Chu Ying is reinvestigating, now convinced that the Kidnapped Girl (hereafter called Murdered Girl) was meeting someone at the abandoned house.

Guang Yan is thinking about what he told Chu Ying about becoming a doctor just to be a doctor. But now he’s ignoring his medical student life going on around him and staring at his phone. Finally, Yi Yong texts.
Our three meet up and Chu Ying updates them on the case of the Murdered Girl. Yi Yong gives her a name the new apparition wrote on his back. The name leads Chu Ying to a factory and a pair of twins and some sad news we don’t get to hear.

They go to the abandoned factory and we get the sad news, the twin’s father was abusive. Yi Yong finds the lockers and a pair of twins attached by red threads.
The older one was killed by their father, but the younger one is alive and grown up. Earlier Chu Ying tried to speak with him, but he was strangely hostile and reluctant.
Yi Yong drags Smoke Lady from the hospital room and confronts her. He wants her to stay away from his grandpa, but she’s keeping him alive. She wants him to grant her wish, which is to die.

Chu Ying tries the Younger Twin again and he opens up. He explains the abuse, and how they’d huddle in the lockers. The Older Twin would go outside to check on their father and protect the Younger Twin.
One night the Older Twin was beaten and left in the rain outside and the Younger Twin, also beaten, couldn’t get to him. He saw something — but we don’t get to know yet.
Meanwhile, Guang Yan and Yi Yong are at the factory trying to work out what the Attached Twins are writing on Yi Yong’s back. He makes his friends come to help.

Chu Ying tries to tell the Younger Twin the truth about what’s going on but he thinks it’s a joke. She wants him to come to the factory and puts him on the phone with Yi Yong. When Yi Yong mentions the writing on the backs the Younger Twin walks away.
Despite that, he shows up at the factory. He sees Yi Yong’s picture and the Attached Twins. Crying, he talks to the apparition of the older brother about how he’s okay now and they can go.

Yi Yong knows what to write: “Joining twins, holding hands with ying and yang.”
The twins hold hands, smile, and fade away. Burnt calligraphy drifts to the ground. Chu Ying promises the Younger Twin that she’ll investigate what he told her.
The Younger Twin was the battered young man we saw at the funeral in an earlier episode. Yi Yong wrote the same thing his grandfather wrote then. We see Yi Yong and Younger Twin exchange looks back then, and now.

Older Twin was actually smothered by a social worker he thought was there to help them. Chu Ying goes to the original investigator, who doesn’t remember anything useful. Chu Ying reminds him that this isn’t just a case, it’s real people.
Chu Ying gets teary thinking about the Younger Twin. She goes to see the Baker and eats his cupcakes though she still doesn’t like them. She’s starting to doubt her qualifications because of all the help from Yi Yong. She tells the Baker about him.

Yi Yong’s burnt calligraphy forms the character for “kindness” which is also part of “Helping Oneself”, which was his grandfather’s message to him. He tells Smoke Lady that when he writes it’s from the bottom of his heart and he can’t wish someone to die, so he can’t grant her wish.
Smoke Lady tells Yi Yong there’s something at the abandoned house worth money so he finds… something and texts Guang Yan about selling it. Then someone calls his name.
Chu Ying finds out from both Jingmei’s daughter and the former detective at the same time that the Baker is the one who met up with the Murdered Girl and checked on the Twins.
And, he’s the person who just called Yi Yong’s name!

If I had just one real complaint about this show, it’s the editing in this episode and some earlier episodes. I’m not a huge fan of “suspense-by-omission”, wherein someone tells a character something but we don’t get to see it until later. This show uses it a lot, and it mostly works for me anyway, but there are times when I think it creates confusion more than suspense.
In this episode, the previous case is still open with Chu Ying investigating but also we’ve now got the Attached Twins and their whole story. Then there’s the Smoke Lady and what she wants from Yi Yong. The episode keeps cutting between all these different elements and characters while also cutting between past and present and also cutting out things people are saying so that they can be revealed later. It’s a lot to keep track of and easy to get lost. I wish they’d chilled on some of it and just told the story.

At the end of it all, I think I have it straight. But do I know if Yi Yong and the Younger Twin recognized each other from earlier? Does it matter? I’m not sure.
The sad story of the week goes fast, but it’s still very sad. It gives Chu Ying possibly her best episode, as we see her take Yi Yong’s anger and Guang Yan’s words to heart. This may be the first case where she really sees the people involved and it affects her. She even uses this understanding to push the previous detective to try harder and not give up and is rewarded.

She and the Baker guy are cute together. It’s too bad he turns out to be our murderer.
Yi Yong and Guang Yan aren’t left out of the good character moments though. Guang Yan clearly cares about more than just being a doctor. And Yi Yong now feels that he can write from the heart, which is really huge for him.
Final note, in case you missed it, the Younger Twin speaks Thai to the older twin apparition. It’s mentioned that their mother is Thai and I think it gives a further sense of the isolation and dependence they must have felt on each other. It’s so sad, I’m glad at least the Younger Twin seems to be in a good situation as an adult.
Next is the last episode!
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Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is currently available in the US on iQIYI.