Our Dining Table  – Episode 7 – Recap and Review


We see a younger Yutaka sick in bed while someone strokes his head. Then we see older Yutaka in bed with Minoru stroking his head.

The drama makes a point of showing that Minoru cleaned the dishes before leaving. Agreed drama, that is important. 

Yutaka wakes up and remembers how comfortable it was to sleep on Minoru’s shoulder. Once he’s better, he goes to the brother’s place for a late Christmas with a charming cake they made. Yutaka still worries he ruined Tane’s Christmas, but Tane is excited to celebrate twice.

Awesome Dad clears out a distracting Tane so Yutaka can tell Minoru his story. He hides behind a crayon drawing Tane drew of him and while he talks his story is illustrated with crayon drawings.

Yutaka’s parents died when he was 8 and he moved in with rich relatives. He thought he was lucky but their son never accepted him. Because of his adopted older brother’s cruel words, Yutaka started eating dinner alone. Since he can’t remember eating with his parents, he had no good memories of the dinner table. He felt like something was missing from him as a human being.

That changed when he started eating with Minoru and Tane and feeling happy. He thanks Minoru for talking to him that day.

Tane comes back and gets upset with Minoru for making Yutaka cry. And starts crying. So now they have to comfort Tane.

Eventually, Tane comforts Yutaka and Minoru makes them rice balls with faces. Yutaka thinks they are too cute to eat while the brothers bite hungrily into them. He remembers Tane eating his riceball when they first met.

Minoru walks Yutaka to the train station. They talk about New Year’s plans and Minoru thinks he’ll show his face at home. He thanks Minoru again for being there. Minoru tells Yutaka that he may not remember, but he talked to Minoru first.

Yutaka is confused. Then Minoru kisses him.


Awww, this episode was all relationship. Yutaka finally got up the courage to tell Minoru his story, even if he had to do it from behind a piece of paper. That hurdle being cleared, Minoru is finally ready to make his move. Sudden, non-consensual kisses are not recommended in real life, but this means we are hitting the BL part of the BL.

Dad can’t stop talking about Minoru’s interest in Yutaka, but I’m going to blame that on his worries about his older son. He doesn’t say anything about it specifically, but he has to be aware that Minoru changed his life to support the family. All this talk about Yutaka is about wanting his older son to have a life outside of taking care of the family.

Despite their age differences, there is a realistic streak of sibling rivalry between the two brothers that works for me. Minoru doesn’t use his size or age against Tane, instead acting like a kid himself as he argues with him. But when Tane started crying Minoru reverts to adult mode, picking up his younger brother and hugging him. Good older brother!

Tane gets the sweetest kid ever award for that comfort he gave Yutaka, once he stopped crying himself.

There was some food in this episode, and Minoru’s concern about the flavor of the cake was adorable, but I missed seeing a new dish. 

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Our Dining Table is currently available in the US on GagaOOLala.