When last we left our average student his parallel world lover, we finally learned the truth about the parallel worlds.

But will it matter to the story?
Nope. It won’t. So let’s get to it.
Our Cir gets shoved by PW Cir back into his reality. In the middle of the street. He grabs Phu’s wrist and begs him not to push him away. In the middle of the street. Phu finds the scar on Cir’s forehead and they go through various proofs that he’s his Cir. In the middle of the street. Phu tells his Cir that he loves him.
They finally leave the middle of the street. Cir doesn’t remember what happened and feels like he was in a strange dream. Phu tries to take responsibility for everything, including Cir getting hit by a car. Cir feels he’s the one who needs to apologize.
Phu finally comes out and asks him to promise not to leave, and Cir promises.

Jin and Wim spy on them
Wim thinks he’s done taking care of Cir, and explains everything to Jin because he can never stop talking. Jin already knows and explains that he can hear people’s thoughts.
Wim thinks this is a bad joke. Jin tells him it’s the truth, but can’t prove himself by reading Wim’s mind. He hasn’t been able to read Wim’s mind since he realized he liked him.
The confession isn’t enough, and Wim walks away.

Time for the evil fiancé again
Cir becomes super attentive, showering PPL on Phu. Then, Phu’s friend forces him to meet with Cir’s fiancé. The friend watches while she accuses Phu of making Cir stalk him.
She slaps Phu once but Phu stops her second attempt and tells her how pathetic she is. Cir appears, stops her from attacking Phu, and yells at her to leave them alone. He also glares at Phu’s friend.
At Phu’s place, Phu asks if Cir talked to his fiancé. He just did? In front of you? He realizes Cir has been trying to protect him and says he can defend himself.

Sometime later, Phu takes something to Cir’s apartment
He’s never been inside and immediately starts snooping. He finds the yearbook and the picture of himself. But he thought the Cir in this world didn’t know him. That’s all it takes to realize the fiancé was right, Cir has been stalking him.
Cir returns with Wim, who won’t stop talking about how he needs to tell Phu the truth. Cir sees the yearbook out, and Phu comes out of the bedroom. He realizes Phu knows.
PW Phu hangs out in that clock room and hopes this world gets a happy ending. That’s the last we’ll see of him.

The kinda truth kinda comes out
Cir admits he’s not from a parallel world but says nothing about the dreams or PW Cir. Wim is an awkward witness as Phu tells Cir to let him go.
Cir cries outside Phu’s apartment while Phu cries inside. Later Phu tells Cir he doesn’t want to talk or see his face. Cir asks Wim for help so that Wim can learn Jin really can read minds.
Wim meets with Jin to talk. Jin usually doesn’t tell people about his ability because either they don’t believe him or they believe him and are afraid of him. But because he likes Wim, he wanted to give him a chance to run away. Which he did.
Wim is okay with it now that he knows it’s real. Jin wants to hear from Wim’s lips whether he likes him, but Wim makes him repeat it instead. He promises not to run, and Jin kisses him.

Phu grapples with having a stalker instead of a guardian angel
This whole time it wasn’t luck, just Cir working in secret. And now Cir’s broken into his apartment, leaving flowers and a tablet with a video on it.
In the recording, Cir explains that he’s liked Phu since he defended him from gossip in High School. When he got hit by the car, his one regret was never getting a chance to know Phu. He knows everything is his fault and promises never to appear in front of him again.
But Phu doesn’t want him to leave! He runs to Cir’s room, but it’s been emptied. He tries campus, but Cir isn’t walking to class. Eventually, he discovers Cir went home to deal with his fiancé. Wim agrees to take him there.

Cir is having a lovely meal with his evil mom and evil fiance
Fiancé is fine with Cir being forced into marriage with her. Cir is not fine with it. Leaving the table, Phu crashes into him while running from the guards. He’s upset that Cir, who he didn’t want to talk to or see, might break up with him. But Cir would never break up with him.
Cir’s Mom will only let them be together if Zone takes his place. Perfect time for Zone to walk in and offer himself as tribute! And Dad is here too! He’s just some guy.
Now Mom doesn’t want Zone and then she does. Fiancé doesn’t want Zone but too bad. Cir and Phu walk off, ignoring Wim being dragged by guards.
Since everything is fixed, Cir and Phu have hot sex. Later, Phu talks about how impressed he is by Cir stalking him. He feels bad that he got upset. He brings up that scar, and Cir says he’s not from a parallel world but parallel worlds are real.
Sometime later, Wim and Jin are cute together. Jin uses mind reading to help Wim with his problems, and Wim admits he likes Jin.
Phu and Cir do the paper cup thing again, standing about a foot apart so the slack in the string doesn’t matter. They promise they’re the only Cir and Phu they’ll ever love, and kiss a lot.
Then we see New Cir and his glasses-wearing Phu.

I loved the parallel world explanation, but not the execution
Because none of it mattered. Our Cir meeting PW Cir and learning the truth changed nothing. It just meant he was away from Phu and Phu realized he loved him. The coma alone could have done that.
I’m not even sure what Cir remembers from the meeting.
Our Cir could have been trapped with PW Cir and had to prove his love for Phu to escape. Maybe been forced to help PW Cir win his own Phu. Our Cir could have had to protect Phu from other Cirs. Phu could have had to find his Cir without a visual clue. Any of that would have been fun.
I didn’t expect anything smart, but 3 Cirs on the screen together would have been fun. Right?
Instead, we got romantic stalking which didn’t matter because Phu was okay with it. Friends who did nothing but talk. An evil mom who was defeated with a simple son-trade. A fiancé who was tall. The Dad, a mysterious figure for a half-dozen episodes, was no one and did nothing. It would have been so cool if he were tied into the parallel worlds.
Jin and Wim are my power couple for using Jin’s skills to their advantage. I wish Phu and Cir had been able to do the same with the parallel worlds.
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