Welcome to my weekly blog post where I give thoughts on dramas I’m watching, whether I’m at the beginning, middle, or end. Whatever I want, because I’m petty that way.
This week I recapped episodes 3-4 of Thai BL Wandee Goodday. The show is a lot of goofy fun that shouldn’t be taken seriously. Like with the animal ears to help with honest relationship talk.
I also recapped episode 2 of Korean fantasy High School BL Love for Love’s Sake. This might be goofy fun if not for the game notifications popping up with warnings of impending doom.
Just one short weekend review this week. I finished:

Living with Him – 彼のいる生活 – 2024
Recently aired Japanese domestic college BL with 8 episodes.
After reluctantly becoming roommates with his childhood friend, a young man becomes obsessed with why his attractive and talented roommate is single.
Here’s a highlight from episode 1.
There’s not a whole lot to say about this show. As is easily predicted, our popular guy is single because he’s hopelessly in love with his childhood friend. Childhood friend is overwhelmed and confused and needs to think things through. There are a lot of self-doubts and yearnings and some tonkatsu. Mmm. Tonkatsu.
We’ve seen variations on this before, with I Cannot Reach You and Perfect Propose (the latter is my favorite of these three). This one doesn’t deviate from the formula, which is probably for the best. No sudden big moments of needless angst spoil the slow meandering sweetness.
My main criticism is that it could have been 6 episodes instead of 8. The last two episodes are drawn out with delay-as-conflict and could have been cut down.
This will either bore you to tears or fill you with a serene sense of calm amidst a chaotic and unpredictable universe: one or the other.