Nanon Korapat Kirdpan as Pran and Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee as Pat in episode 8 of Bad Buddy

Bad Buddy – Episode 8 – Recap and Review

TL;DR Version:
Newly a couple, Pat and Pran struggle with keeping a more intimate relationship secret from their various friends while also putting on a play together. Pran is anxious and hesitant while Pat is reckless and eager. After a spat, Pran and Pat reconcile and start horsing around, only to have their cover blown in front of everyone.

Pran wakes again to the smell of burning, Pat having made him breakfast in bed. There’s some cute tease-flirting, and Pran kisses Pat ketchup-smeared lips. Then there really is smoke, as Pat has left a sausage grilling for too long, horrifying Pran.

The flirting and teasing continues into the hallway. Pat is eager to hold hands, but Pran is more hesitant. He allows it after a moment only to let go immediately when Pat’s sister Pa comes out across the hallway. She comments on how often Pat has spent the night at Pran’s. She joins them, but when she walks in front, they hold hands. 

Time for the play and some PPL flirting. The director has Pran work with Pat to create music, but they flirt more than they work. Pat invites Pran on a date, and Pran gives his answer via xylophone.

Pa is still an Ink-fan-girl, but her efforts to help Ink with camera stuff fail. Wai shows up to learn about Pa from Ink but gets turned away. Later he shows Pran a picture he managed to get of his mystery crush, who he still knows nothing about. Pran puts Wai off and then discovers he’s double-booked Wai and Pat for the night.

Pat is in his car waiting for Pran and putting off his own friends. When Pran shows up they work on excuses together.

Ink and Pa have an (I think PPL) meal together. They have some cute, clumsy skinship moments.

Which is a contrast to Pat and Pran, eating takeaway on a roof together so their relationship stays secret. Pat wants a picture together for Instagram and Pran is so agitated he knocks Pat’s phone to the ground. Pat says he was teasing and Pran apologizes.

Pran is still apologizing the next day by leaving cute notes around his apartment for Pat, who spent the night again, to find. At rugby, Pat is tackled by his friends for an Instagram post showing Pran’s door knob. None of his friends realize it’s Pran’s door, so they think he’s dating one of the architecture girls.

At rehearsal, Pran is annoyed about that Instagram post. Since it’s only him and Pat there, the director makes Pran help Pat with a scene. Using it as an excuse for skinship, Pat gets smiles out of Pran. 

Wai is still hung up on Pa, and when he sees her with Pat he assumes they’re together. To keep Wai from using that as an excuse to go after Pat again, Pran reveals she’s Pat’s sister. Later, drinking together, Wai claims it’s love at first sight and is ready to go after her anyway. Pran talks about the difficulties of that kind of relationship, which are really his own relationship difficulties.

At his parent’s, Pat gets in trouble with his father for skipping rugby in favor of the play. He calls Pran for comfort. Pran can’t talk because he’s with Wai, but he calls back later from his own parent’s home. He calls Pat onto the balcony and does silly things to cheer him up. He tosses a shirt for Pat to sleep with, and Pat gives him his headphones with a new case with a double “P” on it.

Working on sound for the play, Pran overhears gossip about Pat’s Instagram. He rushes down and confronts Pat, who’s wearing Pran’s shirt. They fight, and Pat yanks the shirt off. He goes on to play the xylophone topless, putting all his angst and feelings into it while Pran watches and flashbacks of their relationship go by.

Afterward, Pran comes with the shirt and water. They both apologize, talk about their relationship, and that they care for each other despite the secrecy. Pat says he’ll stop posting, Pran says he doesn’t need to, he wants him to be happy and needs to be strong for their relationship. Pat teases him into admitting they are boyfriends.

The teasing continues, with Pran getting physical and holding hands, and going for a hug. Repeating something he’d done in a previous episode, he drags Pran’s head under his shirt. Right then the curtain falls down and everyone sees, including Wai and Pat’s friend Korn. Everyone looks shocked.

Pat and Pran together continue to be the best part of the show. The way their opposing personalities create problems for them, and yet are what they love most about each other is so endearingly clear. While take-away on a roof is plenty romantic to me, I can feel the bitterness of them not just getting to enjoy this new step in their relationship openly.

The actors get credit for their portrayals, but the writing on the show is a big part too. I like that so far, although I think it’ll change soon, the essential external problem has not changed. Their friends and family have pitted them against each other. But as their relationship and the depths of their feelings have changed, it’s made that problem worse. It was hard enough for them to hide being friends, hiding a romantic relationship is harder and with greater emotional risk.

The shirtless xylophone playing, which I’ll admit is a funny thing to type, is a unique and interesting way to express their feelings. Especially since music has been so much a part of their relationship

Ink and Pa are adorable together, much more than Pa and Wai would be.