friends either. Ink gives Pran a bracelet to match the one she gave Pat in the past, and Pran asks if she likes Pat. She only likes him as a friend. A lurking Pat might be jealous of Pran and Ink chatting.

Pat locks himself out, for real it seems this time, and Pran takes pity on him. He does make Pat put on a shirt before going to sleep. When neither of them can sleep, they both want to ask the other if they like Ink. They agree to answer at the same time and Pran says no while Pat says yes. Oblivious Pat then unintentionally tortures Pran by asking if he’s likable, recounting the nice things he’s done for Pran as reasons he’s likable, and thinking this is why Ink could like him.

Pran says he hates him and turns away. Pat is unhurt and Pran is crying. But he takes the covers back from Pat.

Oh poor sweet Pran! My earlier theory was right, he’s totally known that he likes Pat and possibly for a long time. That’s why he pushes Pat away so much and so hard. Meanwhile Pat is oblivious to his own feelings, which despite what he thinks he feels about Ink, are proven by his nonstop need to get close to Pran despite being pushed away. Seeing Pran crying in bed gave me some feels.

Those sincere, heartfelt moments are what make this show a pleasure for me. The bickering has been cute, but I like the flirting and tenderness more.

Also, the amount of accommodating and manipulation Pat and Pran have to do with their gangs is maddening. It’s like they’re babysitting someone else’s kids and not getting paid or even thanked. I appreciate that it’s kept Pat and Pran in this interesting conflict at least.

Romcoms are really not my thing in general, but this one is definitely working well for me.