We learn that erasers are very, very powerful. If you write your crush’s name on an eraser, you’re almost guaranteed to live happily ever after.

Meet Atom, he has a crush on Mudmee
Ever since she gave him a cupcake he’s seen her as an angel. He wants to write her name on an eraser. He doesn’t have an eraser, and his friend won’t give him one. But Mudmee will!
Unfortunately, Mudmee’s eraser has Kongthap’s name on it. Atom then drops the eraser in front of Kongthap, and he sees it and thinks Atom has a crush on him. Atom can’t tell him it’s Mudmee’s because that will reveal her secret crush. Kongthap is confused because he only remembers Atom wanting to copy his homework.
Mudmee gets her eraser back and is relieved Atom doesn’t tease her. He encourages her to confess, but she wants to admire her crush from afar. She wants to keep things secret, meaning he can’t tell Kongthap. As he hesitates, Kongthap shows up with Questions.
Atom drags Kongthap up to the roof and tries to put him off without revealing what’s going on. Despite his erratic behavior, Kongthap takes the situation seriously, which annoys Atom further. To him, Kongthap is his rival, the person Mudmee really wanted to give the cupcake.

Even if Kongthap doesn’t know it, the competition is heating up
While watching Kongthap play basketball, Atom asks Mudmee what she likes about him. She says he’s cool, kind, and doesn’t give up easily. Atom decides he can be these things too. That means challenging Kongthap in doubles badminton for PE. Atom has already failed at the first two.
Kongthap asks Half about Atom while they co-rescue a cat together. Half explains that Atom is a confused, timid dork. Hot.
Kongthap helps Atom practice badminton despite being his opponent. Atom wants to know Konthap’s weakness, which isn’t badminton. Kongthap says he’s too serious. Atom thinks this isn’t a weakness.
Atom succeeds at beating Kongthap at eating spicy food, which is a small victory I guess. But Kongthap sweetly takes Atom’s veggies and gives him his meat to make him happy. Later he lends him his badminton racket that’ll be easier to use.
Atom is starting to see Kongthap’s appeal.

Atom cannot defeat the awesome power of Kongthap
By drama-coincidence, Mudmee and Kongthap become badminton partners against Atom and Half. Atom doesn’t want to go hard on Mudmee. Then he notices Kongthap’s ankle is bothering him and doesn’t want to go hard on him either. After losing the match, Atom even gives Kongthap a ride home because of his ankle. He stops to check on the cat, but it’s gone.
Because Kongthap adopted it! And we get cat food PPL! Is this a requirement for First and Gemini dramas?
In the school hallway, Half hands Kongthap his workbook, their names get mixed up a lot. Atom finds Mudmee spying on them. He accidentally reveals he has a crush and Mudmee gives him an eraser to write their name on. Mudmee is glad she can talk to Atom about her crush, but he knows it’s because she sees him as a friend. From now on, he’s decided he’ll see her that way too.
While he thinks about this, he accidentally flings the eraser off the roof. The guy is not good at holding erasers. When he goes to grab it, Kongthap drags him back from what he thinks is a suicide attempt. He lands on top of him, and there’s staring.
Kongthap reveals he’s never liked anyone, and Atom thinks this gives Mudmee a chance. Kongthap is attracted to people who are cute and not taller than him. Picky. And Kongthap wants Atom to wait for him to figure out his answer. As to whether he likes Atom.
This is the awesome power of the eraser.

Thailand doesn’t do high school cultural festivals, but they’re still doing Cinderella
In his efforts to get Mudmee and Kongthap together, Atom accidentally volunteers to help her on the art team. While watching Atom work, Kongthap and him end up in a closed parasol together. This is a new one.
Mudmee flusters Atom by asking about his crush, and he knocks paint on their work and panics. Luckily, Kongthap calmly fixes things.
Atom tries to get Kongthap to take Mudmee home, but she goes off with Half. He tells Kongthap he’s nice for missing basketball to help, but Kongthap thinks Atom is the nice one for helping Mudmee when no one else wanted to. Atom says he’s not that nice.
Then Kongthap goes in for the killing BL blow, wiping paint off Atom’s face (at least it’s not food). Atom is overwhelmed and bikes off. The next morning he’s still thinking about Kongthap.

Apparently you can force people to act in a play
The leads are out sick and Mudmee is the only available girl. She’s not into the idea and Atom volunteers, but they force her anyway. Kongthap will play the lord, so Atom figures it’s for the best since they’ll get time together.
Mudmee is uninterested and a terrible actress and Atom helps Kongthap run lines. Kongthap is confused by how the characters fall in love so fast. Atom says sometimes all it takes is a smile. Kongthap doesn’t get it because he never smiled at Atom.
To help him further, Atom tells him to imagine the person in front of him is someone he’s been looking for. When Kongthap does this, Atom’s heart starts pounding. Later, when he sees Kongthap in his costume he likes what he sees.
He doesn’t like seeing Mudmee panic about getting on stage, so he takes her place. Everyone is laughing until he starts singing. Yes. There are two singing bits.
Then, Atom gets so distracted by Kongthap’s eyes he forgets to leave a shoe. When he goes back onstage, he falls into Kongthap’s arms.
After the play, everyone apologizes to Mudmee for forcing her to be a lead in a play. Except for some guys in evil black T-shirts who tease Atom about singing well with Kongthap. Kongthap stands up for Atom and is ready to fight, but everyone else makes them leave.
Atom tries to lighten the mood with Kongthap. Kongthap’s upset and apologizes if he made Atom uncomfortable. Atom appreciates he was angry on his behalf.
Later, he’s lost in thought about that moment when Mudmee stops him from being run over by a car.

Mudmee clears up something important
She wants to know what’s bothering Atom. He admits he can’t help Mudmee anymore because he likes the same person. She’s surprised he likes Half too.
Now they’re both confused. But Half’s first name is “Pholkongthap” and the first part got erased. Since they don’t like the same person, Mudmee promises to help with his crush

It’s only the first few episodes so I only have a first few thoughts
It’s interesting that the show continues even as the credits roll. This is not something I’ve seen in Thai dramas, but it’s normal for Japanese dramas.
The cat is a new addition, I wonder if it’ll be used more later? I like cats so I hope so.
I like that Atom doesn’t give up on Mudmee right away and really seems to like her. It almost works too well though, as I don’t feel his affection switching to Kongthap as strongly as I’d like.
But we’re still very early in the story. I’m curious to see how things play out next.
You can always check out my recap of the Japanese version here.