Kidnap – Episode 1-2 – Recap and Review

The show gets 100 points for not starting with a flashforward, instead, we get a fake-out. What appears to be a kidnapping is a movie being filmed. Our lead, Min, is a stuntman. 

Min has money troubles, a good heart, and questionable friends

On his way out Min grabs free food from craft services. A friend, James, offers him a better-paying job with real guns. He passes on that but is interested in another stuntman job.

Min needs money because his younger brother, Mhen, just had his pacemaker replaced at a nice hospital. Min brings him the food and insists on paying a friend who has been helping out. 

Men wait outside his home, demanding to know when his house will be sold so he can repay his debts. Since his house isn’t sold yet, they take the money from his pockets. 

Min destroys Q’s Sweater

Their meet-cute is a re-enactment of the classic Weezer song, except they nearly get into a fistfight over it. Min goes to his audition but doesn’t get the part. He’s finally desperate enough to ask James about the job with real guns.

Meanwhile, Q returns to his palatial home to criminals trying to bribe his policeman father. The criminals give Q a long stare on their way out. Q worries about his Dad, but his dad doesn’t seem worried about him.

Min gets a tour of the Bad Guy’s Place

James leads Min to a secret area inside an Evil-looking Chinese restaurant. One of the men at Q’s father’s place earlier, Suea, gives them both a scary stare. James gets him out of there fast and gets their real guns. 

Min finally asks what the job is about, and James explains that it is a kidnapping and shows him a picture on his phone. It’s Q. Min wants to know why Q and James says it’s a rich people thing. They follow Q around a mall, but Min follows him alone into a guitar store for a Bad Buddy flashback

Min is so moved by Q strumming a guitar that he no longer wants to kidnap him. James reminds him of his desperate situation.

Q’s day ends with solo drinking. He drunkenly buys flowers from a kid and hands them to the other bar patrons. Min forgets the kidnapping and focuses on saving drunk Q from himself, catching him before he falls. They stare into each other’s eyes.

Min drops him and hides his face (too late). Drunk Q offers him a flower. James knocks Q out.

Min is handed a gun and left to watch Q

Q is tied to a chair with a hood over his head, but crashes into Min and shakes off the hood. He yells some threats and Min points the gun at him.

Suddenly it’s morning and James isn’t back. Q offers Min money and tries to escape again.

James calls Min and casually tells him to shoot Q for more money. Q yells in terror as Min aims the gun and shoots. Next, we see Min with his hand over Q’s mouth, telling James it’s done and to transfer the money.

This isn’t the first time something traumatic has happened to Q

Q remembers running and calling his Dad as a kid. He hyperventilates with Min’s hand over his mouth. Min tells Q he needs to stay out of sight because someone wants him dead.

At Min’s place, Q runs as soon as he’s untied. Min chases him down and kicks Q’s phone into a drain grate. Min ties Q up again and calms him down enough for a “proof of death” picture.

Q’s hands are tied for dinner, so Min feeds him and explains a questionable plan. Q can’t reveal he’s still alive until Min gets paid so he can use the money for his debt. Q agrees to go along with things if he can learn who is trying to kill him.

There’s more messing with Q’s bondage at night before they go to bed with wrists tied together. Q has a nightmare about running and calls for his dad. Min comforts him until he calms down. When Q opens his eyes he has no idea what happened. 

We’re not done tying and untying Q

Q has a sleeping walking discorder. Min trusts Q enough to untie him but puts a lock on the bedroom door before going downstairs. There he gets a call from someone demanding money. He promises to have it in two days. 

The next day Min lays on the couch, ignoring Q yelling to be let out. Then he gets a text that Mhen is nearly home. Min rushes upstairs and demands Q stay hidden somehow. But Q has figured out that Min is more likely to take care of him than kill him. 

They end up wrestling in a weird slow-motion loop, which is when Mhen appears and gets the wrong idea. Mhen thinks Q is Min’s type, and why Min forgot to pick him up. Q looks deeply confused but agrees to the story that he’s a stuntman rehearsing with Min.

Later, Min gets a call from Sir Mhoo that seems ominous, but we don’t know what it’s about.

It’s night again, time moves weird here

Q learns about Mhen’s recent surgery from Mhen and Min. When it’s just the two of them, Q confirms the money is all about Mhen’s medical issues.

They get in bed, fight over covers, and flirt before going to sleep. Q sleepwalks, leading to another long night for Min. Min reads up on the disorder and sleepwalker proofs the room. Finally, he ties their wrists together, holds his hand, and they sleep. 

In the morning, Min leaves and Q learns from Mhen that their parents are dead. 

Meanwhile, Min gets the money and pays the debt. James calls Min to warn him to burn all the evidence because Q’s dad is a famous policeman. Min calls Mhen and learns Q left.

It’s night. Again. Q’s gone home because he saw news that his father was ambushed. He asks his dad to stop investigating and implies his dad’s job led to his mother’s death. He asks his dad if he knows where he’s been for the last 3 days before stomping out.

Min has been looking everywhere for Q, but finds him at home. Q asks if he can hire Min to ransom him to his dad, and keep all the money.

A clunky production with my kind of tropes

Besides the extremely short days, the editing is funky and the pacing feels off in places.

I can live with it because I want to see sad Q find love. His face when he watched the brothers was both confused and longing. It made his difficulties with his dad more heartbreaking. It’s interesting that his father is a policeman and while Min is clearly a good guy, he’s getting involved with some bad people. And now Q wants him to do something else illegal.

I’m curious how Min will get out of this without ending up in jail. I don’t want him in jail, I want him feeding Q by hand.

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