Kidnap – Episode 5-6 – Recap and Review

When last we left our kidnapper and kidnapped, our kidnapped grew closer to his kidnapper (and his family), both unaware of who his kidnapper works for now.

Min realizes he’s made a terrible mistake

After their death/kiss scene, Q says it’s ridiculous anyone would die in someone else’s place. Please don’t be foreshadowing. They fight over Min’s bad acting before Min leaves for work.

Mhen gets in on tying Q up and quizzes him about his relationship with Min. What does Mhen think is going on? Q just lives with them and sleeps in Min’s bed?

They notice Min forgot his work keycard, so Q grabs it to take to him.

At work, Min’s evil boss Yada talks openly about EVIDENCE and Q’s dad. Putting together the dots, he tries to quit. But this isn’t a job you quit. He then tries to keep Q from bringing the keycard, but Q sees Suea and follows him.

Unfortunately, Yada spots Q wandering the casino at the same time as Min. He can’t do anything as she takes Q away to threaten him into helping her. Q asks about Min, who Yada calls her favorite. Then there are gunshots and the lights go out. Everyone panics, Q most of all, until Min rescues him.

If you can’t trust your kidnapper, who can you trust?

Q makes Min pull over on the way home to demand answers. Min explains what’s been going on, and to be fair, since that initial kidnapping he’s done nothing but protect him. Q still doesn’t feel like trusting him. 

At home, Min lies to Mhen about his injuries. Yeah, he’s not totally trustworthy. Q asks Mhen about his brother. Mhen compares Min to the main character in the script Min’s reading, Jack, who protects others but gets hurt himself. That sounds like Jack.

The guy who paid Min to kill Q died in an “accident” getting EVIDENCE to Q’s dad. Suea, who is a police informant, gets him the evidence instead. Suea also shot the electric box earlier.

Min gets the couch for the night

But Q still has nightmares. In them, he finds his mom dead. He wakes up alone, sweaty, and panicking. He remembers Min comforting him and leaves the bedroom.

Min is waiting outside. Hug time!

Q wants to know why Min is helping him. Min says he hates seeing Q cry or be hurt, he can’t explain his feelings but he can be trusted. It’s a confession that only lacks the confession. Q asks him to promise not to let go of his hands. More hugging!

Imagining Q as his female lead at work, Min impresses people with his acting. He goes home and has some unhealthy post-workout PPL. He promises to keep Q safe.

Q catches James lurking in the plants. James has a fetish for lurking around Min’s. He tells them about the guy who hired them being dead. Q can’t and doesn’t want to call his dad. Min decides to take him on set to lift his mood.

Is being zombies extras together a new BL trope?

This is the second time. After, Min romantically promises to keep Q from becoming a zombie. But he wants Q to run if he becomes a zombie. I don’t think this is foreshadowing.

Min made a keychain that says “LOVE” where the “O” is a “Q”. He wants to give it to Q, but keeps getting discouraged. First when Q doesn’t remember asking Min to promise to keep holding his hands. Second, when he sees someone getting handsy with Q.

Q finds him and confesses he remembers asking for that promise. Min worries that Q is uncomfortable because he knows Min likes him, but Q says that’s not the issue. Min finally hands over the keychain. Q knows Min isn’t complicated, and he likes it. Q is complicated and wants Min to hold onto the keychain until he understands his feelings.

Min promises to wait but wants to keep caring for him. More nighttime cuddles!

Yada learns Min rescued and goes after them

There are too many bodyguards, Min is restrained and beaten. Q yells for it to stop and asks Yada to say what she wants.

She offers the same, non-specific details as before, and steps on Min with her stilettos. Q doesn’t have much choice but while the editing gets frantic – his Dad shows up! He warns her that her place is about to be searched. He doesn’t seem to care about her people beating the crap out of Min.

After she leaves, Q, Min, Mhen, and Jeen (when did she show up?) sit together. Mhen is horrified by what his brother has been doing to take care of him. Min promises not to do it again.

Q’s Dad is hanging out and wants to talk to Min. He apologizes for the trouble Q caused and calls his son emotional and dramatic. Poor Q is listening. His dad is taking Q away and offers Min money. 

Q doesn’t hear Min’s answer, and neither do we

Q assumes he took the money. He’s apologetic, not angry, because he’s bad luck and those around him get hurt. He explains the panic attacks are from when he was kidnapped once before with his mom. She freed them and told him to run, but he heard a gunshot and went back to find her dead.

Q cries, someday he’ll get shot dead and doesn’t want it to happen to anyone else, so he has to be alone. He’s not happy this way but feels he has no choice.

Min didn’t take the money. The more he learns about Q the more he wants to care for him. To share more of himself with Min, Q takes him to his work. He’s a music producer, a job he likes because it’s behind the scenes. When he hung out at malls he watched people listen to his music without knowing he was behind it.

After Q serenades Min, he asks for the keychain. Q says he likes him too and goes for the kiss. Min is ready to take off all his clothes at Q’s place of work, but Q makes him put his clothes on and shares a song with him.

This is not the tightest writing

The confrontation with Yada at Min’s place felt unresolved and awkward. Is Mhen satisfied with Min’s apology? How did Min leave things with Q’s dad? Yada called Min her favorite earlier, was that just to upset Q? She barely knows Min. Maybe some of these questions will be answered next episode. 

I guess I don’t need to worry about Min’s work anymore, I think he’s fired now. The romance is moving quickly. I buy Min as uncomplicated and straightforward and I like them together, but his confession felt rushed. We’ve seen Min take care of Q, but I feel like I’ve missed the moment he falls for him. Or maybe Min just loves taking care of him.

We’ve hit the midpoint and there’s a lot out in the open, everything from Q’s feelings to Suea’s status as an informant to Q’s real job. I’m not sure where we’re going next, but I’m curious if we got the full story behind that kidnapping where Q’s mother died. I’m hoping there’s more.