Film Thanapat Kawila as Tian and Pock Piyathida Mittiraroch as Li in episode 13 of To Sir, With Love

To Sir, With Love  – Episode 13 – Recap and Review

If you’re lost on any of the characters, I did a quick rundown of them at the top of episode 1 that you can consult.

Jia used poison gas to knock Yang and Bua out so Li could meet Tian instead. Li is upset Tian wanted their help instead of hers and tells him that this is all Ma’s plan. She’s the only one who loves him. Yuck.

Tian doesn’t believe her and runs away.

Jiu tells Ma that Tian doesn’t want to take over and that they’re leaving town together. Ma doesn’t trust Tian and is planning to kill him when he returns, so Jiu spills Tian’s secret. Tian overhears and runs away crying. He comes across his father, tells him not to hurt Jiu, and passes out.

Chan finds Yang and Bua unconscious and knows Jia is responsible. She goes to Jia and Li and hurls accusations, but then Song arrives home with Tian. 

Jiu is worried because Tian isn’t back and goes searching for him. Ma decides to wait and use Tian’s secret at a meeting as he did with Zhang, with Jiu there to back him up.

Tian has pneumonia. His parents check on him and when he seems ready to tell Song the truth, Li gets in the way. Song is annoyed but they both leave. Tian opens his eyes and cries.

Jiu is anxiously waiting for Tian when Pao and some guys with big knives arrive. Jiu is injured but holds them off until Pao brings out his gun. Ma is there to get Jiu and doesn’t want Pao to kill him, so he somehow releases doves into the room and Jiu escapes. It’s very unclear and strange but also fun.

Bua and Yang are solving the mystery of what happened to them, but Bua is also still stuck on Tian’s secret. Yang promises it isn’t anything that changes anything and Jia overhears.

So now Jia and Li are talking about killing Yang. Li has a small moment of clarity that things may be getting out of control.

Mud reports to Xiaotong that she has no idea what’s going on. Ma shows up to destroy Xiatong’s place and wants her to work with him and find Jiu. 

Jiu sneaks into the house and Tian’s room, but Tian pushes him away and says he knows the truth. Jiu apologizes but Yang shows up and they start to fight. Tian sees that Jiu has been discovered and tries to force Jiu to leave. It’s not until the workers are on them that Jiu runs.

Jiu fights his way across the estate and even gets shot by Song. He recovers and grapples with Song, who clearly once was tough, before getting away.

Li and Jia talk about killing Jiu and Chan overhears. With Chan watching, Li and Jia confront Jiu in disguise. They manage to throw the Beetle Orchid at him, though he blocks his face.

Chan realizes this might be what killed Dong and she doesn’t want Jiu dead. She sees Song coming and yells, distracting Li and Jia so that Jiu runs away. Song aims his gun at Li and Jia, who drop their masks.

Jiu isn’t doing great but he has the good luck to collapse in front of Pin.

Song watches his wives accuse each other of everything they’ve really done and deny it. But no proof right? Song doesn’t believe either of them.

Yang checks on Tian, who wants to know that Jiu got away. Tian tries to tell Yang about Jiu, but Yang says he already knows. Tian feels like a fool for believing anyone would love him. Li sucks. Yang gives Tian a lot of reassurance and hugs.

Jia and Li know that Song is watching them, but they still have people they need to kill so they’re just gonna do it. They get Yang outside but Tian appears and blocks the poison with his jacket.

Tian tells Li that it’s too late, and Jiu told Ma his secret. 

There were some sloppy feeling things in this episode. How did Jia and Li know where to confront Jiu and reach him before anyone else? Why did Ma leave Jiu and then come back to get him? Do Li and Jia really think they can murder Chan and Yang and get away with it when they are still suspected of killing Dong? 

But whatever, logic has never been this shows strong point and I’m here for doves somehow being used to rescue Jiu. Poor Jiu who spent 90% of his screen time running around and fighting only to get hit with a handful of glitter. At least he avoided getting it in his eyes. Glitter is horrifying even when it’s not really an insect poison.

Amusing how Li spent about 5 seconds being upset at the idea of killing Yang and thinking that this may be a bit much. Even more amusing was when Jia defended her to Tian by saying Li was very sad about having to kill Yang. At least Chan doesn’t pretend to feel scruples or regrets.

Li also has the son she’d do anything for convinced that he’s unlovable. Sweet, wonderful Tian who works hard and is strong and fair and kind and anyone’s dream guy, lacks self-confidence because his parents have destroyed it. Even thinking that Jiu never loved him, Tian doesn’t want him hurt, he’s that starved for love. And Jiu treated him better than Tian’s own mother.

Li’s tears of self-pity because Tian trusted Bua and Yang over her only makes her more of a monster.

Meanwhile, Yang protected Tian from Jiu and built his brother up rather than making Tian feel guilty for loving a man who deceived him. Yang even warned Tian earlier about his concerns about Jiu but didn’t use that against him in any way. Yang is awesome.