Takeda Kouhei as Nozue and Kimura Tatsunari as Togawa in episode 2 of Old Fashioned Cupcake

Old Fashioned Cupcake – Episode 2 – Recap and Review

Togawa’s younger-man morning routine consists of going around bare-chested and drinking milk straight from the carton. I feel this difference between him and Nozue is more about personality and less about age. Anyway, he stares at pictures of Nozue on his phone.

At work, Togawa tries and fails to run interference between Nozue and a client with a crush on him. The new, positive attitude Nozue has is working against Togawa in this case. 

As part of his anti-aging efforts, Togawa gets Nozue a smoothie instead of coffee. Nozue, who keeps calling himself old, is concerned Togawa thinks he’s old, and brings up Togawa’s single status. Togawa declares they’re getting parfaits this weekend and comments on Nozue not wearing three-piece suits lately, since he looks good in them.

They meet up for parfaits and end up at the back of a long line of girls. Togawa worries that Nozue is too cold and Nozue worries that Togawa is being nice to him because he’s the boss. 

Parfaits fix everything, and Nozue isn’t reluctant to dig in this time. He’s overwhelmed when Togawa talks about the next weekend’s plans, but we get a torturous montage of delicious treats between the two of them.

Nozue shows up to work in a three-piece suit. Togawa is pleased until everyone at the office gives Nozue too much attention, and even throws a ball at someone to get them to stop. Things get worse for Togawa when Nozue invites the women out for a White Day lunch instead of their usual lunch together. Togawa gives them all the death glare as they come back.

At the tea/coffee/snack station, Togawa gets snide, but Nozue was asking the women for restaurant suggestions for places to take Togawa. Togawa is pleased, and flusters Nozue by getting close to him to grab some tea. But then Nozue mistakes Togawa’s earlier irritation for being about work.

Nozue teases Togawa with what a middle-aged man thinks girls talk about, talking about how handsome Togawa is, and Togawa uses it as an excuse to hug Nozue. When anti-aging comes up again, Nozue gets annoyed because he’s not that old. 

All is forgiven though, when Togawa compliments Nozue on the suit.

First, some bits of random.

The smoothie Togawa gets Nozue is Tomato Orange flavor, which isn’t a flavor I’ve run across but there are recipes on the internet.

White Day is a March 14th holiday that started in Japan though some other countries celebrate it. Typically on Valentine’s day men are supposed to give women chocolates and then White Day (one month later) it’s the reverse. Despite Togawa’s jealousy, it’s not always romantic and coworkers will exchange gifts.

Togawa keeps getting called an ‘ikemen’ or イケメン which is Japanese slang for ‘handsome’, usually guys, and you hear it all the time in Japanese stuff.

Togawa’s obvious attraction, possessiveness and jealousy over Nozue, expressed with dark glares and furious document handling, is somehow adorable. Between the two of them, his is the more obvious crush and it feels like he’s trying to let Nozue know without coming on too strong. But Nozue is also somehow adorable even as he acts self-centered, focusing on his age and being Togawa’s boss rather than responding to any of Togawa’s signals.

Again, this show sticks pretty close to the manga plotwise, which is smart because it’s awesome. I like that both this episode and the last have these little mini-arcs of Togawa getting Nozue to change. The first episode was the smoking. This episode it was the suit. In contrast to Togawa’s intense personality, this is how Nozue shows he cares about Togawa’s thoughts and opinions.