Orchid played by Yu Shu Xin with Dongfang Qing Cang played by Wang He Di in episode 12 of Love Between Fairy and Devil

Love Between Fairy and Devil – Episode 12 – Recap and Review

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TL;DR Version
Because of “DFQC’s” refusal to be as cruel as the real DFQC, their body swap is gradually revealed to DFQC’s brother, Xun Feng. Xun Feng works with the Lord of Haishi City to try and kill his brother. With the help of Dan Yin, Chang Heng escapes the Fairy Realm to look for Orchid, arriving just in time to save her and DFQC from the Lord of Haishi City. 

I’m going to keep with my previous naming convention, and “Orchid” is DFQC in Orchid’s body, and “DFQC” is Orchid in DFQC’s body.

Chang Heng is stuck at his desk, unable to leave because Lord Yun Zhong’s spies are nearby. He seems to be the only one in Shuiyuntian who doesn’t think Orchid was a Moon Tribe spy. Except for Dan Yin, who shows up wanting to help.

In Cangyan Sea, “DFQC” can’t even face dinner without the terror of getting fed something horrible. The food, though, looks delicious. “Orchid” is annoyed that “DFQC” is doing such a bad job at pretending to be him and makes threats about their dire circumstances. “DFQC” is annoyed that the real DFQC has so little real support. “DFQC” gets her revenge for the situation by having the food taken away before “Orchid” can eat.

So that Chang Heng can escape and find Orchid, Dan Yin agrees to a body swap. A grateful “Dan Yin” runs off while “Chang Heng” seems to enjoy her new body.

“DFQC” then has to deal with some politics with “Orchid” coming to oversee. “DFQC” is not comfortable being in the throne room and the officials and Xun Feng question “Orchid’s” presence. “Orchid” knows what to say to get them to shut up.

The meeting is about attacking Shuiyuntian, and “DFQC” is annoyed to realize that war has been on the real DFQC’s mind from the moment they returned. When one of the officials makes the mistake of threatening every “blade of grass” in the Fairy Realm, “DFQC” takes it personally. She trips down the stairs, grabs the scroll with the attack plans, and awkwardly flings it into a nearby fire.

“Orchid” covers this odd behavior by calling the plan useless. Then “DFQC” confuses everyone with talk of peace, before using the same “I’m tired” excuse from the previous episode to avoid further work. 

“Orchid” is concerned about his reputation being destroyed. “DFQC” is annoyed by “Orchid’s” constant threats and worrying.

“Chang Heng” struggles to play the part when her father, Li Yuan, shows up looking to collect his daughter. “Chang Heng” brings up the possibility that Orchid is a member of the Xilan tribe. When Li Yuan denies it, “Chang Heng” decides Orchid can’t be the Xishan Goddess and the wedding between the real Chang Heng and Orchid she saw in the mirror must be a trick.

There are some silly bathtub antics with “DFQC” not wanting “Orchid” to bathe and see her naked body that a nearby spy witnesses. Ignorant of the spy, “DFQC” asks after Xun Feng. “Orchid,” tells her that there is a lot of infighting, with two of his subordinates trying to take over the Cangyan Sea from Xun Feng with him gone.

The real Chang Heng is already in his own body, sailing over the Memory Loss River while “Chang Heng” is now hosting Rong Hao. “Chang Heng” knows she’s in danger of being discovered and also tries the “I’m tired” line to get rid of Rong Hao. Rong Hao uses one of those ‘gotcha’ tricks about the name of a wine he likes and exposes Dan Yin’s real form. She begs him not to tell Yun Zhong. 

Xun Feng learns from the spy about DFQC and the Orchid. Back in the throne room, he demands a duel from “DFQC”. When “Orchid” tries to step in, Xun Feng has him thrown out only to have “DFQC” appoint Shang Que to fight in his place. We don’t see the duel but Xun Feng uses an old sore spot with their father for another ‘gotcha’ moment and figures out that “DFQC” isn’t the real DFQC, but the real DFQC must be close.

Xun Feng meets with the Lord of Haishi City in the forest and gets a demo on the Evil Spirit.

“Orchid’ and “DFQC” look out into the sky, waiting for the body-swap weather. “DFQC” gets a promise that she won’t be locked in jail once their bodies are returned, but “Orchid” still doesn’t want to let her go home either. 

The thunder and lightning start and the two head to the forest. Right on their heels is Chang Heng. 

“Orchid” and “DFQC” enter the forest and encounter the Lord of Haishi City and his henchwoman. “DFQC” steps bravely in front but then gets called a useless fairy. “Orchid” then stands in front while the Lord of Haishi City attacks with the Evil Spirit. Chang Heng appears and blocks the attack, only to be injured. “Orchid” can’t keep “DFQC” from running to Chang Heng, but uses something he brought with him to transport “DFQC” somewhere else in the forest.

The Lord of Haishi City doesn’t want to hurt Chang Heng further and heads to find “DFQC”. Meanwhile, Chang Heng goes to “Orchid” full of concern, wanting to take her home, and reaching out to touch “her” cheek.

This episode is a fun episode, with Orchid getting a chance to continue to learn about DFQC’s circumstances from the closest possible vantage point. While she certainly seems reckless for ignoring DFQC’s warnings, I appreciate that she doesn’t think it’s worth giving up her beliefs and blindly doing what he asks. In a funny way, it makes DFQC seem like he’s taking everything too seriously and being over-anxious with his constant dire warnings. Also, I appreciate her point that part of their disadvantage comes from DFQC’s refusal to have anyone he trusts that might be able to help them get through just a few days in this situation.

That said, I wish her continued insistence on going home had a little more behind it. She keeps saying she wants to go home over and over again and it makes her seem naive for not pointing to any reason she thinks Yun Zhong won’t kill her immediately. Since she really does have Chang Heng and Dan Yi’s support, even if she brought up their names or mentioned that they might be able to help her, it would lend her argument better strength against DFQC’s.

The throne room, which we get to see more here, is probably my favorite set in this entire show.