When last we left our fated lovers, Pharm could not stop bursting into tears during breakfast. Thankfully, things lighten up moving forward. Tragic past lives take a step back so we can focus on the carefree world of college relationships.
Which includes:

Feeding People and Ending Up On Social Media
Pharm is embarrassed and apologetic to Dean about the whole crying thing. Dean turns it into a chance to get more food. He makes Pharm feed it to him while driving.
Pharm isn’t a total pushover though, and pushes Dean to spend his breakfasts with his siblings. He gives Dean advice on being an older brother. Behind the scenes he also helps Dean’s sister learn to cook breakfast. Pharm is pretty awesome.
At school, Pharm discovers that social media is overly interested in his arrival at school with Dean. But it’s pretty supportive, so that’s nice.
These will not be the only time Pharm feeds people and ends up on social media. And don’t worry, just because Dean is stuck with family breakfast, doesn’t mean he won’t share other meals with Pharm.

First Date, or Bus and Aquarium Product Placement?
A big deal is made about Dean and Pharm taking the bus together. I guess Thailand has a wonderful public transportation system. It’s cheap and convenient!
They go to a restaurant where the owner is a childhood friend of Dean’s. He shares young Dean stories and says Dean takes after his grandmother. He also knows that Dean has been searching for “that person” and Pharm could be him.
Then they go together to the aquarium. They spend a lot of time at the aquarium. While I enjoy the leisurely pacing of this series, I didn’t need this much aquarium. I’m guessing the aquariums in Thailand are amazing.
On the other hand, I appreciate Dean’s attitude towards Pharm. He’s a cold fish personality wise, but he doesn’t treat Pharm with the icy distance we’ve seen in a million other dramas. With Pharm he’s gentle and straightforward. His quiet enthusiasm is nice to see.
As their date winds down, Pharm is feeling that weird fear about being with Dean again. Dean tells him to trust him. There’s a near kiss in front of a bunch of scandalized fish.

Let’s Talk about Shy Extroverts and Not-Shy Introverts
One thing I really like about this series is the personality combo of Dean and Pharm. They aren’t the obvious introvert/extrovert pairing. In and Korn are the more typical version of that opposites-attract-trope. Nothing against it, I love it, but it’s also pretty common in romances.
Here, Pharm is our extrovert. He’s shy, but likes doing activities and hanging out with people. He has an outgoing friend group and is always volunteering with his club. Just because he’s shy doesn’t make him an introvert.
Dean is our introvert. He’s not shy, but he’s not interested in talking with people. Except Pharm. And Win sometimes. He’s the swim team president but he’s not hanging out with the guys on the weekend.
I haven’t seen this kind of pairing often, and I like their quiet chemistry. They seem very well matched.

It’s all Fun and Games until the Past Life Flashbacks
Somehow their date is all over social media. Dean is amused. Pharm is bewildered.
Pharm brings Dean breakfast. They make a date for lunch later in the canteen. Ah, college.
Except, Dean gets a flashback to In and Korn. It’s earlier in the relationship, with a relentless In working on a resisting Korn. He tells Korn he’ll wait for him at the canteen. Despite rejecting him, Korn worries and goes to find him. In fell asleep waiting for him.
Dean and Pharm meet at the canteen with their friend group. This gives Win and Team a chance to flirt. Dean and Pharm hold hands under the table. Team and Manow worry about how red Pharm’s face becomes.
It’s so college.
Less college is Dean being overwhelmed by a flashback while driving. The flashback isn’t scary. In can’t even cook instant noodles. But Dean parks abruptly outside his home and cries until his siblings find him.
Of course Dean says he’s fine. His siblings worry anyway.
But it’s clear that the danger to Pharm and Dean’s relationship is not a typical one. Their relationship so far is sunny and happy and unthreatened by anything. It’s In and Korn’s tragic history that is lurking in the background, creating fear for their future.

But for now things are all Thai Desserts and Pharm Feeding People
There’s some school open house going on which means Pharm has prepared a new dessert: Bulan Dan Mek. I want some.
Pharm takes some to the drama club and gets ambushed by the guy who won’t take no for an answer. Then he goes to Dean’s faculty table and ends up feeding Dean’s classmates another dessert: Kanom Pra Pai.
Poor Pharm. Not only does he make the food. He hand feeds it to people.
Deans faculty is doing tours where people are paired up based on a “red thread of fate” game. The red thread of fate comes up often enough in dramas that if you aren’t familiar with it, you really should be. Of course, Dean and Pharm are paired by the string.

Dessert is a powerful Motivator
While describing the usage of Kanom Pra Pai in weddings, Dean gets so excited he backs Pharm into a classroom. Dean knows that Pharm turned down the creepy guy by insinuating he’s already with someone.
Pharm is so embarrassed he hides in the curtains.
Dean won’t let Pharm go when he’s been waiting so long. Pharm understands. Dean wants to know what he understands. Pharm says that they love each other.
There’s something very compelling about their casual acceptance of their connection and attraction. And yes, it is kissing time now. We see the red string, still tying them together.
A shy Pharm hides his face after the kissing. Dean makes sure he’s okay. So. Cute.
Social media is busy with their latest interactions (though not the kissing, thankfully they have some privacy). Dean is happy this will keep the creepy guy away from Pharm.

1 Part College Romance to 1 Part Past Life Doom
Pharm gets teased about his fame by the cooking club. Like most Thai BL, everyone’s a little too interested in our lead’s love lives. At least here it feels more encouraging and curious, less obnoxious and pushy.
A flashback interrupts these light times again. In talks with his sister while his niece is there. The sister is worried about their father and In’s relationship with Korn. In isn’t worried. The sister is the cook in the family.
Back in present time, our college gang goes on a big group date. The whole red string of fate thing comes up, and the various versions that exist. Including a version about lovers who can’t be together so they die by suicide to reunite later.
Just like In and Korn. Pharm and Dean share intense looks over dinner and flashbacks and say cryptic things.
And that’s it for now! Next recap we’ll see how they get dinner back on track.