Pit Babe – Episode 10-11 – Recap and Review

When last we left Pit Babe and his boyfriend things were going pretty well for them. They turned into detectives and kept getting chased. They ate instant noodles on some steps. The thing with Way was a bummer, but the Boyfriend gives good hugs.

So things are going great from here on out, right?

Well, his Boyfriend dies. So. That’s not great for Pit Babe.

Even worse. Pit Babe forces his way into the next race and his Boyfriend tries to stop him. Babe yells about how he’s amazing at car, lectures Boyfriend, and says he’s “disappointed”. 

Boyfriend rolls his eyes. And then he rolls his race car and dies. Just like Jeff saw in his visions.

While in the hospital, Babe knows his Boyfriend is dead because his super senses come back. He cries over his boyfriend’s body and apologizes for the way he talked to him. He cries at home. He cries at the funeral.

All his friends are super concerned and think maybe he should stop crying. This is not how I would handle a grieving friend.

Of course, Boyfriend isn’t actually dead. He’s out for episode 10 and we get to see him in episode 11 but Babe does not. By then pretty much everyone is over his death anyway.

What happens when Babe stops crying and starts getting real?

Babe gets up off the floor and decides that Tony is behind everything. He’s going to get some of that ‘evidence’. 

First he goes to the 50s Diner and beats up Way to see if any evidence falls out of him. This doesn’t work. Way swears he could never hurt Boyfriend because Pit Babe loves him. And Way loves the garage and everyone there too much to hurt them.

So Pit Babe goes to Alan and Jeff to get their help. They figure out that it was this other racer, Dean, who tampered with Boyfriend’s car. Dean claims he’s innocent and cries about being under-appreciated. Then he tries to kill Babe with a hammer.

Alan is surprisingly kind to the near violent murderer. But he’s given to the police along with some “evidence”. They aren’t sure it will be enough evidence though.

What really happened with Boyfriend?

Boyfriend agreed to be a guinea pig and test out this super secret drug. With any luck, this drug will help people get rid of their super senses. Once they don’t have super senses, they will be happy, normal and less valuable to Tony. It’ll solve everything.

This drug, or maybe another drug, slowed Boyfriend’s heart down enough so he seemed dead. This was to trick Tony into thinking that Charlie was gone so that he’d something. They’ve been keeping it a secret from everyone except the audience. 

Dean was telling the truth about what part of the car he tampered with. Jeff was the one who did the real damage to car. Dean still tried to kill Pit Babe with a hammer though, don’t feel too bad for him.

Normally I think lying to a loved one this way is terrible. But this is Pit Babe. If they told him their plan he’d yell at someone or punch someone or do something to ruin it.

Boyfriend and Jeff are helped by a mysterious Uncle Ravel. He also helped Jeff after he initially escaped Tony. Uncle Ravel is doing all of this because he couldn’t help the person who mattered most to him. Who could that be I wonder?

For now, Boyfriend’s super-absorbing-power seems gone. But they aren’t sure how long it will last. While he recovers from the injuries he got during the crash that didn’t kill him, he’s staying with Uncle Ravel and drinking product placement. Jeff can only visit him sometimes.

Because Jeff is living with Alan

After Boyfriend’s ‘death’ Jeff doesn’t look that sad but well, it’s Jeff. Plus everyone is distracted by Pit Babe’s crying. 

Alan uses the loss of the only person Jeff feels close to as a reason for Jeff to move in with him. At Boyfriend’s funeral. Nice timing. Jeff agrees on one condition — he brings Kim with him.

Yeah. Kim was let go by Tony off camera at some point. A spy at Tony’s let Jeff know. Alan is happy to let yet another person live at his place if it means he also gets Jeff living at his place.

The still-not-mourning Jeff does some torturous flirting with Alan about if he wants to be Alan’s boy. He also makes some, poorly timed but true, comments about what Pit Babe puts his boys through. Then when Alan looks like he might be good for it, Jeff walks away.

Alan is confused about how Jeff asked to be his boy but won’t agree to be his boy. Confused enough to go back to Sonic and North for help. They keep calling him old. They point out Jeff must like him to interact with him at all. They each have a suggestion. One involves a helicopter. The other involves a billboard..

Instead Alan uses some face cream to gather courage. Then he confesses to Jeff while stumbling around on roller skates. It’s a pretty adorable confession. He has a pair of bracelets with magnet hearts and “A” and “J” on them. 

Jeff is still full of worries about causing Alan problems, about his powers, about the future, about everything really. Even after he confesses and they start having sex. But Alan works his magic and eventually they get to relax in a post-sex-bubble-bath.

No, we aren’t done trying to find Evidence

Babe now wants “evidence” of Tony’s identity. For this he goes to Pete. In typical Babe fashion, he does this openly and catches the attention of Tony’s goon, Kenta.

This is why Babe can’t be trusted with plans.

We’ve known Kenta for the entire series though I’m not sure I’ve mentioned him in my recaps. He’s always next to Tony, doing what Tony wants, and getting beaten up by Tony whenever Tony is unhappy. It’s a mystery why he stays with Tony.

Pete and Kenta turn out to have a bit of a history, what with them both being Tony adopted sons. At this point I think more of the major characters are Tony’s adopted sons (Pit Babe, Boyfriend, Jeff, Pete, Way and Kenta) than not (Alan, Sonic, North and Kim). 

In flashbacks we see that Kenta has been unnecessarily obedient since he was a child. Pete has been more free spirited. When Pete leaves to try and do good in the world, he can’t convince Kenta to come with him.

Maybe this is why modern Pete has been hanging out being sad with Way at the 50’s diner so often.

Pete gets Babe to meet him at a more clandestine location. There, Pete and Babe talk about the evidence more. Pete wants to use Way to get this evidence. Babe is not thrilled by this idea.

And when Pete gets home Kenta is there with a knife to kill him. They fight, and Kenta seems to be either sweating heavily or crying. He flashes back to happier times and a near kiss with Pete.

How’s the omegaverse stuff?

The peak of the omegaverse stuff has been the implied but unexplained male pregnancy. 

The move to try and get rid of their powers to get rid of Tony is interesting. I would think people would want to keep their special powers. 

But we’ve seen that Pit Babe didn’t care about losing his senses (and was amazing at car anyway). Jeff hates his and thinks they’ll ruin his relationship. Boyfriend’s powers seem like they could also be awkward in any relationship. Way just seems miserable all the time anyway. So, I can believe that it’s for the best.

Will the drug also prevent pregnancy? I won’t hold my breath for a clear answer on that one.

Two episodes left, am I still enjoying this?

Yes. Yes I am.

In some ways this reminds me of a Chinese fantasy drama, like Love Between Fairy and Devil or The Starry Love. For any fantasy genre, you have to let go of some logical expectations. I don’t expect immortals living in the clouds to behave like anyone I know. Nor do I hold alphas and enigmas with super powers to the same relationship expectations as the characters in Moonlight Chicken

Not to say that I think Pit Babe’s story can compete with Love Between Fairy and Devil. As far as that goes, it’s more like Laws of Attraction or The Sign. A fun soap opera mess with plot holes big enough to drive trucks of doom through. It’s a race car that’s flown off the tracks and rolling towards the audience. 

So this is basically just like if Love Between Fairy and Devil and Laws of Attraction had a baby. Is that something you want to see? Because apparently I do.