When last we left our healthy twin and angry rebel, our angry rebel had been beaten up and shot when the twin he liked rescued him.

Sean’s not the type to feel grateful about… anything
Our rebels split up based on who is a couple. Once Sean feels better he yells and hits White, demanding to know why he returned. This is problematic because White is driving.
Then it gets worse because White’s heart pounds and he struggles to breathe. They skid off the road.
This is Black’s fault for drinking something Todd handed him. Todd drags a drugged Black into his fancy pool and shoves him under water. But fond memories of Black convince Todd not to kill him.
The two argue. Todd thinks Black should approve of him having Tawi’s power. Black thinks no one should have that power. Todd, like Black’s mom, argues for keeping things status quo. I’m with Black here.
White revives and, despite his anger, Sean wants to know if he’s okay. White gets them up and moving again.

Meanwhile, Yok gets UNAR to their abandoned building
UNAR was shot too. Going to the hospital would reveal their identities, so Yok pulls the bullet out with pliers. Nervous he won’t survive, UNAR confesses he killed Sean’s father. Yok doesn’t want him to tell Sean because it’ll derail their plans.
Back at the sex tent, Sean is being Sean, barely letting White tend to his wounds. It’s a trope, but these are bloody wounds and not the usual cooking injuries. White has to force medication into Sean’s mouth.
White apologizes for disappearing but Sean wants an explanation and White can’t give one. Sean says he’d do anything to keep him by his side. White lays next to him and says he’s next to him now. Sean says that’s enough for now. White is good at wrangling Sean.

Sean has had enough
Sean wakes up and White is gone.
Everyone meets up at UNAR’s place where Yok is giving free sponge baths. Black shows up and Sean tries the trust fall with no luck. Sean says Black is back now. Not the person he’s known lately.
He follows Black, handcuffs them together, and starts a fight. Eventually, Sean subdues Black and asks if he has a twin. Black struggles a little longer before yelling at him not to go near his younger brother again.
Sean says he can’t stop him.

Gumpa knew they were twins the entire time
I question Gumpa’s tactics as rebel-daddy. But I like it when he tells Black that White’s better than him. Black still wants his brother to stay away.
Black tells Gumpa about Todd and that White went back to his old life. Gumpa warns Black that White is probably upset.
Black meets with White to ask him to stay away again. His friends aren’t listening to him and he wants White safe.
Sean finds White by the river. He doesn’t have handcuffs so he has to chase White down. He tells White he knows he’s a twin. We get an accidental trust fall when White tumbles off a shipping crate and Sean grabs him.
Sean hugs him. He wants White to ignore Black and come back to the group. He’s going to Tawi’s warehouse tomorrow and wants White there.
But White is crying and saying sorry. Sean asks to have his wish granted, and that wish is for White to never show his face again. Oh no crying!

Gram is still working on Eugene
He confesses and she makes him dance with her. Then Black shows up because he wants a hug from Eugene. Black goes for a kiss but Gram stops him. Black is crying.
Because White wants to remind his twin about what it means to be emotionally connected. He thinks his twin doesn’t understand how losing Sean would affect him. So he jumps in the water to drown a little.
Eugene and Gram try to help Black as he chokes. White gets out of the water, Black gets up, apologizes for making Eugene feel terrible, and leaves. He finds his brother sitting by the river, mostly dry.
Black is awed by their connection and realizes he can’t stop his brother. White says they’re both stubborn. Black thinks they may not see each other again. He wants White to promise he’ll take good care of himself, and White wants the same. Crying brother hug!

Sean is having an exhausting week
UNAR is feeling better so he tells Sean he killed his father. Sean wants UNAR to make amends by shooting himself. Things get intense but Gram and Yok show up to put a stop to things. Gram gets intellectual, telling Sean to shoot UNAR himself and then bringing up the code of Hammurabi.
Sean leaves for Tawi’s on his own. Gumpa thinks he needs Black because they’ve all deluded themselves they’re a team with various specialties and Black is also good at sneaking. Sean ignores this nonsense.
But White finds him and now Sean is running. White catches him and kisses him. Sean is pissed but Sean is always pissed. White apologizes and says he couldn’t walk away. Sean asks if he’ll disappear again, and gets a kiss reply. And some dramatic flashbacks. This convinces Sean.
During the secret mission, Sean corners White and forces him to agree to reveal he’s White to everyone. White knows this is to keep him from running away, and reluctantly agrees.
Back at UNAR’s abandoned building the guys are taking bucket baths together. Sean announces that it’s not Black but White standing next to him. White explains that he’s a twin. Thinking it’s a game Yok pours water on him. Sean immediately towels him off. It’s cute.
White pulls out childhood photos to convince everyone. After, there’s good-natured teasing with Sean being possessive of White. Once they’re alone, White admits he’s relieved.
White wants to know if he likes him better when he’s being Black. Sean isn’t going to think hard about it, he just wants White to stay with him.

I award this show with the “Best Soundtrack I’ve Noticed” award
Typically I notice the soundtrack when it annoys me, which in Thai BL usually means inappropriate or overly repetitive comedy music. The melancholy, yearning, not overly showy track in this episode fits it perfectly.
What IS White doing in these last three episodes? I like that we’re following Sean now, but we lose too much of White once Black is back. He seems like he’s hanging out, waiting to save Sean or for Black to warn him away. Was there a reason he was there to rescue Sean? Did he try to head for the airport and turn around? I wanted more.
I like the arc of Black and White in these episodes. It’s easy to forget they haven’t seen each other in a long time, and Black has forgotten things about his twin. Lately White is on the painful, receiving end of their connection. By reminding him of their bond he proves he’s the cleverer, more emotionally in-tune brother.
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