I Hear the Sunspot – Episode 5-6 – Recap and Review

When last we left our gloomy introvert and happy extrovert, Kouhei once again distanced himself from Taichi. In the next episodes, we learn why and what Taichi does about it.

First, he mopes

It doesn’t help that his class is about Descartes and uncertainty. How relevant. Taichi keeps thinking about a certain moody friend who vanished suddenly, leaving him looking glumly at note-taker recruitment flyers. 

At the film club, he’s still looking like a sad puppy. He tells his friends that Kouhei is avoiding him. His friends think maybe he did something. Then, his film club friend mentions how he saw Kouhei at the hospital. And talked to him about Miho, the make-up girl. It’s a clue!

Second, he investigates

More helpfully, his friends remind him that Kouhei’s mom runs cooking classes. With that, he finds Kouhei’s place and meets Kouhei’s mom! She gives him an amazing-looking pastry and he stuffs his face. The cream is a bit much.

Kouhei’s mom realizes the second bento lunches were for Taichi. Kouhei isn’t there because he’s getting his hearing aids adjusted because of his recent hearing loss. Taichi doesn’t wait for him to return, but before he leaves Kouhei’s mom asks him not to give up on her son. Kouhei seems different since meeting Taichi. She also shares that she taught Kouhei to make hamburger patties for him.

Taichi focuses more on the Miho thing than the hearing loss and hamburger patties. His nice boss helpfully and points out that if Kouhei thinks Taichi likes Miho, he may keep away to give them space. Taichi is surprised by this possibility. 

Then he realizes he’s missing his phone.

Third, he reaches the wrong conclusion

Back at the film club, Taichi tells his friend he thinks it’s his fault Kouhei is avoiding him. His friend wants to know why he cares so much. He explains that though Kouhei is well-off and popular, he’s alone. He has no confidence, and Taichi thinks it’s a pity. Kouhei is a good person and it’s a shame people don’t know him and how beautiful his smile can be. Instead, he gets bullied. Taichi can’t let him face things alone.

Kouhei walks in as he’s talking but Taichi doesn’t notice at first. Kouhei tries to return Taichi’s phone and exit quickly but Taichi chases after him. For a moment Kouhei claims he didn’t hear what Taichi said because his hearing is worse but then he admits it’s a lie.

Taichi pushes Kouhei to express his feelings. Kouhei is afraid Taichi won’t understand, but Taichi wants him to try rather than give up from the start. Taichi is crying and Kouhei is crying. Kouhei wants to know why Taichi is crying but he doesn’t know. 

Kouhei drags him in for a kiss. After, he calls him obtuse but says he likes him this way. 

He’s more afraid of Taichi hating him than not being able to hear. Poor Kouhei. He apologizes but is glad he said it. Then he thanks him for everything he did and walks away.

Finally, Taichi rethinks… Everything

And so does Kouhei. He shows an interest in joining the sign language circle. Then he goes to the roof where he and Taichi first shared lunch.

Taichi shows up there too. He explains to a confused Kouhei that he thought it over and couldn’t find any reason to hate Kouhei. He has the note-taker flyer and wants to apply again. Kouhei looks like he’s going to cry. He heard everything Taichi said. And he hears it when Taichi’s stomach growls too.

Things return to a new and improved normal. Taichi takes his note-taker job seriously this time. He’s also interested in a scholarship and thinking about the future.

Sudden camping trip is sudden!

Kouhei is startled and overwhelmed when Taichi invites him on the camping trip with his friends. Taichi is adorably excited when Kouhei accepts. So excited his friends tease him.

Taichi waits impatiently for Kouhei, but Miho appears instead. Things seem awkward for a beat and then the two of them get into competitive apologizing. Taichi for getting mad and Miho for being thoughtless. Kouhei sees them together but Taichi’s friend helpfully exposits that Miho already moved on and has a new boyfriend. 

And Taichi is so stupidly happy to see Kouhei, how can he not be charmed?

The whole group goes to a funky old building in the woods. Taichi and Kouhei go fishing just the two of them. Kouhei has never fished and Taichi’s fishing memories are of his parents fighting. What a sad pair. 

Taichi worries that Kouhei is bored because he’s being so quiet. Kouhei is having fun but he’s worried about saying stupid things so instead he looks serious and says nothing. It’s not a great way to make friends. Taichi encourages him to talk more. 

Later, Taichi catches Kouhei staring at him. When he’s curious about why, Kouhei gets irritated with him for being obtuse. 

Back with the group, Kouhei lightens up and smiles more.

Taichi really is obtuse

He and Kouhei have a late-night chat while the others are sleeping. We almost get another “moon is beautiful” but Taichi says the stars are beautiful. So close! I might count it anyway.

Taichi wants to know how to sign “star” and some other words, but after a bit Kouhei gets shy about touching Taichi’s hand. He warns him that his careless attitude makes him want to kiss him. Then he says it’s a joke and goes inside.

Taichi, it’s not a joke.

Maybe Taichi knows because he lies in bed and remembers the kiss. Kouhei promises he won’t do it again, or anything Taichi doesn’t like. Taichi asks what he’d do if he weren’t unwilling, but Kouhei doesn’t hear and Taichi won’t repeat. 

Back at school, Taichi trains to be a good note-taker. Kouhei worries it’s too much but Taichi is determined. It pays off because instead of staring off in class, Kouhei looks at Taichi’s notes and smiles. Time passes, and we see Christmas and they go to the temple for New Year’s. Then it’s spring, and they’ve known each other for a year.

The clubs are out trying to get new members when someone bumps into Taichi and loses their disabled ID card. Taichi chases after them and it’s someone named Maya. She’s friends with Kouhei and knows about Taichi!

We’ve hit the midpoint and things have made a major shift

Kouhei has confessed to Taichi and even though they both seem like they’re letting it go, the “jokes” and things they won’t repeat prove that they’re both thinking about it. Neither is ready to do anything yet. I think Kouhei is too afraid of losing Taichi and Taichi is too confused about his feelings.

But Kouhei is no longer trying to push Taichi away. They’re also growing as individuals, supported by their relationship. Taichi is approaching note-taking, school, and his future more seriously. Kouhei has started to learn sign language.

So of course, someone has appeared to throw off this new equilibrium. Hi Maya. I’m not the biggest fan of a third person entering the scene to cause problems, but something needs to happen to change things up. Maya, we’re counting on you to do it without being too annoying!