Welcome to my weekly blog post where I give thoughts on dramas I’m watching but not recapping.
This week I recapped the 4th and 5th episodes of My Personal Weatherman. Join me as our toxic duo deal with jealousy and creative angst!
This week I watched sadly as Our Gangster Oppa sank even deeper into plotless nonsense and bad acting. But will that stop me from continuing to watch? No!
Meanwhile, I started two different shows:

Perfect Marriage Revenge – 완벽한 결혼의 정석 – 2023
Currently airing Korean revenge drama, I’m at 6 out of 12 episodes.
A young woman wastes her life trying to please her horrible family, when she is betrayed and dies she gets to do her last year of life over. She’s going to approach it very differently.
The title tells you everything you need to know. This show is good, silly, over-the-top family drama in a fantastical, soap opera reality. We’ve got orphans and extremely wealthy families and extremely cruel scheming and secret pasts and slapping and sassy grandmas. The villains are very bad and our heroine is very good (in the first episode) and the outfits the women wear are amazing.

Thankfully our heroine gets smart fast. Her sudden change in personality and the bewilderment of everyone around her is delicious fun. While the show is over the top, her pain and growth give the show solid ground and someone to get behind. It’s her revenge and her show and we’re just watching.
Except for his habit of grabbing our heroine’s wrist and dragging her around (which I’m not supposed to see as sexy, right?) our hero is a perfect kind of fantasy. There are tantalizing hints that there’s more to his story, but meanwhile his willingness to do anything for our heroine is a real turn on.
While there’s a lot of high drama the show maintains a light, fun tone that keeps things entertaining. I want to see the bad guys suffer and I want to see what horrible thing they do next and I want to see how our heroine and her beau handle it.

Last Twilight – ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม – 2023
Currently airing modern Thai BL, I’m at 2 out of 12 episodes.
A rough young man with a hard life gets a caretaking job for a young man who is losing his eyesight and they bond over goldfish.
In our first episode we meet our two guys. Our caretaker has a sad past and needs money. Our character losing his sight comes from money but has become isolated and withdrawn.
It’s a standard set up. At times I am reminded of Li Ming/Heart of Moonlight Chicken, but I loved them so this isn’t bad. (As a side note to the universe, I would love more shows like On A Starry Night, where the disability is a part of the story but not the story. But meanwhile, I’ll take anything I can get.)
It was good, but it’s the second episode, where we really get to know the characters, that won me over. Our caretaker may have taken the job for money but he shows a genuine, if overbearing, interest in helping his charge. He’s got his own past trauma that, er, blinds him to what the other guy is experiencing. He’s also got a lovely ex-girlfriend to help him, well, see more clearly what is going on.
Our character losing his sight is desperate to maintain some kind of control over his life. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak so he’s mean and rude instead. But he has things that are important enough to him that he’ll, reluctantly, let down his walls and ask for help.
They start to open up to one another and change, just a little. This builds up anticipation for all they still have to learn about each other and ways they can grow.

Another note, this time for you and not the universe, this show stars Jimmy/Sea. I’ve seen Jimmy in a few things and his acting has always felt adequate but not enthralling. Here I think he’s doing great as the caretaker. He also has nice chemistry with Sea, and their comfort with each other and ease at getting physically close is selling the stirrings of romance.
We’re only at the beginning and this is the show I currently most want to time travel into the future to get to keep watching.