Love Is A Poison – Recap and Review

6 out of 12 episodes recapped.

A 2024 Japanese BL about an ambitious lawyer who meets an attractive conman who might ruin all his careful planning.

You can watch the trailer here. (In Japanese, it’s all I could find, but you get the idea.)

Country: Japan 
Local Title: 毒恋~毒もすぎれば恋となる~
Year Released: 2024
Number of Episodes: 12
Genre: Legal BL

Main Actors:

Hama Shogo as Shiba Ryoma
Hyodo Katsumi as Haruto

Pre-Recap Information:

It’s been a minute since I recapped anything Japanese and this is a show that I’ve (mostly) watched and enjoyed. The relationship between the leads here feels healing after my frustration with aspects of Jack & Joker’s relationship in the drama of the same name. Don’t get me wrong, the shows have very little in common, but we’ve got an anti-hero and a hero and I like their relationship arc here better.

So let me tell you a little about this show. We’ve got a cold-seeming lawyer with oversized ambitions, delusions of grandeur, and a clear direction in life. The kind of guy who needs his entire life and feelings turned into a mess. All that takes is our conman, and his smiles.

Our conman has secrets besides being a conman. You can read the recaps for those.

This is a Japanese BL, so don’t expect action and intense drama. But you can expect one of our leads cook for the other. As far as the legal stuff, I suspect it’s all far from reality but I know nothing about the Japanese legal system, so I can’t say so for sure.

I can say that we have some interesting characters in the familiar, comforting, JBL world of low-stakes but deep emotions. Forget about the courtroom or the seedy underbelly of the Tokyo, we’ve got kitchens, couches, and onsens.

Oh, and we’ve got succulents. That squeal. And what other show has that?

Recaps and Thoughts: