Yutaka can’t avoid random people talking about loss and death. It’s putting a damper on his new relationship.
The dad offers to watch Tane while Minoru and Yutaka go out alone. They have a nice date, but when Minoru goes for his hand Yutaka pulls away and pretends everything is fine.

Minoru comes home subdued and his Dad notices. Later, the Dad looks at pictures of his wife and invites Yutaka over for a special dish.
It’s Tomato Kimchi Hotpot! It’s all part of the Dad’s plan, involving sake and inviting Yutaka to spend the night.
Later, Yutaka comes across the Dad looking at the photos. The hotpot was the first thing he made his wife and when he proposed. That’s why the dish is special.
Yutaka asks how he got over losing her. Yutaka doesn’t remember losing his parents, but now he has important people in his life again and is scared. He wants to leave before he cares even more.

The Dad says he never got over his wife’s death. The pain is proof of his love and he’s happy for it. He tells Yutaka he’s not alone, puts his hand over his, and thanks him for coming into their lives.
Yutaka cries while Minoru listens outside.
Tane is thrilled about the sleepover party, lying between Minoru and Yutaka. After Tane falls asleep, Minoru goes to Yutaka. He asks Yutaka to talk to him if anything bothers him about their relationship. Yutaka agrees and thanks him.
Sweet hug time and Minoru gets on Yutaka’s other side, so Yutaka is in the middle.
We see how Yutaka’s life has changed: People at work remark on how relaxed he seems. He agrees to go to a family thing (whatever). And he goes with Minoru to pick Tane up from school.
Tane calls Yutaka his family and Yutaka accepts it. He tells Minoru he wants to live their lives together forever, and Tane agrees before Minoru can. Minoru is defeated.

Poor Yutaka, you can’t miss what you never had. Since he’d never been close to anyone he’s never been afraid of loss that way.
The Dad really shone in this episode. He seems so light-hearted most of the time, but he carries this sadness around underneath it all. His words of wisdom to Yutaka about sadness and love rang very true. And it was lovely that he thanked Yutaka for being a part of their lives too.
The Dad and Tane are such important parts of Yutaka’s healing. He needed more than a sweet, nice boyfriend. He needed a family. And Minoru needed someone who accepted and understood his devotion to his family.
So that’s the note that the show ends on, with Yutaka openly expressing his desire to be a part of the family. It’s really only the second time in the show Yutaka has put himself out there that way, the first time being just last episode when he finally told Minoru he wanted to be with him.
How fitting that Tane answered for Minoru. How annoying younger brother.
I like that Yutaka’s changes fit his personality. He’s still a quiet introvert, but he’s less tense and sad, more comfortable. It’s realistic character growth that feels earned and is satisfying to see.
And we got food again! A casual dish that is special because of the memories and the people attached. Maybe because I’ve never made it myself, I forgot about this essential at-home meal. Not just for Japan, but I’ve seen it in Korean and Chinese shows too. Here’s a basic recipe.
I’m glad that the last episode brought back the importance of food and eating together in creating memories and love.
This was the last episode but I’m not done yet! I’ll recap the special here as well.
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