When last we left our healthy twin and angry rebel, our healthy twin was in danger of becoming like his hospitalized brother.

Thankfully everyone pulls Sean off White
This is good because we need two MLs. White pushes his luck by asking Sean if this is about his father. Sean isn’t interested in answering.
White says the bitterant wouldn’t have passed QC anyway, making it all pointless. By taking the picture and uploading it, he proves Tawi’s security is bad. He only thought of this when standing at the tank.
Sean goes after him again and has to be pulled away.
Gram takes White home, deflecting his questions about Sean’s Dad. He’s skeptical about White’s plans working.
Yok keeps Sean away from White with drinking and conversation. Sean is upset because he didn’t delete the footage. Yok talks about prison time and tells Sean his plan was stupid. He thinks White’s plan might work. It could build public sentiment against Tawi.
In the morning Yok’s mom gets home and argues with him about Tawi. Employees are losing wages because of what happened. Sean remembers what White said and worries they did the wrong thing.

Tawi is in the news, spinning things to make himself look better
White has an alternative news source that he sent info. They’re sharing everything with the public under hashtag ROL, for Rule of Law. There’s also an announcement about a protest.
They worry it’ll be a small protest, but it’s busy with people shouting and wearing face masks. Eugene is there doing performance art.
Eugene wants to talk about her relationship with Black. She admits that she kissed Gram after Black dumped her without explanation.
White feels this proves Gram had no reason to attack Black. I don’t understand why. Because Eugene is still loyal to Black? Anyway, White concludes Tawi was the only person who could hurt Black. It’s no one in the gang.
Eugene wants clarity. White feels Black broke up with her to protect her, and it’s better to say nothing. Gram sees Eugene walk away crying.

We’re at the most iconic scene
White is watching the marriage equality show when Sean arrives. A huge rainbow flag is raised, and White goes underneath. Sean finds him and they tease each other. Sean takes White’s hand and they chant for marriage equality.
After, everyone is drunk and celebrating at the garage. Gumpa warns that there’s a bounty on their heads from Tawi.
Looks like Yok will be the first caught, but it’s UNAR dragging him off to his studio in an empty building. He wants his ID back. Yok gets flirty but wants to know how UNAR can be a cop. They talk about their beliefs and agree to keep each other’s secrets.

Sean has interesting social skills
He apologizes to White by forcing his way into his room with booze in a paper bag. White gets the story from Sean, his dad was involved in drug dealing for Tawi. Not too long after his dad died his mom died. He felt hopeless.
White strokes his head comfortingly as Sean says he’s lucky to have met White. Now he has a goal and a way to fight Tawi. White wants Sean to trust him the way he trusts Sean. He even proves his with an impromptu trust fall. Sean catches him.
In the interest of fairness, Sean offers to let White punch him. White head-butts him and hurts himself too.
In the morning Sean gets touchy-feely with White, but it’s to be sure he’s asleep before he goes through his stuff. All he finds are contacts and glasses. White discovers he’s tied up when he wakes up. Is this another test? He uses his legs to drag Sean down and bite him, but Sean gets away.
Meanwhile, UNAR and Yok get closer as Yok sketches UNAR nude for a school project. UNAR feels vulnerable as they talk and cries. Yok smears charcoal on UNARs face and hugs him. These are some strange courtships.

Todd releases White from bondage with few questions
He’s more annoyed White hasn’t been keeping him informed. White still doesn’t inform him of anything, rushing off to school because Tawi is a guest speaker.
At school, Gram thinks White is going to punch him over Eugene and pushes him to reconcile with her. White refuses to do either.
Tawi acts innocent. Sean challenges him, but all this does is disrupt the event. White feels deeply sympathetic and understands why Sean lashes out. Which is a bit too understanding.
Sean hunts Tawi down in the bathroom and shows him a picture of his father. Tawi acts like Sean is trying to get things from him and threatens to sue him

Sean learns Tawi has a secret evil warehouse
Sean takes his mural friend to an abandoned building to talk about… architecture? No, it’s a place near Tawi’s warehouse that she wants to paint, but he wants to use to spy from first. After she leaves, White comes over with camping supplies.
Despite their last meeting ending in non-sexual bondage, White and Sean are their brand of flirty. Sean suggests a race up some stairs, White cheats and threatens to spit water on him. As Sean shows White Tawi’s building there’s more flirting and threatening each other.
Sean takes White to a high spot on the roof and does a dangerous trust fall. White catches him and they embrace each other. White says he’d save everyone and Sean is full of himself.
But he also asks what they’d be doing if not going against Tawi, and Sean says this is what keeps him going — and also White. Forehead kiss! And then, after White hesitates, real kiss! Music that suits the moment! A gorgeous shot of the two of them!

The marriage equality protest hits different watching it now
The show came out several years ago and the marriage equality bill was signed into law in Thailand this year. I don’t know much about Thailand’s politics or culture, but that this show exists and had this moment is amazing. The show is about rebellion and contains real rebellion and protest. I wish more shows did this kind of thing.
The first time I saw how fast their actions led to change I thought it was overly optimistic. I still do, but we need optimism sometimes.
Besides that, the show gets Sean and White from near strangulation to kissing in two episodes. That’s great writing. I think it helped to see Sean being insecure and questioning himself. He’s so passionate and determined he comes off as dangerously single-minded. It was good to see he had more to him and Yok even call his plan stupid to his face.
The only thing that’s muddled for me is how White has cleared the group of their involvement in hurting his brother. I think it’s because, outside of Sean strangling him over the mission, no one has tried to kill him. I guess that’s one way to figure it out.
Which brings us to an interesting place. White’s desire to get to Tawi aligns with the group’s so he can focus on working with them. No one suspects he’s a twin. But he and Sean are kissing. As one thing gets less complicated, another thing gets more complicated with more potential for heartbreak. It’s so good.
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