Knock Knock, Boys! – Episode 9-10 – Recap and Review

When last we left our hapless housemates, Peak and Thanwa were a disaster, and Latte and Almond were perfect. We’re in the last quarter of the show so it’s time to resolve some issues!

Because right now, their little family is a mess

Our cold open is Almond and Peak in a video game, trying to make up with Latte and Thanwa respectively. And failing. We know why Thanwa is angry, but Latte? What happened?

We return to the morning routine. Latte and Almond are fine. Thanwa is back but won’t feed Peak. Peak is starving and trying to apologize but he’s bad at anything requiring communication. Eventually, he sends egg tarts to Thanwa’s new job. This pleases Thanwa, but he’s not ready to forgive Peak yet.

But why is Latte angry?

At school, Latte knows about Almond and his bad luck Aries with the birthmark. I don’t know how he knows but he does. Lukpeach lectures the class on spreading misinformation and everyone apologizes to Jumper and Almond. It’s a nice fantasy.

After class, Latte takes Almond to the bathroom to prove he doesn’t have a birthmark “down there”. Almond has Latte move his junk around so he can inspect the whole area. These two are much closer after that trip. 

Latte doesn’t have the mark and at lunch, Almond learns that Jumper is the Aries with a birthmark. This makes sense. I like how Jumper, Shawn, and Lukpeach are all part of the group and not discarded side characters. 

Things escalate weirdly as Latte teases Almond and Almond calls him annoying. Latte gets upset and leaves, refusing to listen to Almond’s apology. That went from crotch inspection to argument super fast. I’m going to assume something got a little lost in translation.

Peak calls Latte for sympathy regarding his situation with Thanwa. Now is not a good time. Peak calls Almond next, but he’s in a similar predicament.

We’ve caught up to the cold open, how will Almond and Peak fix things?

Peak’s efforts have paid off enough that Thanwa tells him he still hasn’t forgiven him. So he’s talking to him. Peak calls his best-friend-fiance Jane for advice, and she points out that Thanwa is mad for a reason. Peak doesn’t know the reason but at least he knows he’s not smart.

Thanwa talks to his boss-friend, expressing his frustration that Peak doesn’t know what he did wrong. His boss-friend says that if reconciliation is important to him, he should tell Peak why he’s angry. Boss-friend is wise.

Almond and Latte’s fight is disrupting the college friend group. Lukpeach, truly the MVP of the show, gets them to act out a BL she’s writing. Their chemistry has everyone entranced, but the scene ends in more fighting. The friends won’t give up though, and the next scene leads to them apologizing and saying they love each other – in character.

Not done being awesome yet, the college crew push Latte and Almond to watch the sunset together. They apologize as themselves. Latte admits that he’s afraid of Almond loving and leaving him. He asks if he can believe in Almond’s love and — Almond kisses him. Then Almond promises to be with him for a long time. Awww. These two are squish.

Peak gets advice, dinner, a kiss, and disaster

Peak joins Lukpeach, Jumper, and Shawn. Probably still grateful for his help last episode, they help him understand that he was too harsh with Thanwa and feed him.

When our housemates get home, Thanwa is sitting outside. Peak apologizes, tearfully, for what he said. Thanwa apologizes for moving out and explains he couldn’t endure something unclear. Peak wants to make it clear. They kiss.

And right on cue, Peak’s dad shows up. 

Our cold open is Peak’s Dad and Almond’s mother getting into an argument. Peak interrupts to say he’ll go home.

Finally, finally, we’re almost dealing with Peak’s problem

Peak’s Dad either didn’t see the kiss or blocked it out of his mind because he’s demanding Peak come home and get married. Jane and Peak push Peak’s Dad into spending the night. Peak’s room looks like a real computer nerd’s room and Peak’s Dad makes them clean it for him. What a jerk.

Thanwa is being sweet and supportive. Peak explains that Jane is his best friend, and her family is indebted to his. She’s the only person he’d marry to make his dad happy but he doesn’t want to do that to Jane. His mom is dead, so she can’t help with the situation. Peak leans his head on Thanwa’s shoulder for comfort.

Meanwhile, Latte and Almond are cuddling. Latte feels guilty for being happy when Peak is miserable. He teases Almond about sex stuff and calls himself a professional, which is adorable. Almond’s experience with the toy did not go well (this is why you need a professional Almond) so he’s hesitant to do much. Also, Peak’s Dad is down the hall. No.

Peak continues to delay the inevitable

I wish I better understood what Peak thinks he’s accomplishing by putting off his father. But at least he explains why he’s putting it off. His dad was sad after his mom died and he doesn’t want him to be sad again. He wants him to smile.

Peak isn’t the only one delaying the inevitable because Almond’s mom is finally here. She wants to see where he’s staying. 

Almond and Latte do everything they can to prevent this, even enlisting Jumper and Shawn’s help, but it’s no good. It’s fate. He takes her to the share house, where she gets into the fight with Peak’s Dad. 

Peak leaves to face reality, Almond gives his mom a tour

Almond’s mom turns out to be awesome. She’s thrilled Almond and Latte are together because of Latte’s auspicious astrological qualities. She gives Almond her blessing to live in the house and apologizes for making him feel he needed to lie.

Back at Peak’s family home things are not awesome. His father is still preparing for the wedding and Peak isn’t saying anything. Thanwa calls him but Peak doesn’t answer, because he doesn’t want him to suffer any further.

The new morning routine is sad and Peak-less. Almond’s mom eats the extra breakfast Thanwa accidentally made. The guys decide to rescue Peak and Almond’s Mom arranges a van for them. All four of them join hands together in solidarity!

This show is underrated

I compare this to Wandee Goodday, which was fun fluff but had weak secondary characters who existed only to create conflict for the leads. Here the secondary characters feel like friends. They don’t have separate storylines but they have lives outside the story. I like seeing Lukpeach, Jumper, Shawn, and Thanwa’s boss Kit.

And I love Jane. She and Peak’s story reminds me of the Wedding Plan. I get why people get frustrated with her and Peak for not confronting his father, but sometimes things aren’t that simple. Jane feels grateful to Peak’s family. She doesn’t want to hurt them. Peak doesn’t want to make his dad sad. This doesn’t make them bad people. Situations like this don’t have simple fixes and I like seeing that. 

Now that he’s back, Thanwa is so sweet and supportive. Peak is an airhead who can’t communicate but he appreciates and admires Thanwa. He offered Thanwa certainty, I think he’ll give it to him, but I’m not sure how or when. With only two episodes left though, at least it will be soon!