Tseng Jing Hua as Pu Yi Yong, Peng Cian You as Cao Guang Yan and and Vivian Sung as Chen Chu Ying in episode 6 of Oh No! Here Comes Trouble

Oh No! Here Comes Trouble – Episode 6 – Recap and Review


We learn there was a very sharp-cornered street where several children were hit and killed by cars. A father placed a large rock there to protect the children and it worked. When they fixed the road and removed the rock, a traffic cop took broken pieces and added them to the asphalt.

Fedora Man is that road rock, and Chu Ying takes his missing child report seriously. Yi Yong doesn’t, and Fedora Man makes cracks in the walls. He’s skeptical about Yi Yong’s abilities but Chu Ying talks him up.

Fedora man has a burnt piece of calligraphy but refuses to give it to Yi Yong until he has his child back. The man who walked off with the child is at work, and his subordinate tries to keep him from seeing a group of visiting children.

Chu Ying tries to figure out who that man is by looking at the footage, and at first, Yi Yong is the only suspicious one on screen. Then she sees a man who looks like he’s holding hands with no one.

She shows Yi Yong the footage on her laptop, but Yi Yong finds the footage from inside the bus on the day of the crash. He’s furious and doesn’t want her pity. He cries on the bus on the way home.

Chu Ying is waiting for him when he gets off and gives him a USB with the footage. She makes him swear he’ll only watch it when he’s ready.

Yi Yong left Guang Yan in charge of Fedora Man and now there are cracks all over the house. They show Fedora Man the footage, and he realizes the kid transformed because of something the father had. Yi Yong thinks they are done and now Fedora Man can get his child back, but he can’t. He needs the man to let the child go. 

Yi Yong hangs out with Fedora Man on the corner, frustrated without any idea idea how to get the child back. Fedora Man tells him not to think of himself as an idiot.

Yi Yong shows up, annoyed at being food called for delivery but having carefully picked out food for Yi Yong. Chu Ying then shows up because someone called in Yi Yong as suspicious.

At the station, Guang Yan charms Chu Ying’s boss with promises to straighten Yi Yong out. Chu Ying tells them she found the man’s name because he lost his son in an accident. Yi Yong has Fedora Man go inside and peek on her screen for the father’s address.

Fedora guy recognizes Chu Ying’s boss, he’s the cop who made sure the protective rock was still in the ground.

Chu Ying goes to the father’s work and learns he quit suddenly after behaving strangely. The boss explains to Chu Ying that they can’t understand the father’s pain and can only have sympathy, echoing Yi Yong’s earlier anger with her.

Yi Yong and Guang Yan find the father and follow him around as he has a special day with the kid. Guang Yan also has a special day, getting into all the activities as Yi Yong humors him.

At home, Yi Yong’s mom tells him Guang Yan’s dad is happy they went out because Guang Yan is too serious. Yi Yong realizes what’s been bothering him.

He goes to the father’s house and confronts him, saying he needs to really look at the child. His real son wouldn’t want to be replaced. The father locks Yi Yong out but remembers the tragic day his son fell out a window.

He takes the fake child to the park his son loved and thanks him for being with him. He lets him go. The child turns into smoke and the Father walks away while Yi Yong watches. Fedora Man comes to get his child, but Yi Yong wants a favor first. 

Back home, thinking about his child, the father falls from the same window.


Yi Yong’s wide-legged black pants give me flashbacks to the 90s. 

Another awesome apparition. I didn’t understand the water analogy either, but I have my own theories. The child whose face we never see, which is creepy-not-creepy, is all the potential children that the road rock/Fedora Man was protecting. For that reason, it was easy for the father to imagine it was his own child. Fedora Man was then some kind of street tough, there to protect children from bad things.

This show continues to explore compassion, grief, and trauma. It was touching to learn Chu Ying’s boss’s background as the man who let the protective rock be put in place and even made sure it continued to be part of the road. He didn’t have to do that, he did it because he cared.

And the father’s workmates were also touching in the way they tried to help this man who’d lived through something so horrible. 

But at the end of the day, it was the harsh reality of Yi Yong that snapped him out of it. This is an obvious continuation of his disagreement with Chu Ying, but also his mother’s attitude. I still don’t quite know how to read these differing attitudes. It’s complicated, and that’s why I like it.

Poor Yi Yong. In this episode, Chu Ying talked him up to the Fedora Man who also told Yi Yong to view himself better. Yi Yong’s mother continued to be supportive and Guang Yan’s father also appreciated him. But most everyone else treated him like a criminal. His blank stare may partially be because he’s a bit dense, but it might also be a defense mechanism. 

Guang Yan’s pleasure at the amusement park is funny but also meaningful. Yi Yong, looking down on himself as usual, thinks he’s done something wrong when his mom brings it up. But Guang Yan’s funny enthusiasm was because he’s never done anything like that before. Between Guang Yan angrily delivering a carefully picked out meal and Yi Yong humoring Guang Yan at the amusement park, it was a sweet episode for their development.

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Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is currently available in the US on iQIYI.