The Sign – Episode 9-10 – Recap and Review

When we left our mythological fated duo, they were tag teaming ignoring the Luang Por. Phaya got their full past life backstory but also drowned. We’re sliding towards the end of the story and a confrontation with the Big Bad Doctor/Chalothon.

Tharn’s Worst Nightmare Seems To Be Coming True

Phaya is in a coma so Tharn cries a lot. This episode aired the same week as a cry-heavy Pit Babe episode. It was a rough week in the Thai BL world.

The Doctor Phaya hates shows up to give Tharn a hug and smirk. Tharn doesn’t see the smirk and seems fine with the hug. He’s too busy blaming himself for everything. We see the all-important-amulet is in the stuff the hospital handed him, not around Phaya’s neck.

Phaya’s annoying family doesn’t help by guilting Tharn and whining about Phaya’s work again. 

At least Tharn’s friends are reassuring him that Phaya is strong and will get through it.

Tharn Copes by Investigating His Parent’s Murder

Back at headquarters, they’ve tied Kao and Tam’s death’s together. No one except me is questioning why Montree’s guy was still at the swamp days later to get in a fight with Tharn. Was he there to kill Tharn? With all those witnesses?

Tharn reports on the spider tattoo and his suspicions about his parents death. The Commander scolds him about ‘evidence’ again. ‘Evidence’ has become a Thai BL McGuffin at this point.

It turns out the Commander’s older brother worked with Tharn’s father. This older brother died by suicide after taking a bribe.

Tharn and his squad go rogue again. Although, it’s confusing because the Commander told them to get evidence and that’s what they’re doing. They do it by going to a nightclub looking for the tattoo and getting into fights. Okay, I can understand the Commander not being into this.

One of the guys they catch during their evidence hunt is their old nemesis, Chart. Chart got kicked out of the training program in the first episode. Despite being a violent, cruel person Tharn was upset when Chart got kicked out. This is why I question Tharn’s thinking at times.

The Commander knows about everything, again. Tharn takes the blame and hands in his gun and badge.

Phaya Returns! 

While still finishing up at the nightclub, Tharn has a vision of Phaya having seizures.

Phaya is trapped in some kind of nightmare fighting the Doctor/Chalothon. At the same time, Luang Por is telecommuting from his temple to stop the fight. 

Tharn goes rushing to the hospital and manages to get the amulet back on Phaya despite Phaya’s annoying family. Either the amulet or Luang Por or both stabilize Phaya enough to wake up and stroke Tharn’s cheek.

Later, after Tharn returns home gun-and-badge-less, Phaya shows up at his door. Now he’s really, really ready to never leave Tharn’s side again. Kissing Time! Bed time!

Tharn has a Stunning Realization

Tharn and Phaya are cuddling in bed and Phaya explains everything he learned while drowning. Suddenly, Tharn puts it together that Phaya’s dreams are tied into their past lives. Tharn, where have you been?

Phaya can’t tell him about the Doctor being the Doctor/Chalothon because the Luang Por forbade it. The Luang Por is worried Tharn would do something and get hurt. Luang Por is over estimating how seriously Tharn takes anything he says.

The 15th night of the 11th moon is coming up though. If Phaya can just keep Tharn safe until then, Tharn will be free of his karma. Luang Por wants the pair of them to come to Nong Khai.

Tharn is worried about Phaya and the inevitability of their fate. He’s thinking that maybe running away isn’t the answer. Is that what he’s been doing about the past life stuff this whole time? But he also became a cop and started investigating his parents’ murders? It would have been nice if the drama made this clearer.

Anyway, Phaya unsuspiciously warns him away from the Doctor and reassures him things will be okay.

Yet Another Stunning Realization

While Tharn is dealing with Phaya’s family, his amazing team is still finding ‘evidence’. They do this by sneaking around their own headquarters and enticing people away with meatballs. 

They learn Chart, like Tam and the Commander’s brother, has had his police history erased. Also, all Montree’s lackeys have that spider tattoo. They wonder if Montree is behind everything. But. Isn’t that what we’ve been thinking the whole time?

More concerning is if the Commander is working for Montree. Tharn rushes off to confront him about their connection.

The Commander shuts him down hard and fast. He believes his brother was innocent too. He kept this a secret because he trusts no one. Tharn knowing could put him in danger. He tells Tharn to chill out and he’ll tell anything he wants once he’s back at work.

So it’s Time for a Family Trip to Nong Khai!

The guys told Phaya’s grandmother about their relationship and she was very sweetly supportive. She also invited herself and Phaya’s sister on their second Nong Khai vacation. They visit the Luang Por and stay with Tharn’s grandmother. The two grandmother’s bond over complaining about their grandsons.

While with the Luang Por, Phaya surreptitiously asks about the Doctor/Chalothon. Tharn is nearby and there are enough camera angles on him that I get the feeling he is listening in. 

While settling in, Tharn talks about his history, most of which we already knew. He seems to be reciting facts and I wish they gave me more insights into why he’s so dense about all the past life stuff.

But I won’t be too hard on him, because the poor guy gets a terrible vision.

Bad Writing Kills Off A Character

Tharn sees Phaya’s art exhibitor friend, Ning, get murdered. He calls Yai to warn them. The Commander wants to know how Tharn knows but Yai says just go and we’ll explain later. That’s a taste of your own medicine Commander.

Poor Ning is terrified before anything happens. At one point the subtitles say she’s screaming when she isn’t. 

She’s got ‘evidence’ on a USB and police protection. Why can’t she just send whatever is on the USB? Digital evidence doesn’t have to be physically handed over. Once it’s emailed somewhere it might as well be everywhere.

Maybe I’m being too hard on the writer. She’s also called a witness, so maybe that’s why she got murdered.

Our squad gets there too late. The Commander uses a trail of blood to find the USB sitting in her drawer. At least they still have the ‘evidence’ then.

And Now We’re Dealing with a Tiger-Man?

Back in Nong Khai, Tharn and Phaya are understandably pissed over Ning’s death. They don’t have much time to process the news before workers come running in from the forest saying a Tiger-Man is eating people. 

Phaya says the Tiger-Man is not real. Phaya is the last person who should be judgemental about these kinds of things.

And we’ll have to find out who and what the Tiger-man is in the next episode! Also, maybe we’ll learn why Tharn is wearing this scarf-undershirt commbination?