Knock Knock, Boys! – Episode 5-6 – Recap and Review

When last we left our hapless housemates, they managed to get Jumper to a party for Almond, but after that things went… gross. Then Jane showed up again. 

How is everyone post-party?

First, we have the cold open where Almond is on the couch sobbing. Latte makes a bad joke, Thanwa rubs his shoulder, and who knows what Peak is doing. 

Then, Latte and Almond’s phones blow up with video of Jumper making out with another man in the shower at school.

Back to post-party time. Latte and Almond wake up on the couch together. This couch gets a lot of action. Romantic tension is diffused by wrestling over Jumper’s clothes ending in a fall-kiss. When they look up, Latte’s nose is bleeding and Jane’s there.

Thanwa and Peak roll out of the closet. Peak and Jane are engaged but everything else is unclear. Jane has tracked Peak down so he “deals with things” and “solves the problem”. It feels like Jane won’t out Peak, but needs him to deal with his family.

Since he hasn’t, poor Jane is stuck handling Peak’s relatives. When he says he won’t “deal with things”, Jane decides she’s moving in. We then get a confusing montage of Jane haunting Peak around the house. It feels like it’s happening over several days, but then it also feels like the next scene is the following morning.

The morning routine, now with added Jane

Thanwa and Peak argue about the dishes. Jane goes to shower. Almond is lying to his mom. Latte’s alarm goes off. Almond worries Latte is his bad luck again and goes for another look at his “dragon” again. Latte catches him, and Almond smirks as he leaves.

Peak, Jane, and Thanwa are having an awkward breakfast so the other guys nope out. Jane seems unbothered when she realizes Thanwa and Peak have chemistry. She also realizes Thanwa is the most dependable person in the house—good on you Jane.

Peak isn’t the only one with baggage

Thanwa meets up with his ex, Max, who has realized his mistake and wants to be together again. We don’t know what the mistake is and Thanwa doesn’t want to be together with him again.

That night, Thanwa finds Peak on the couch and invites him to stay in his room. It’s a trap so that Thanwa can ask about Jane. Peak won’t be anything but cryptic and Thanwa turns his back on him. Peak stares at his back.

The next morning, Thanwa falls across Peak on the bed while reaching for something. Landing on each other is their love language.

Almond’s Awakening

After looking at Latte under the covers, Almond is preoccupied. At the Sex Education class, he stares at the toys. Later, Almond lies to Latte and goes to the sex shop alone. He hides his purchase from Latte when he gets home. Somehow he makes it adorable as he experiments with it.

It’s worth noting, that his toy is designed for female anatomy and Vaseline is not a good idea for anyone. 

Latte should tell him, but he just interrupts, teases, and leaves. 

The next day, Almond goes to return Jumper’s clothing but sees him making out in the shower. He pulls out his phone. The next thing we see is Latte giving him a piggyback home. On the couch, Almond explains what he saw.

Latte asks if Almond filmed the clip, Peak grabs him and Almond looks hurt.

The cold open for the next episode is Thanwa agreeing to give his ex another chance. No Thanwa, no! Now to go back in time.

The morning routine is ruined

Thanwa, Peak, and Jane eat together. Almond leaves alone. Latte runs after him. 

Latte tries to apologize but Almond won’t listen. Latte’s not the only one who thinks Almond took the video, Jumper punches first and doesn’t ask questions. Almond denies it, but Jumper is upset. Later, he gets kicked off the football team.

Everyone at school thinks Almond filmed them. Lukpeach yells at them while Latte finds Almond sitting in the bathroom. Ew. Latte sits near him. He believes Almond and comforts him. Poor Almond is crying. Latte takes his hand. It would be sweeter if they weren’t on the bathroom floor.

Peak, Thanwa, Jane, and Max

Thanwa and Max meet and we learn Max’s “mistake” is gambling. It’s a mistake he’s repeated before but swears he’s done. He offers to help Thanwa with his money issues. Thanwa doesn’t like this and leaves.

Thanwa shows up at the supermarket where Jane and Peak are shopping. Jane is trying to convince Peak to do something, anything. She talks to him about his family, then she brings up Thanwa, then she sees Thanwa and decides its destiny. She pushes Peak to talk to Thanwa about his feelings. It takes a lot of pushing.

Then Jane forcibly and repeatedly intercepts Max with her shopping cart. Jane is the MVP of this episode.

But despite her efforts, Peak fails at finding Thanwa and sharing his feelings. Peak is the worst.

Still, everyone is trying their hardest

At home, Jane helps Thanwa cook and drops hints about Peak. She hopes Thanwa will help Peak make a decision. Jane is being vague here, but I feel that she wants Peak to be happy, but needs him to resolve things one way or another.

The meal they’re making is one Peak loved as a kid, which she hopes inspires him to go home.

Meanwhile, Almond is still in a funk. Latte drags him to a karaoke place, kabadon’s him and carries him inside. Lukpeach is there, and together they cheer him up. Later, Latte gives him a little gift. My heart.

The next morning, Thanwa learns from Jane that Peak is a picky eater. But he remembers all the stuff Peak happily ate with him. Aww, their love language is falling on each other and food.

Later that night, Peak is out when we catch up to the cold open. Max shows up to beg Thanwa again. His persistent pressure is gross. But Thanwa thinks about Peak’s situation and agrees to date his ex again.

Then Peak appears, and Max says he and Peak got back together. Peak is polite but skips dinner. I don’t think this is what Jane wanted.

A few notes on the complicated relationships going on here

I find Jane to be an interesting character. She seems optimistic but pragmatic, and very patient with Peak. I’m curious if, once we finally get the details about Peak and his family, it’ll make sense why Peak is so avoidant and Jane putting up with it. Or will it stay vague and confusing to the end?

Poor Jumper. It’s interesting that such a silly show still hits painful realities like getting outed, which other shows avoid. But he shouldn’t have punched Almond.

Thanwa is also an interesting character. He’s such a caretaker but with a wicked smile and sensual attitude towards food. By agreeing to give Max a chance, I don’t think he’s sacrificing himself for Peak so much as trying to help as Jane asked. Peak won’t do anything, maybe that’ll push him. It’s only making things more of a mess, but I see what he’s trying to do.

We’re at the midpoint of the show and relationships are getting complicated. Not only that, instead of falling for him, Jumper hates Almond. I’m ready to see what’s next.