When last we left our healthy twin and angry rebel, they went from strangulation to rooftop kisses.

There’s nothing more romantic than a tent in an abandoned building
At least it’s Thailand and warm. If this were China or Korea we’d be able to see their cold breath.
Sean wants to be sure White isn’t afraid and will tell him if he doesn’t like anything. They make out and take off clothes. White asks if it’s okay he’s not the Black Sean used to know.
Sean kisses him and says he knows him better now than ever. He rips a button off White’s shirt and asks if he can keep it, which is the wrong order. White can’t bring himself to confess the truth.
Meanwhile, Black cries and opens his eyes. Is this the power of a twin having sex? Sexual awakening = coma awakening?
Later, outside the sex tent, White VOs that he thought he only felt a soul connection with his brother. He now knows it happens with someone special to him. Sean wants to know what’s bothering White. He says it’s nothing and they sit together
Yok gets UNAR’s sad backstory. He shot an unarmed person running away. He wanted to take responsibility, but the police covered it up and sent him to a little station. Yok thinks UNAR should help change the world.

Back to the sex tent!
After morning kisses, Sean takes White on a walk. This seems sweet but it ends in another test. Sean wants White to jump over the water to some poles.
Sean does his superhero jump and then it’s White’s turn. White makes it, kinda, but Sean has to grab him. Sean wins a bet, and the opportunity to ask something from White, but he doesn’t have anything yet.
Yok is followed by someone and rescued by UNAR. UNAR knows Yok is involved with the Tawi stuff and offers to help. Yok wants UNAR to promise he’ll stick with him and they seal it with a kiss.

Now it’s Sean and White’s turn to be followed
They lose them and go to the garage. White chills a tense Sean with kisses. They hear someone but don’t catch them.
White gets a call from his Mom, who thinks he’s Black, and asks why he ran from the hospital. He leaves to find his brother.
Sean’s mural friend is outside and Sean admits there’s something between him and Black. She’s upset. I’m glad we have a few women in the show but they’re just getting their feelings hurt.
White sees men outside Black’s place and sneaks in. Inside he’s attacked by Black, who stops when he realizes it’s his twin. They hug. Then Black slaps him when White tells him he’s been pretending to be him. White learns Todd’s the one who sent Black to the hospital.

And guess who calls at that moment!
Black has White answer. Todd knows Black is awake, but Black has White pretend they haven’t seen each other. White arranges a meeting for tomorrow.
Black is adamant that White go back to his own life. White feels like he has an evil doppelganger, and no choice but to give him his life back.
His last act as Black is meeting their mother, a judge, who Black is estranged from. She’s worried, thinks what he does is pointless, and things are as good as they get.
She also knows he’s White, not Black. She wants him to get away from Black so she doesn’t lose him too. He tells her she’ll have to live with it. Nice.
Gram has been getting closer to Eugene and asks her out. Too soon dude. She turns him down. Well, she got to do something.

Gumpa makes the plot happen
He tells Sean that Tawi has someone working inside the police, so they need to get someone working for them in the police too.
As luck would have it, Yok has a policeman who wants to work with them! Sean is against it and they figure it out with a boxing match. Sean wins by kicking Yok in the face.
Gumpa is still pushing his new cop insider idea on Sean. Sean decides he’ll talk to White about it. Gumpa noticed Sean is less reckless and that something is going on between him and White. He urges him to share his feelings with the man himself.

But Sean won’t be confessing his feelings to White
First, we get a flashback to Sean and White playing a drinking-truth game after their tent time. Sean gets White to admit he has a sibling.
Present day Sean shyly asks Black to be by his side. Now we see that Black was the one spying on White and Sean when they were kissing. Black pulls Sean in for a kiss, then spits, and beats the crap out of him. Sean never fights back even though Black demands it of him.
Black finishes Sean off with a kick to the head. I feel bad, but Sean’s done a lot of punching and kicking himself.

Time for a new plan
Sean okays the cop idea. They’ll get evidence so UNAR can file a police report. That’ll alert Tawi’s police moles. When Tawi moves his drugs, then they’ll hijack them.
Everyone wants Black to be a part of the mission except Sean. No time to talk about that though, because men break into the garage. Sean gets shot in the arm before everyone scrambles for cover.
They throw smoke bombs but Sean has been beaten up and shot. He nearly gets caught when White comes to his rescue. He grabs Sean and they run.

I think Sean kinda knows what’s up at this point
Translations can be tricky, but Sean says Black has left him, not attacked him. He asked about a sibling. He knows the guy who beat him up is the original Black. He may not know everything, but he knows the good doppelganger (I love that word) is gone. That’s why he’s upset.
Random: I love that their faces aren’t skin-smoothed into bland putty. It goes with the aesthetic of this show, but I encourage it in more shows.
White’s complicated feelings about his brother make sense. Black has been his protector. He loves him. He wants to help him. Black is also scary and dangerous. White being White, he can’t exactly do anything to keep Black from taking his life back.
The revelation that Todd is the one who attacked Black is not a big revelation. Todd is the random rich guy unconnected to everyone else who White trusts because Todd told him everything. He was either the bad guy or an imaginary friend. It’s weak, but the more important part of the story is White and Sean’s arcs and the story of rebellion and societal change, so it’s fine.
Speaking of arcs, it’s interesting that the show is becoming Sean’s story. We started by focusing on White, with Sean this mysterious threatening figure. As the episodes went on Sean got more time. Now that Black’s back, White is the mysterious figure showing up at the last minute to save Sean. I like this shift in focus since it gives us more time to understand Sean’s feelings.
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