Pit Babe – Episode 6-7 – Recap and Review

So how are Pit Babe and his Babe these days?

Despite his missing senses, Pit Babe OBVIOUSLY wins the race, beating both his Babe and that other guy. But his Babe still became a member of the team anyway.

They celebrated by laying on asphalt at night. Since Pit Babe’s Babe is nearly as awesome as him at car, Pit Babe upgrades him to Boyfriend. Now a Boyfriend, Pit Babe’s Boyfriend starts talking about having children. It’s A Lot.

Everyone is so moved by Pit Babe giving his Babe the title of Boyfriend that they celebrate at the 50s cafe. Alan talks about the power of love. It’s A Lot.

This lasts until Pit Babe learns that his Boyfriend is also an adopted son of his adopted father. Having spent 10 minutes being boyfriends, Pit Babe is now betrayed and the relationship is over.

But wait, Babe’s Boyfriend-Not-Boyfriend explains that it all started because he wanted to help him against their evil adopted father. He tells Pit Babe some horrifying details (more on that later) and Pit Babe stops shoving his Boyfriend-Not-Boyfriend around. Then Babe’s Boyfriend admits to the last of his lies (more on that later) and is forgiven.

They have car sex and I have emotional whiplash.

But what about Way and his feelings?

Way has even worse emotional whiplash.

First, Pit Babe tortures Way by suggesting he become friends with the new Boyfriend. Way warns Pit Babe his new Boyfriend might be bad. Pit Babe doesn’t listen. Way finds a car that isn’t for product placement and sobs in it.

Luckily,, he later finds product placement toothpaste and using it makes him smile.

When Pit Babe learns his Boyfriend’s secret, he comes sobbing to Way. He agrees his Boyfriend is bad. They make a dinner date.

Way is left waiting for that dinner for hours until Pit Babe texts the good news about getting back with his Boyfriend. While Pit Babe has car sex, Way gets drunk. Then he goes missing. 

I don’t blame him. On the plus side, rich investor Pete is ready to be a shoulder to cry on.

Did Alan grovel to Jeff?

He did! Alan did a Love Actually routine, ignoring Jeff ignoring him until he received forgiveness. Jeff warmed up enough to secretly smile. 

Alan continued his courtship, starting with suggesting Jeff call him darling. Then he forced his way into Jeff’s car so they could advertise its amazing features. Finally he dragged him to celebrate Pit Babe upgrading his brother from Babe to Boyfriend.

Alas, that was it for Alan and Jeff. 

There were also some Pit Babe and Jeff scenes. They both stretched their social skills, Pit Babe by apologizing for his earlier behavior and Jeff by responding. Jeff also showed concern for his brother, asking Pit Babe to not just use him.

Then Jeff grabbed Pit Babe’s arm and saw — more on that later.

What about Pit Babe and his Boyfriend and Jeff’s adopted father’s evil plans?

Adopted father Tony is collecting children in order to find out which ones have powers, train them, and resell them for a profit. The racing is just a red herring I guess.

He wants Pit Babe not to sell, but to breed (more on that later).

He thinks Pit Babe’s Boyfriend has no power (more on that later) so he kicked him out of the house. 

He’s trying to find Jeff because his ability to tell the future makes him worth reselling.

By the end of the episodes, Pit Babe’s Boyfriend has updated him on all of Tony’s evil plans. Unfortunately, Tony has also discovered that Pit Babe and his Boyfriend are together.

Does the ‘more on that later’ have to do with the omegaverse?

Yes, yes it does.

At least as far as the subtitles go, it’s pretty vague and unexplained, but it seems like male pregnancy may be on the table. 

Pit Babe and his Babe’s jokes about having children could mean a lot of things. So could evil adopted Dad’s plans for Babe to have a baby. Except Babe says he can’t have a baby because he’s an Alpha. Clearly he’s not thinking about the usual ways men have babies. Instead something called an ‘Enigma’ comes up. 

According to the internet, Enigma’s are the most Alphas of the Alphas and can get anyone pregnant. Tony has one lurking around to get Pit Babe, but we don’t know who this might be.

Pit Babe’s Boyfriend does have super powers, he just hid them from evil adopted Dad. He can absorb other Alpha’s powers through touch and he’s the reason Pit Babe no longer has his super senses. Pit Babe is surprisingly fine with this.

Jeff also uses his powers here, seeing someone get hurt in the wreck of a car race. He’s not sure who. Apparently his visions always come true.

So how am I feeling about all this?

Not enough Alan and Jeff! Also, I can no longer ignore how much Jeff’s haircut combined with his mechanics uniform being tucked into his boots remind me of Chekov from the original Star Trek:

Also, Chekov’s first name is Pavel, like the actor who plays Pit Babe. Hmm.

I also have So Many Questions about Pit Babe’s Boyfriend Charlie’s powers. It’s somewhat implied that he absorbed them from Pit Babe during all that hot sex. So is that how he normally absorbs powers? How often has that happened? How did he first discover he could do that? Is it cumulative so he already has other Alphas powers? Can he give them back any other way besides dying?

Like the whole “adoptive dad want’s Pit Babe’s baby”, the show leaves out a lot of details here. I would think at least Pit Babe would have had a few more questions. But he just accepts it and gets to the car sex.

On the positive side, Charlie’s backstory developed his character into a little more than a happy puppy. His life with evil adopted Dad was different from Pit Babe’s. Instead of being prized and trained, he was ignored and kicked out. Underneath his cheerful exterior there seems to be an interesting, calculating quality. He carefully hid his power and came up with a scheme against adoptive Dad.

In comparison, Pit Babe seems angry and reactionary with no plan except to keep being awesome at car.

I am entertained and ready to er, put the petal to the metal.