When last we left our kidnapper and kidnapped, our kidnapped was trying to help his kidnapper get through some issues.

Now it’s Min’s turn to help Q
Min urges Q to give his dad a chance. Q resists but pulls over while driving to brood and send his father a text. Unfortunately, the bad guys anticipate this and smash his window.
Q’s Dad is temporarily suspended for talking to Yada, while Yada lies about a medical issue. Some crooked cops show Q’s Dad that his son has been kidnapped. For real.
Min is worried so he goes to Q’s place, but only finds Suea. Min thinks James will know where Q and his dad are because why not? And he’s not wrong.
In a warehouse, Yada’s guys knock Q out. When he wakes up, he uses a technique Min taught him to get free. He’s sneaking out when his Dad grabs him!

It’s time for a very special moment
Q’s dad finally notices Q has PTSD. He apologizes and explains he thought he was doing the right thing. Q is crying, happy for the apology but afraid his Dad will get hurt now.
And since they’re talking and not escaping, they get caught. Yada says nonsense about her business being like her child and they need to decide who dies first.
Min interrupts on a motorcycle. Q’s Dad gets the gun and Min gets Q away. Q doesn’t want to leave his Dad behind, which is wise because his dad immediately loses the gun. They go back and James and Suea arrive. It ends with Min grabbing Yada’s gun and pointing it at himself before it goes off.
Min tells Q he’s okay, it’s just a graze. We get a terrible camera angle on Q but they’re sweet.
Everyone’s back at the hospital including Jeen! Q’s Dad kicks them out to thank Min. Min knows he’s made mistakes, like kidnapping Q that time, but he plans to atone.
Later, Min acts like he wants to get laid in the hospital bed but this is in character.

Yada gets shot in the head by Some Guy
This is after she’s out of jail despite nearly killing Q and his Dad and shooting Min. Whatever. It’s over.
Everyone goes back to Chonburi. Q is eager to cook for the brothers, but ruins boiled eggs and hurts himself. In bed, Q asks if he hasn’t made life harder for Min. Min says his life has always been hard, but Q being there makes him happy. Awww.
And horny. Min is always horny. But Q is ready for bed. Except he leaves bed to have a panic attack alone. Min comes out and Q admits he’s afraid of having nightmares and hurting Min. He feels like he can’t help take care of Min.
Min tells Q to help by being okay and smiling. Kissing! It’s so sweet, Min is very soft here.

Two Weeks Later
Q goes to therapy. Wow. Q tells his therapist that Mhen got sick and needed his heart replaced. The surgery went great and now Mhen can live a normal life. Mhen wants Min to lead a normal life too.
And so does Q. We see that even when sleeping in the hospital with Mhen, Min tied himself and Q together. Q wants to work on his nightmares and literally free Min from bondage.
Mhen comes home from the hospital and Jeen is there because Jeen. Jeen and Mhen leave for dinner with her parents, and Q and Min go to the old place. Which got sold to Q’s Dad and that’s how he had money for things.
Q is getting the house from his Dad and wants to move back there with Min and Mhen. Mhen will be near Jeen. Q will be near his studio. And Min can get back to acting. It’s all very convenient.
Q says he can’t break up with him because it’s his house. Min says he wouldn’t break up with him. Awww.

It’s time for High School uniforms
Because James has them doing low-paid acting in a field. Min talks about if they’d met when young. Q feels it would have been unlikely, except his Mom took him to a fireworks festival in Chonburi every year. But he won’t go anymore because fireworks sound like bullets.
Next, Q gets to run through a cornfield like in his nightmares. He says he can do it but then panics and thinks he’s alone. Min and James show up and calm him down. Q hoped to be better but it’s going to take more time.
James has a lead on a role Min can try for. With Q’s encouragement, he auditions. The director is the one Mhen yelled at, but he’s willing to give Min another chance.
For his reward, he takes Q to the fireworks and kisses him as they listen to the fireworks, which is a sweet distraction. They talk about how happy they’ve made each other and say they love each other. Kissing! Sex!

4 months later!
Q is done with therapy! That’s fast but okay. He tells his therapist that Mhen is living his normal life. James is James. Suea has resigned to go live his normal life. And Min is on a movie poster as a side character.
They all go to see the movie. Min still covers Q’s ears before loud gunshots. But Q thinks about the fireworks and Min telling him he loves him and feels better.
Q VOs that he’s not completely healed, he sleepwalks less and still has nightmares, but knows they can’t hurt him. They go to sleep and cuddle without being tied together. When he has the nightmare, Q appears in the cornfield and takes his hand. The light in his face turns to daylight.
They wake up snuggled, and Q tells Min he dreamt about him and it was an amazing dream. Bed kissing!

Min and Q’s emotional journey was my favorite part of this show
Not the crime plot and it’s anti-climax. It was tied to the set-up, Min’s money problems, and brief criminal activity, but it didn’t come together into anything interesting. The gunfight existed so Q’s Dad could redeem himself dramatically. Kinda. Really it just got them caught and Min saved them.
Yada did what she wanted when she wanted without real consequences until someone shot her in the head. I’m not sure what to take from that. Nothing she did was fun or interesting. It only created temporary roadblocks for our characters with no deeper meaning for the story.
So let’s forget that and talk about Min and Q’s clunky but meaningful character arcs.
I’m a sucker for “love heals all” but the truth is that therapy helps. Min’s kisses were an important part of Q’s healing, but not everything. Some shows want us to believe everything is fine after a big crisis, I liked that this one showed Q doing the work to heal.
Min has gone from a desperate guy in poverty living for his brother to someone with his own life. I like how Q helped him work on his acting, gave him a house, and the push he needed.
Love should inspire and support people, it’s lovely to see.
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