Jack & Joker – Episode 3-4 – Recap and Review

When last we left our thief and debt collector, the thief learned the debt collector still had a heart of gold and resolved to rescue him.

A rescue that involves stealing from Evil Boss’ son!

Joker is in disguise doing make-up on the son, Aran. Also, Joker’s long-haired wig is better than Jack’s in the first episode. Aran’s sponsors cancel on him for this show thing he’s doing. This must be Joker’s fault because he convinces Aran to use the jewelry pawned to his father instead. Then he gets Aran’s regular make-up artist drunk and steals a purse.

Tattoo wires the purse to electrocute people and they beat up a model. Joker replaces the model, while Tattoo and Hoi are dressed to blend in with the other workers. Joker tells them not to steal anything except the pawned items. Like. That heirloom necklace Aran wears.

Meanwhile, Jack is still getting rejected for loans through banks. Then he’s told to help Aran. Unsurprisingly, he’s guarding Joker who will be wearing his parents’ ring as part of the show.

Aran’s show is the silliest thing ever

Joker is made up like a super saiyan and wearing space glasses, so Jack can’t recognize him. Hope, another bodyguard, teases Jack for not taking the ring and running. Suddenly everyone has digestive issues. It’s part of the plan but I don’t understand why.

Joker switches the real ring for the fake one while on the runway. Jack nearly catches him, but Hoi electrocutes Aran’s assistant with the purse and disrupts the show. 

The models return the jewelry and Hoi quickly switches it with fakes. Now Jack realizes the ring is fake. Joker goes running.

Tattoo steals the necklace from Aran and runs. He runs into Joker and claims he has the necklace, so everyone goes after Joker. Aran discovers that the other jewelry was also stolen.

And we catch up to the first episode!

Jack catches Joker alone. Even though Joker can fight now, Jack gets his ring back. Joker explains this is to free Jack and has no idea what’s going on with the necklace. Joker wants Jack to have the ring, yet they keep fighting for it. Before the other henchmen show up, Jack hands it to him and tells him to run.

Tattoo and Hoi pawn the necklace for money the pawnshop owner has sitting in a drawer. Joker waits for them outside and is pissed. Tattoo wants to give him a share and says he has no choice. He needs the money to escape and protect his mom. Joker forgives Tattoo and refuses the money. 

Alone at his new home, Joker scrolls social media to see his family looking happy without him. He looks at the ring, remembers Jack, and seems happy. 

Oh no, it’s a precocious child

Toi Ting is the daughter of a debtor Jack should stop helping. Even Toi Ting thinks her father doesn’t deserve help. She’s not bad as precocious children go and acts as a lookout for Jack.

Jack, Hoi, and Tattoo have returned all the debtor’s jewelry except Jack’s ring. Joker wants to give it to Jack’s Grandma, so he finds her selling chive dumplings. He doesn’t return the ring, but thwarts scammers targeting her. 

Grandma figures Joker is connected to Jack, takes him home, and feeds him. Jack’s parents died by suicide because they thought he’d get insurance money to pay their debts. It didn’t work.

Jack gets home and thinks Joker is hurting Grandma, but Joker is just massaging someone again. Grandma ships them so Jack drags Joker outside to talk. They argue about the ring, landing on a confusing agreement. I think Jack agrees to spend two days thinking about it, and Joker will leave him alone after he decides?

Jack warns Joker that Evil Boss is looking for Hoi and Tattoo so Joker needs a new place to crash. Like. Jack’s place. Jack is a sucker. Grandma and Toi Ting work together to hide Joker from Evil Boss’s people.

Hoi and Tattoo easily get caught because they’re dumb

Evil Boss’s people think Tattoo stashed the necklace at a shrine with his mom. His mom isn’t there, so they round up the workers and put handkerchiefs over their mouths. But the shrine has some kind of protectress named Ms Nang who gets rid of the henchmen.

Toi Ting calls Jack about a visitor and he rushes home for the second time, afraid for Joker’s safety. But it’s his old Taekwondo couch there to apologize. This man is more to blame for Jack’s situation than Joker. He apologizes for the past. Jack isn’t interested, though he is still too nice. Joker listens to the whole thing.

Hoi and Tattoo are being tickle-tortured. Seriously. Anyway, Aran uses a knife to make them reveal the necklace is at a pawnshop. Aran wants them to rob it back and finds Joker’s info on Tattoo’s phone.

I think it’s still all the same day

This show has the opposite of Kidnap’s super short days

Jack comes home to find Joker has cleaned and repaired anything he could. Grandma thinks about Jack’s parents, and how people do foolish things to make the people they love happy. This is a great description of Joker.

Jack goes to a sleeping Joker, who sleep-grabs him and babbles nonsense. Jack slips the ring into Joker’s pocket. He thanks him for everything and pulls the blanket over him. Awww.

Hope finds out Joker was spotted at Jack’s. Jack won’t let him in, but Grandma does. Joker is gone and Jack is visibly relieved. After they leave, Grandma tells Jack that Joker told her everything. She thinks he did the right thing about the ring. Jack wanted to keep it at first, but it being stolen made it feel like it wasn’t his anymore. 

Grandma points out that Joker is young and wonders if Jack really won’t forgive him. Joker left Jack a letter of apology, saying Jack’s goodness changed him.

Joker is standing outside the building where Hoi and Tattoo are being held. He pulls out his cell phone and tells someone he’s here. 

Please don’t change too much Joker

Joker turning over a new leaf is a great shift for the story now that we’re a quarter of the way in. But I love mischievous, naughty Joker and don’t want him to become serious and straight-laced like Jack. On the other hand, he has a very low opinion of himself and thinks he’s only good at stealing. I want to see Joker get true self-confidence. And love. True love. 

I guess that’s going to start with rescuing Hoi and Tattoo. Even though they are idiots.

I’m not interested in serious, stressful crime but the show goes a little far in places. The tickle torture for one. I have no idea how I’m supposed to view Hope. Violent yes-man or sweet lover of another bodyguard who likes porn? I’m confused about what returning the jewelry did for anyone. Maybe none of this matters?

Both Tattoo and Jack talked about having no choice. They all live in a poor area where there seems to be no escape. I think the end goal is Jack’s school giving the whole area hope. And a reformed Joker will help make it happen. I want to see it.

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