When last we left our doctor-boxer duo, we established that they have great sexual chemistry. Over the next two episodes we, er, establish more things.

Like how much they like having sex together
Since Wandee lives in room 609 how else should an episode start but with 69-ing? During a break, Wandee learns the necklace is two Y’s and Yoyak has a brother and mother.
Kao can smell that Wandee got lucky. Ew. No show, no. We learn Wandee means “good day”, that explains that. And Doctor Crush is hanging around another doctor who must be Doctor Crush’s crush.
Meanwhile, Yoyak’s brother, Yei, notices the missing necklace. They talk about Wandee’s relationship using English curse words which are adorable when spoken with a Thai accent.
Wandee and Yoyak are in bed again and the neon light makes them bright pink which is disconcerting. Wandee gets Yoyak to admit he missed him and then makes him change a lightbulb.

The popularity contest for a doctor scholarship Gets Real
We know Wandee is a good doctor because we see him with a sick kid. Now we can cheer him on in this silly scholarship popularity contest. Doctor Wandee wants it so he can help people! Not like that awful Doctor Crush! Not that we know much about Doctor Crush besides he’s awful.
Now there is a war beginning at the hospital, between staff backing Wandee and staff backing Doctor Crush. And everyone knows about Wandee’s feelings for Doctor Crush. To save face in this ridiculous situation, Wandee claims to have already moved on.
This is very silly. Realistic hospital politics are probably depressing though, so I’ll take silly.
Wandee needs a fake boyfriend, and he already has one kinda. But Yoyak is worried about the press and the relationship being public. For the first time, Yoyak fails at being the perfect partner, breaking up and fleeing the apartment.

Wandee doesn’t take it too hard though
Wandee shows up at Yoyak’s gym, wearing Yoyak’s necklace, looking for Yoyak. Yoyak is still a hard no RE: the fake boyfriend thing. He also thinks Wandee isn’t telling him the real reason behind it.
Wandee decides to get boxing lessons. Finances conveniently came up earlier so we know the gym can use his money. Yoyak resists, but Yei and his boyfriend/gym manager Cher push. Yei challenges him to a duel. Or a boxing match anyway. Yoyak loses quickly, so maybe he didn’t want to win?
He gives lessons but still won’t be fake boyfriends. A sober Wandee is better at seduction, but Yoyak resists. Instead, Yoyak says if Wandee can land one punch in the next 5 minutes he’ll do it. But Wandee doesn’t land the punch, pouts, storms out, and nearly steps into traffic.

Yoyak has a thing for rescuing Wandee
Wandee’s near miss in traffic sends him into a flashback about his parents’ deaths, but here’s Yoyak! He takes Wandee’s hand, pulls him to a food stall, and taunts him into sharing noodles.
Finally, they talk. Yoyak wants to know why him. Wandee trusts Yoyak and has noticed how he’s taken care of him. He also explains the whole hospital situation and Doctor Crush.
Wandee is ready to give up, but Yoyak wants to rescue Wandee again. He grabs Wandee’s hand to punch himself and let Wandee win. They agree to four months, during which they will support each other and their goals. This is basically a contract marriage.
I like that after some fun silliness, they had an honest conversation. It was fair of Yoyak to distrust Wandee’s motivations and say no (for the first time really). Wandee is a brat, even if he’s a good person, and Yoyak has limits. I’m glad Wandee got over himself enough to tell the truth and Yoyak appreciated him enough to want to help him. They’re both sweet guys.

We have entered the Fake Boyfriends Zone
At the hospital, the nurses gossip nastily about Wandee in the waiting room. Doctor Crush shows up. Wandee shows up. And Yoyak shows up! With flowers! That he tosses to Wandee!
If I were a patient all this might worry me about the staff and care I might receive.
It’s impossible to spend so much time together and not know each other better. Yoyak has bad dreams about his mother’s death, and Wandee cuddles him comfortingly. They share breakfast and run into Doctor Crush at the door. Doctor Crush lives in room 666. Subtle.
Yoyak asks about Doctor Crush enough for Wandee to accuse him of jealousy. Yoyak says he can’t be jealous, he has someone he likes, but he isn’t liked back.

The “fall in love while helping your fake boyfriend get a real girlfriend” trope
I’m glad they didn’t save Yoyak’s crush reveal for some big misunderstanding trope later.
Wandee makes a show of encouraging Yoyak to pursue his love interest and offers advice. But his efforts to help make his heart pound over Yoyak.
Later, Wandee sees the crush when she comes to the gym to help Yoyak with school stuff. Wandee stares at her while feebly hitting a gym-ball-thing. I don’t think that’s how that works. Then Yoyak’s crush’s crush shows up to pick her up. On her way out, Yoyak’s crush notices Wandee’s necklace. They’re getting a lot of mileage out of that necklace.
Poor Kao goes from helping couples with their sex life to helping Wandee with his love life. Wandee knows he’s jealous even though he’s helping Yoyak. Kao advises Wandee to sort out his feelings, which is good advice.

Wandee still has those other problems though
Doctor Crush corners Wandee to accuse him of being fake boyfriends with Yoyak. It’s none of his business and what’s he doing? Trying to keep Wandee on the hook? That’s my best guess.
Another nice thing about Yoyak, he doesn’t do things half-heartedly. So despite his reluctance to be fake boyfriends and his other crush, he is all for helping Wandee against Doctor Crush.
The big plan is for Wandee to spend the night at the gym with Yoyak. And to do this they need to announce it to everyone at the gym while stretching. Is this a boxing thing? Yoyak is shy about appearing on social media with Wandee, but helps him get a suggestive picture to post.
They have a family dinner with Yei and Cher. Yoyak pushes Wandee to eat again, I guess it’s a thing for them. Wandee asks about their family and things get uncomfortable. Later, Wandee wakes up to Yoyak studying in the middle of the night. He explains it was his mother’s dream that he graduate.
I already get my wish from last week fulfilled, as Wandee reassures Yoyak that he’s not stupid and helps him study. He also itches Yoyak’s back like his mom used to.

This show loses its mind and it’s funny and adorable
Kao sees Wandee cheering while watching Yoyak’s boxing match on his phone. Kao suggests that they are real boyfriends already. Then he has Wandee do experiments for medical purposes.
The experiment? Sending Wandee off with animal ears and bottoms for sex role-play to make them more honest. Sure? Why not? It gets them sexy anyway.
And then they affirm their intimacy and how close they are. Like, they’re winning at fake relationships. Yoyak is glad he pulled Wandee out of the trash.
The show ends with a HPV vaccination PSA that’s cute, but I’m not recapping it.

Some final thoughts
This show continues to be fun and fast-moving. So fast-moving I’m wondering where it’s going. Neither crushes seem likely to happen, Doctor Crush is too awful and Taem too good. Wandee mentioned studying abroad, which I hope doesn’t turn into That Trope. I’m not sure if the gym’s financial issues will become bigger or only existed to force Yoyak to give Wandee lessons.
Their sad pasts, Yoyak’s schooling, Wandee’s scholarship, these will all go somewhere. But. I’m not sure where.
Ultimately, I don’t care where the show goes as long as it stays fun and good-hearted.