When last we left our hapless housemates, they were doing very poorly at helping Almond get his crush. In these episodes, they don’t do any better.

They can’t do much when Jumper isn’t even around
First, our cold open: The guys lay the living room in towels and nothing else.
Back to where we left off, Almond is half under Latte’s sheets looking for a birthmark “down there”. He can’t get a good look before Latte wakes up, but doesn’t get caught.
At school, Almond has to take notes for an absent Jumper so he concludes Latte is bad luck. Lukpeach and Latte have plans to go “shopping”, but they won’t let Almond join. He follows them to a sex shop. Immediately, he imagines them in bed discussing purchases. He tries to convince himself to leave but keeps watching until he screams, and runs off. Almond is the most adorable.

What about our domestic pair?
Peak comes home to work and surprises Thanwa, who is singing in a towel. Thanwa seems more embarrassed about the singing than the nudity. As these things happen, Thanwa falls over the couch and into Peak’s lap. Points for keeping the towel on!
Later, Thanwa and Peak share lunch. Peak stops wolfing down his food to watch Thanwa have a sensual experience with a piece of meat. Thanwa wants to be a restaurant reviewer, and the show tortures us with images of delicious food as he rhapsodizes about eating.
Peak is impressed, grabbing Thanwa’s hand and praising him. Thanwa pulls away and mentions he thinks what Peak does is impressive too. Peak feels that what he does can be taught, but Thanwa will teach Peak to appreciate food. In return, Peak will help Thanwa with his resume. They’re a dream team. It’s funny how the guys not in school are tutoring each other.

Remember Jumper? It’s time to ambush him at the spa!
Latte and Almond arrive first, finding Jumper in the locker room. Latte fakes stomach issues to give Almond alone time with Jumper. Then Almond fakes stomach issues because he’s nervous about being alone with Jumper. Latte takes the panicking Almond through breathing exercises but seems distracted by how adorable Almond can be. Right?
Back in the locker room, they run into Peak and Thanwa, and now everyone knows everyone has been lying. They also all lose sight of their goal. Peak and Thanwa keep Jumper away from Almond to take him to the sauna to interrogate him in a room full of sweaty men. They also make eyes at each other.
Jumper heads home. Peak and Thanwa gloat at Latte about getting time with Jumper. No one is paying attention to Almond, who faints, taking Latte’s towel down with him.
By the time Almond is half-conscious, the locker staff has left. This is how they ended up at home wearing only towels. I wonder how they got home though.
Thanwa asks Almond if he’s okay because Thanwa is the caretaker. Almond VOs that he tried to get a look at Latte’s “lower parts” but passed out. Thanwa flashbacks that he saw Jumper getting on a scooter with someone else.

More on Jumper later, first, our older pair!
Episode four’s cold open is a very drunk Jumper bringing his face close to a very drunk Almond. Latte does not look happy.
In the present, Thanwa does dishes, Peak works, and Latte and Almond are off to school. They’re an adorable family. On his way out, Latte gets close to Peak to grab his phone. Then he teases him about expecting a kiss.
Peak still wants to know who he kissed that first night but can’t ask outright. He asks Thanwa if he saw him on the couch with anyone. Thanwa avoids answering and takes Peak to his crispy pork restaurant.
Peak is fussy and judgemental. Thanwa explains that his love of crispy pork is tied to his grandmother’s cooking. Then he feeds Peak a piece, and Peak looks like he gets it.
Later, Thanwa meets with a work contact about jobs. While chatting, Thanwa has a flashback to Peak helping with his resume. It’s your typical, romantic resume moment, their hands together on the mouse as they change the layout.
Thanwa feels that Peak is rough when he eats, but gentle with this. Peak says he’s gentle with things he likes. Oh my.

Our school throuple works through their issues
At lunch, Lukpeach accidentally pulls a vibrator instead of a fan out of her purse. Latte scolds Lukpeach and waves it around. Lukpeach thanks him for helping with it. Almond chokes on his drink. Latte realizes everyone is looking at him and pretends it’s a backscratcher. Smooth.
Latte and Lukpeach have another secret afternoon activity. Almond bribes Lukpeach to share the location and finds them leading a sex education class. Latte is distracted when he sees Almond spying but recovers. When he’s done, Almond gives him the thumbs up. So. Cute.
Afterward, Almond worries that he’s a third wheel. Latte explains he was too embarrassed to tell him. Almond wants to join the class but when Latte is quiet he worries again about being a third wheel. Latte reassures him firmly, then teases that he’s not sure about the future. Almond pouts and Latte urges him to join them. Too. Cute.

Oh right, Jumper
They get him, his friend Shawn, and Lukpeach to their place for a party. After some drinking, we get our cold open Jumper-Almond stares. Then, Thanwa and Peak conspire to get Jumpuer in the closet with Almond for seven minutes of heaven. Latte deliberately thwarts this by “accidentally” pouring beer on Jumper. Instead, Thanwa and Peak end up in the closet.
Almond takes Jumper inside to get cleaned up, but their drunken struggles attract Latte. Things get gross and strange and not at all sexy. I don’t feel like going into detail. You can watch the show.
Meanwhile, no one is keeping track of time for the two in the closet. Peak finally asks if he kissed Thanwa on the couch that night. Thanwa asks if he wants to try kissing him to see. He does and remembers the drunken-sleepy-make-out. Mystery solved!
Peak apologizes for kissing without asking. Thanwa is glad for it but doesn’t want him to worry. Peak asks to kiss him and is given permission, but falls asleep. Thanwa is charmed. They are stupid and sweet.
The next morning the door opens, and Peak and Thanwa fall out of the closet at Jane’s feet.

I really like these guys
They’re petty, so of course I like them. They also have good hearts. I like that Peak apologized for kissing Thanwa without his permission. I like that outgoing Latte is shy around Almond. They also washed Jumper’s clothes for him after all the gross. These are good people.
Latte seems to have fallen for Almond and is done helping with the Jumper situation. I’m not entirely sure he’s aware of his feelings. Almond is more comfortable around Latte than Jumper but is still hung up on his crush. Thanwa likes Peak and I think he knows it, but Peak can’t be straightforward unless he’s drunk. So there’s plenty of room for them to grow over the remaining episodes.
And I love that this show is so open and non-judgemental about sex. It’s refreshing.