My Personal Weatherman – Recap and Review – Complete

A 2023 Japanese BL drama about an attractive, successful weatherman who provides an erotic manga artist free room and board, in return for getting whatever he wants at home.

You can watch the trailer here.

Country: Japan 
Local Title: 体感予報
Year Released: 2023
Number of Episodes: 8
Genre: Modern BL

Main Actors:
Higuchi Kouhei as Segasaki Mizuki
Mashiko Atsuki as Tanada Yoh

Pre-Recap Thoughts:

Maybe it’s because I just finished Our Dining Table. Maybe it’s because I’m watching two different sweet aspirational romances (If It’s With You and Kimi Ni Wa Todokanai). Or maybe it’s because I’m disappointed by how My Beautiful Man watered down it’s unlikable characters. But right now I’m in the mood for a darker fantasy.

Mizuki the Weatherman bosses Yoh the Manga Artist around and acts like he owns him. Yoh isn’t even honest with himself about how he feels, let alone able to tell Mizuki. The two are undeniably committed to one another and yet unable to express it to one another.

So, yes yes yes, the Weatherman and the Erotic Manga Artist don’t have a healthy relationship, but that’s why they’re fun to watch!

These kind of characters appeal to me because they are so polarizing and at times unpleasant. It’s nice to see nice people meet and fall in love but I also enjoy seeing difficult characters meet and fall in love without first having to “fix” themselves. How do people who don’t get along with others deal with love and relationships? How can they change and grow together without losing their sharp edges?

No one can be kind and wonderful all the time, no matter how hard we try. I think we all have our darker moments or our sharper edges. I think of these kind of romances as for those parts of us. Yes, our kinder natures are worth loving, but so are the other parts of us. These kind of characters don’t represent aspiration romance, they represent those parts of us that are worth loving even if they aren’t our best parts.

Recaps and Thoughts:

Final-Watch Thoughts:

The main thing I enjoyed on this rewatch was paying attention to the contrast between what our leads said versus how they acted.

As Manju and her husband tell Yoh in an episode, there’s more than one way of interpreting someone’s words. It’s easy to see people through a fog of our own biases and preconceptions. Or to want to be seen a certain way and thus present ourselves one way only to behave in contradictory ways later. This couple is an expert at those things, and it’s interesting to watch from the outside.

Other than that, there’s not a lot for me to add to what I’ve already said. I hope people who are in the mood for a romance that’s messy and confusing and also sweet and ridiculous give it a try!