Pit Babe – Episode 12-13 – Recap and Review

When last we left Pit Babe and his boyfriend things had gone downhill. Pit Babe’s boyfriend was dead. Pit Babe was sad and determined to take on everyone’s adopted father. Don’t worry, Boyfriend is faking.

Then Pit Babe and his Boyfriend don’t do much for a bit.

So Let’s Talk About Kenta

Kenta is everyone’s Evil Adopted Dad’s henchman. For his devotion he gets beat up and yelled at constantly.

He’s trying to kill Pete but also crying because he and Pete were once young and in love. Way rescues Pete! A Kenta runs away! Love triangle? Not really. Which is too bad.

Way dabs at Pete’s wound like a good love interest anyway. Pete explains he and Kenta were like “brothers” (no Pete, no). He wants to help Way like he wanted to help Kenta. 

Meanwhile, Kenta is getting abuse from Evil Adoptive Dad. Tony is unhappy with the quality of product he’s getting. The product being children. But Tony still has someone he can use.

Kenta actually has a lot more going on than just being abused

Kenta kidnaps Jeff! But then visits Jeff while he’s stuck sitting in a chair in a room. Kenta is actually Jeff’s contact, who helped Jeff and Kim escape earlier. He tells Jeff to act quickly. But Evil Adopted Dad is watching!

Pete has a secret meeting with Kenta, Way and Pit Babe. They want Kenta’s help against Evil Adopted Dad. Kenta proclaims his loyalty to Daddy, but Pit Babe wants him to Think Of The Children. We don’t get to see what Kenta decides.

But we do see that Tony knows about the meeting! Kenta gets beaten, again, and called a dog. Kenta hugs Evil Adopted Dad and vows to prove himself, even by dying. He gets to stay but is demoted to guarding downstairs.

Wait, Jeff got kidnapped AGAIN?

Yup! Alan notices a little faster this time and doesn’t get distracted by product placement. 

He enlists Sonic, North and Kim’s help. They track down Jeff’s phone, which had been handed off to some random dangerous looking guys. Kim takes a surprising lead in going after them, perhaps grateful for Jeff’s earlier rescue.

This helps them successfully determine that yes, Jeff is kidnapped again.

Pit Babe and Charlie have to be doing SOMETHING, right?

Well, Charlie is hanging out with Uncle and taking injections. He put’s it together that Uncle is Pit Babe’s Dad. 

Pit Babe has noticed that something is up with his super-senses, they seem to be coming and going. 

Pete manages to convince Pit Babe and Way to work together even though Pit Babe doesn’t trust Way. Guess what? They’re looking for some ‘evidence’. Apparently this ‘evidence’ will be in the form of documents. But they fail to get them and reveal that Pit Babe’s senses are back.

Everyone gathers at Alan’s. Pete tells Alan, in front of everyone, that Tony is going to auction off someone who can see the future. I thought that was a secret, that’s not nice Pete.

At the charity auction Tony will ‘secretly’ sell off children, and Jeff. Pete has an invitation to get them all in. They’ll expose the truth about Tony in front of the media there. Yeah. It’s a thin plan. And Tony knows they are coming. 

Lovers are Reunited!

The charity auction is ridiculous, with the winner petting the children they’ve bought rather than looking at their new art. Pit Babe, Pete, Way and Alan walk right in. 

Jeff is sitting with the children, trying to comfort them about this whole ‘being sold’ thing. Alan finds him and rescues him by punching some people. The children are left behind. It would have been nice to at least promise them they’d come back. 

Meanwhile, Pit Babe is on his own and immediately overtaken by bad guys. There are too many even for Pit Babe when — his boyfriend’s back! And he has his super senses!

Babe is overwhelmed by his Boyfriend’s return from the dead, and surprisingly forgiving about the whole thing. For a guy who started by treating Charlie like an object to be bet, Babe has swung hard in the opposite direction. He basically says, just don’t do it again.

Boyfriend wants to run but Babe is still fixated on evidence. So they quickly get caught.

But finally — EVIDENCE!

Kenta hands Jeff and Alan a USB. What is with the USB’s? First The Sign and now Pit Babe. Just put it on the internet! 

Thankfully, Sonic and North do just that. Almost instantaneously. From some random room inside Tony’s place? Not sure how that physically happened. They get caught but Kim rescues them.

Meanwhile, Evil Adopted Dad is auctioning Pit Babe’s racing uniform in front of a picture of him. Subtle. Jeff and Alan interrupt to announce that the evidence is now online! It includes footage of Tony abusing and murdering children. Yuck.

Then it just Turns Into a Big Gunfight

Eventually everyone is in the room, including Kim, and with guns firing. It’s poorly choreographed. Way steps out so he can get shot. Everyone runs out of bullets, except Evil Adopted Dad.

Then Kenta shows up and stabs him. That I liked.

Way dies, with Pit Babe and him sobbing about their love for each other. Way’s love is romantic, Pit Babe’s still isn’t.

After that a few more things Happen

There’s a long, tear filled funeral for Way with plenty of flashbacks.

Pit Babe and his father meet and talk about the past. Emotional healing is had.

Jeff comforts Alan with sex.

Kim becomes a member of Pit Babe’s racing team. 

Pit Babe gets pre-race sex with his boyfriend.

Pit Babe, his Boyfriend, Alan and Jeff have a picnic together. They feed each other fruit and drink wine. That’s the last scene.

In the end, what do I really think?

I talked in some general terms in my weekend review this week. Here I’ll go into more specifics.

The show is high on ambition but lacks the skill to pull it off. 

Writing wise, a lot of subplots don’t go anywhere. Pete’s love triangle didn’t matter much. The injections that make super senses go away didn’t matter much. Charlie’s faking his death didn’t matter much. Tony going into racing didn’t matter much. Kim didn’t matter much. Dean and Winner mattered less.

Pit Babe felt like an ensemble cast show, more soap opera than a romance. Those expecting epic Pit Babe love were no doubt disappointed. 

I liked the soap opera quality, Jeff and Alan were great, and wish they’d taken it further. Kenta and Pete were interesting and could have used more screen time. They could have done more with Kim, Sonic and North too.

I also talked about the acting in my weekend review, so I won’t repeat it here. Basically, I think most of the actors were strong and carried the show.

The action scenes were weak. I compare this show to The Sign, also currently airing. The Sign has writing issues, but the action scenes involve running, jumping, interesting location, hand-to-hand-combat, and more. There’s skill behind the cameras.

By comparison, this last gunfight in Pit Babe felt like they just had everyone in the room and winged it. Earlier action scenes, like the one where they fail to rescue Kim, were worse.

What about the omegaverse stuff?

Well, the book was omegaverse and I’m impressed that they kept it in. 

Ultimately, it was a big part of Tony’s scheme. It also strongly affected Pit Babe, Jeff, Charlie, Way and Pete. It’s another thing they could have done more with, showing how their abilities really affect them. It’s even somewhat implied that Kenta doesn’t have any abilities and is trying to compensate for it. That would have been interesting to explore.

Instead they pulled back on it. I feel that was a mistake, but maybe they were nervous about limiting their audience by going too deep.

I think it’s hysterical that the male pregnancy was kept in – but just implied.

Final Word

I love an ambitious mess with more sincere effort than quality. 

Pit Babe is a lot of fun that I can recommend to a select group of people who like ambitious, train-wreck disasters with implied male pregnancy and racing. They’ll love it.

Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go let’s go let’s go!