Love Between Fairy and Devil – Glossary

It’s hard keeping track of the various people, places and things of Love Between Fairy and Devil. Below is a section of each, listed in alphabetical order. There may be very light spoilers just in knowing some of these things exist, but any major spoilers will be kept off this page. 

I’ll be updating it as I recap the show.


Chi Di Nu Zi – Fairy, former God of War who vanquished Dong Fang Qing Cang 30,000 years ago
Chang Heng – Fairy, current God of War and dream lover of the fairies
Changhua – Fairy ancestor who fell in love with Moon Tribe first ancestor Ynnv
Dan YinFairy, daughter of Li Yuan, which makes her fairy royalty
Die Yi – Haishi City, henchwoman to the Lord of Haishi City
Dong Fang Qing Cang/DFQC – Moon Tribe, Moon Supreme leader everyone thought was dead for 30,000 years but was actually in the Haotian Tower
Evil God Tai Sui – It’s a cloud of evil swirling smoke without a body, connected to the Evil Spirit
Evil SpiritBlack smoke thing, must be refined in a cauldron, gets into people and makes them evil
Great TurtleAn all powerful being that can see fairies true forms and assign them jobs
Jie LiOrchid’s black market strength pill dealer
Li YuanFairy, white-haired dude of some kind of importance, Dan Yin’s dad
Lord of Haishi City – Mysterious man in charge of Haishi City who seems connected to some evil activities
Moon Supreme – a title for the ruler of the Moon Tribe, currently DFQC
Orchid – Fairy, with her damaged immortal root she is weak and lowly
Rong Hao – Fairy, friend of Chang Heng’s who likes to drink
Shang QueMoon Tribe, Dong Fang Qing Cang’s right-hand man who is also a large black dragon
Siming – Orchid’s missing master who used to live with her in Siming Hall, oversaw the Destiny books 
Tai Sui – the Evil God, a cloud of evil swirling smoke without a body, connected to the Evil Spirit
Wooden Head – Another name for Dong Fang Qing Cang, given by Orchid so she feels less intimidated by him
Xie Wan Qing – The mortal whose destiny book everyone is interested in
Xilan Clan – The people who live in Xishan and exist to guard the three realms from evil gods and never took sides in fights between the other realms, Xishan Goddess is one of them
Xishan GoddessMissing goddess who is supposed to be able to subvert catastrophe after Dong Fang Qing Cang is released, Chang Heng’s fiance
Xiyun – The name of the current Xishan Goddess
Xun FengMoon Tribe, Dong Fang Qing Cang’s younger brother
Yannv – First ancestor of the Moon Tribe, only one besides DFQC to have the ability to control Hellfire, made Heart Hidden Pin
Yu LinFairy, not very nice to Orchid
Ying ZhaoFairy Monster, Pokemon-like, lives in Fairy Realm forest
Yun ZhongFairy, seems to be in charge of everything and also a jerk


Cangyan SeaThe Moon Tribe’s realm
Destruction of Heaven – Beyond the 3 realms, where karma is dead and life comes in but not out, very pretty place
Fountain PalaceIn Fairy Realm, Chang Heng’s place where all the fairies want to work
Fuju Cave – In Cangyan Sea, the worst punishment in the that realm
Haishi CitySeems to be a place where people can buy things, also has Soul Transformation Grounds and Liufeng Pavilion
Haotian Tower/Haotian MatrixPrison in the fairy realm that holds sinful immortals and one member of the Moon Tribe
Liufeng PavilionIn Haishi City, where Lord of Haishi City does evil things
Lovesickness Bridge – In Cangyan Sea, the bridge where lovers hang locks with their names on it during the Mountain and Moon Festival
Lucheng City – Mortal Realm, bustling City
Memory Loss RiverA river between the various realms
Realm of Return to Ruin – In Memory Loss River, where the spirits of the dead congregate, but they can’t be contacted without the Ranxi Flower
ShuiyuntianThe Fairy Realm where all the fairies and immortals live, has a forest and Siming Hall and some royal places, the privileged live higher up
Silent Moon Palace – In Cangyan Sea, name of the Palace of the Moon Supreme
Siming HallIn the Fairy Realm, where Orchid lives, also houses the Destiny Books
Soul-Shattering Abyss  – Drafty uncomfortable looking place that houses an evil spirit
Soul Transformation GroundsIn Haishi City, holds the cauldron to convert immortals into the Evil Spirit
Xishan – Where the peaceful Xilan people live and the Xishan Goddess is from
XuanxuMoon Tribe/Cangyan Sea (I think), the ancient battlefield with petrified Moon Tribe soldiers and giant sword monument
Yungmeng LakeMortal Realm


Bone OrchidA moon charm made by DFCQ using his heart blood that can be a bracelet that protects Orchid with his Hellfire
Bone Devouring Spike – The second worst punishment in the Cangyan Sea, causing immeasurable pain as the spikes pierce through the body starting at midnight
Chengying Sword – Ancient sword that can be used to break Xilan Holy Spell by killing the caster
Cloud Shadow Mirror – A mirror that can record things
Cultivation – A complicated concept found in many Chinese stories with fantasy elements, dumbing it down, cultivation is power that certain people can build up within them and expend as needed
Destiny BooksLook like leaves on a tree but each one contains someone’s fate, Siming is in charge of them but in her absence Orchid is there to take care of them, they can be broken and fixed but not changed
Dream of the Nine Mysteries – Elixir that numbs the recipient from all pain
Firefly StoneLord Chang Heng’s property, is used for cultivation
Heart Eroding Pill – A slow acting but deadly poison.
Heart-Hidden PinProtects the wearer from outside feelings, made by Moon Tribe ancestor Yannv
HellfireDFQC’s attack magic that is basically the most powerful attack there is
Mountain and Moon Festival – Moon Tribe festival with marketing gimmick involving hanging locks with lovers names on a bridge
Ranxi Flower – An extinct flower needed to speak to the dead spirits in Realm of Return to Ruin
Soul-Painting Pen – It can draw everything and make everything come true
Spirit of Knowledge Book – Song composed by the first Goddess of Xishan with great healing powers that no one can master
Spirit StonesLocal currency in the Fairy Realm
Tianji Mirror – In Siming Hall, a mirror that sometimes appears on the Destiny Tree to reveal uh, destinies
Universe PillWeird black market pill Orchid bought from Jie Li to strengthen her immortal root
Xilan Holy Spell/Heart SpellGenuinely uncertain if these are two spells or one, but they tie Dong Fang Qing Cang to Orchid so he feels all her emotions, gets hurt when she gets hurt, and will die when she dies, also allows her to order him around at times
You Jade Ring – Sacred artifact of the Moon Tribe, can shield the wearer from other’s emotions including if suffering from Xilan Holy Spell