TL;DR Version:
Nekoyashiki struggles with his next book while Issay deals with the pressures of being an idol. Nekoyashiki finds inspiration in hearing an interview with Issay, while Issay tells a group member that Nekoyashiki has been his inspiration. Nekoyashiki realizes Issay’s schedule means they won’t meet up again, but a flash forward reveals that they very much will meet up again.
Nekoyashiki is still flailing around in bed since the end of last episode, flustered by everything that happened and saying he wants to be a fan but not actually know Issay.
There’s a flashback to high school, where Nekoyashiki’s work is admired by Issay, who feels he has no talents. Nekoyashiki tells him he should be an idol.
Present day bed-flail Nekoyashiki can’t believe he inspired Issay, and he won’t let himself be happy about it. But he also seems to regret being mean to Issay, and is talking to his closet.
Meanwhile, Issay continues to annoy the angry idol, whose name is Tsubasa, with apparently subpar dance work. Issay responds with his usual positivity. The conflict is put on hold when they learn from their manager they’re getting a national tour. Tsubasa uses this as fodder for pushing them all harder to do better. The manager says no scandals.
Which is a perfect lead in to the next moment where we see men with cameras taking pictures of the idols as they leave the building. They want scandals of course, and their current target is Issay.
Nekoyashiki is finally out of bed and struggling with writer’s block. He says goodbye to his Issay merch and heads to the Tokyo Comic School. There gets shoved against a window and called “gay” by a homophobic blowhard. Nekoyashiki doesn’t have to defend himself though, because his assistant is there and she slaps the guy and demands an apology. Nekoyashiki flees rather than wait to hear it, but not before demonstrating that he at least has a superiority complex sometimes and telling the other students off.
His assistant thought that was super cool so she’s super disappointed that he actually has nothing down on the page. They have a really fun conversation over what he should draw next, with her encouraging him strongly to make more buff gay erotica. She’s awesome, and he feels good having her on his side.
Apparently, however, his authoring that work is a secret.
He stops his work to listen to Issay on the radio, and Issay’s comments on loving those who pursue their passions seems to send him into a creative frenzy. He’s still riding high the next day and able to ignore the rude classmates snarky remarks.
The idol group is excited over their next appearance but Tsubasa continues to be a killjoy and Issay looks down. When questioned by one of the friendly idols though, Issay is bummed he can’t go to Nekoyashiki’s next big event. He basically says everything he does, he does it for Nekoyashiki. The other idol looks understandably taken aback.
There’s a bit of a “training” style montage with Nekoyashiki making his comic and Issay working on his dancing. It ends on Nekoyashiki collapsing at his desk while getting the results for the next show.
Since he looks like death the next day his assistant is worried he got rejected, from the show or the wall. It’s neither, he has to sit next to the annoying guy who tried to invite him to a group thing at the last show.
As he’s getting ready, he learns about Shiny Smile’s next appearance and that it means Issay won’t be able to come see him again. He tells himself it’s for the best in an unconvincing tone.
Cut to, Issay showing up at the comic convention with a very large bouquet of flowers for Nekoyashiki who is wondering – How did this happen?
After the series of interactions in the last episode we didn’t get one until the very, very end of this one. I think that worked great pacing wise though, taking this step back allowed us to see how intertwined their lives are even when apart. Nekoyashiki still talked to his Issay memorabilia like it was the real person and more and more it’s apparent that Issay’s similarly obsessed.
Sometimes BL shows depict homophobia and sometimes they don’t. The last time I remember seeing it was in Kieta Hatsukoi/My Love Mix-Up, where it was a teaching moment for a character. I think there are reasons to show it and reasons not to show it, but considering Nekoyashiki’s emotional issues and art style it makes sense he’s come up against it. Plus, I have a feeling it will tie into the men with cameras and scandal that feels almost certain to happen.
The assistant is great and keeps Nekoyashiki from being a pathetic character. He clearly loves, appreciates, and values her. This show is so short, both in episode number and length, that I’m guessing she won’t get to do much more than support him. Still, she’s positive and upbeat and brave and I like her a lot.