Category: Weekly Reviews
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of February 4th, 2023
This weeks update includes final reviews of the modern Thai swimming team school BL Between Us and the modern Thai tutor/student BL I Will Knock You
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of January 28th, 2023
This weeks update includes an initial review of the Chinese slice-of-life romance Meet Yourself and final reviews of the Chinese modern rom-com Hi Venus and the Korean historical court drama Under the Queen’s Umbrella
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of January 21st, 2023
This weeks update includes initial reviews of the Japanese romance Hoshi Furu Yoru ni/On A Starry Night and the Chinese modern rom-com Hi Venus as well as a final review of the Japanese rom-com Boyfriend Kourin
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of January 14th, 2023
This weeks update includes updated reviews of the Thai student/tutor BL I Will Knock You and the Korean historical court drama Under the Queen’s Umbrella and initial reviews of the Chinese modern rom-com Hi Venus and the Japanese amnesia rom-com Boyfriend Kourin
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of January 7th, 2023
This weeks update includes an initial review of the Korean historical court drama Under the Queen’s Umbrella
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of December 31, 2022
This weeks update includes final reviews of the Korean modern romance Summer Strike, the Japanese over-the-top Yakuza romance Koi to Dangan, the Taiwanese BL featuring adults with jobs My Tooth Your Love, the Japanese yankee romance Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun, the Japanese sumo drama Shiko Funjatta/Sumo Do Sumo Don’t and the Thai lakorn/BL To Sir With Love
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of December 24, 2022
This weeks update includes initial reviews of the Taiwanese BL featuring adults with jobs My Tooth Your Love, and the Thai lakorn/BL To Sir With Love
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of December 17, 2022
This weeks update includes initial reviews of the Japanese sumo drama Shiko Funjatta/Sumo Do Sumo Don’t and the Thai lakorn/BL To Sir With Love, and final reviews of the older Korean weekender Can You Hear My Heart, the enjoyably plotless Thai BL Ai Long Nhai and the Korean Lee Min Ho/Jun Ji Hyun vehicle Legend of the Blue Sea
What Dramas I’m Watching, Week of December 10, 2022
This weeks update includes the final reviews of the Chinese timey-wimey rom-com Love in Time, and initial reviews of the modern Korean romance Summer Strike, the Japanese over-the-top Yakuza romance Koi to Dangan, the Japanese yankee romance Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun, the enjoyably plotless Thai BL Ai Long Nhai, the older Korean weekender Can You Hear My Heart, the Thai swimmer school BL Between Us and the Thai student/tutor BL I Will Knock You