Dongfang Qing Cang played by Wang He Di, Orchid played by Yu Shu Xin, Shang Que played by Lin Bai Rui and Jie Li played by Hong Xiao in episode 20 of Love Between Fairy and Devil

Love Between Fairy and Devil – Episode 20 – Recap and Review

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TL;DR Version
The group almost immediately finds Chi Di Nu Zi in her mortal reincarnation, and Orchid realizes DFQC’s plan and vows to stop him. Orchid also spots the mortal version of Chang Heng and keeps him hidden from DFQC. Things between DFQC and Orchid stay awkward as they lie and work against each other, waiting for Chi Di Nu Zi’s mortal fate to play out.

Jie Li, having no idea the hidden motivations of the other three, wants them to all enjoy being in the mortal realm by going to a brothel and drinking. They go along with her rather than admit the truth.

Very quickly they learn about the famous and beautiful courtesan Wan Qing. She’s so desired that only limited people can enter her home to see her. DFQC doesn’t let that stop him, he approaches the entrance and Shang Que keeps pulling out gold bars until they get let in.

Orchid spots Chang Heng and realizes he’s there as a mortal enduring hardship. She doesn’t want DFQC to kill him so starts running interference, forcing her group to sit down for the show abruptly.

Wan Qing comes out to dance and she is Chi Di Nu Zi. There’s a Hellfire mark on her back, so Orchid realizes she’s the previous God of War and why DFQC is there. She wants to stop him. She also overhears that Chang Heng’s mortal name is Xiao Run, and he’s a vulgar playboy. 

After her performance, Wan Qing/Chi Di Nu Zi is presented with treasures from admirers, including from Xiao Run/Chang Heng. Orchid distracts DFQC by pretending to lose her Bone Orchid bracelet and calling it priceless. After Xiao Run/Chang Heng leaves and Orchid ‘finds’ the bracelet an impatient DFQC wants to know why she’s there. She says it’s to accompany him.

Xiao Run/Chang Heng tries to romance Wan Qing/Chi Di Nu Zi. Despite the advantage to her that would be marrying him, she rejects him.

Xiao Runs/Chang Heng’s sidekick turns out to be Dan Yin as a mortal man called Cricket. Cricket/Dan Yin is there to warn him that his father isn’t happy about his activities. They try to escape together but get caught. Xian Run/Chang Heng gets beaten and when he defends his love to his father both he and Cricket/Dan Yin get beaten.

Laying on their stomachs to rest their abused backs, Cricket/Dan Yin asks Xiao Run/Chang Heng about why he’s trying to marry Wan Qing/Chi Di Nu Zo when he doesn’t love her. Xiao Run/Chang Heng says he admires her, and she reminds him of this dream woman he keeps seeing. The dream woman is gentle like an orchid.

DFQC offers to carry a tired Orchid and Jie Li tries to get Shang Que to carry her, but he runs away. Orchid rejects the offer and DFQC asks why the Bone Orchid is so important if they’re so unconnected the way she said last episode. Orchid points out that if he kills the fairies in the future he’ll be her enemy. Then she also mentions that he no longer gets angry with her the way he used to.

DFQC brings this up with Shang Que. As he sees Orchid go by outside, he comments on how he’s distracted and confused and now she’s being quiet and he doesn’t like it. Seeing Jie Li chase after Orchid, Shang Que says he’s felt the same symptoms.

Orchid catches Jie Li up on the situation with Chang Heng and Chi Di Nu Zi being there. The next day is the Lantern Festival, where Wan Qing/Chi Di Nu Zi will meet her destined lover, who Orchid guesses will be Xiao Run/Chang Heng. 

At the Lantern Festival, Jie Li forces them to split into couples so Orchid and DFQC can be together. DFQC lies to Orchid about why they’re there again. They both lie and promise not to lie. DFQC gets distracted by a wicker ball that makes him think of his dad and Orchid sneaks away.

Xiao Run/Chang Heng is doing poorly at gambling. He forces Cricket/Dan Yin to give him money and then bets his own Firefly Stone. When he loses, he grabs it and they both run.

Wan Qing/Chi Di Nu Zi is inside rather than at the festival, bored with life, waiting for someone, she doesn’t know who. Her maid thinks she’s drunk and tries to get her to rest. Wan Qing hears music coming from outside and gets up, interested. It’s the music she’s been waiting for.

Rong Hao, who is still injured from his fight with DFQC but keeping an eye on the mortal realm, is standing on a cliff playing the flute. Wan Qing/Chi Di Nu Zi listens and cries.

Okay, maybe DFQC doesn’t realize he’s in love with Orchid. Last episode he was talking about wanting to have her by his side forever and be with her, so maybe he was experiencing the feeling without knowing what it really was. 

After all the angst and emotion of the last 4-ish episodes, things are more subdued here. Orchid and DFQC are physically together but emotionally they’re far apart again and now their communication has suffered a set-back. They can’t rely on any spells to know what each other is feeling. 

Two friends have commented on not liking this part of the show. I can see why. This episode is a lot of setup. We meet the mortal version of Chang Heng, who is still struggling with having his love life dictated by patriarchal figures. We see how his and Dan Yin’s relationship is different now. We meet the mortal Chi Di Nu Zi, who we’ve barely met so far. The stakes between Orchid and DFQC are less at the forefront and the adventure is less emotional than in previous episodes. 

A mortal realm section is pretty standard for Chinese Xianxia fantasy though, and I enjoy seeing the variations on the characters and the fish-out-of-water situations they get in, even if the pacing seems slower. But for those who don’t like it, don’t worry, it won’t last too long.