My Personal Weatherman  – Episode 4 – Recap and Review


Yoh is wearing his new jacket! Which pleases Mizuki. Not pleasing to Mizuki is Yoh going to help his manga artist friend on their day off. Mizuki forbids Yoh from meeting her and uses his financial support as leverage, justifying all Yoh’s negative feelings about him.

We go back in time to when Yoh first introduced his manga artist friend, nicknamed Manju, to Mizuki’s weather program. We see the moment she comically falls in ‘love’ with Mizuki.

When Yoh calls Manju to cancel, she’s worried enough to show up at his place. Mizuki is ready to face a rival, but when he opens the door Manju faints in surprise.

When she’s back up and moving Muziki is all smiles and charm, lying that Yoh was sick earlier that day. 

Mizuki goes to make tea, and Yoh apologizes to Manju for keeping this secret. Manju demands alcohol.

But Yoh is the one doing the heavy drinking while Manju fangirls all over Mizuki. Eventually Yoh passes out on the floor.

Mizuki’s efforts to get Yoh to bed look a lot like cuddling. Manju and Mizuki gossip about Yoh’s tsundere nature and difficulty communicating while Yoh lays collapsed on Mizuki’s chest. Manju embarrasses herself talking about their relationship and decides to leave.

Mizuki is ready to walk Manju to the station but Yoh won’t let him go.

A little later, Yoh is a belligerent, crying drunk, jealous of Mizuki’s attentiveness to Manju. Mizuki is surprised Yoh was also jealous. Yoh is upset and confused about his feelings and their relationship. 

Manju gets home and tells her husband about what happened, including her excitement at Mizuki’s dominating attitude. She recounts that as she left earlier she asked Mizuki what made him fall for Yoh. Mizuki said it was because the first curry Yoh made for him was awful.

Drunk sleeping Yoh seems to be smiling, passed out on Mizuki’s chest while Mizuki remembers that curry.


Yoh isn’t entirely unfair in his view of Mizuki as a tyrant. In this episode Mizuki is controlling and physical and not great boyfriend material.

Meanwhile, Manju finds Mizuki sexy while still being happily married to a sweet, supportive husband. It’s okay for fantasies to be unrealistic and problematic. 

Manju is pretty awesome. In general the show’s production isn’t anything thrilling, not distractingly bad but not interesting either. Except where Manju is involved it goes full manga, with comical visual effects and her over the top acting. It’s a lot of fun.

Also, for the record a manju is a Japanese sweet.

As for our guys, they were both on the same page and different pages at the same time with Manju at the jealous center of it all. 

Mizuki shows his ugliest side as he battles someone he clearly regards as a threat to his relationship. I think it’s the first time Mizuki doesn’t understand Yoh’s true feelings as his own get in the way.

At the same time, Yoh falls back on his tactic of drinking enough to let out his true feelings.

Misunderstanding and miscommunication can be maddening, but I’m fine with how it’s done here. I think the guys are communicating as honestly as they can. Yoh really doesn’t know what he feels about Mizuki and is a confused mess. Mizuki — well, let’s get to the second half of the show!

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