When last we left our weird duo, Yoh was still clueless and Pun still courting him. In the next two episodes, the show introduces angst and I have mixed feelings.

Pun’s vampire-ness is questioned and then proven, repeatedly
First Pun, Janja, and Sommchai argue over how he’s been given one week to do his nonsense with the humans. Janja says something about getting married before they are 1000, and how Pun thinks he’s human and needs to drink blood. Somchai threatens to take Yoh and laughs.
Something about that conversation has Pun determined to go through the rest of the tests to prove to Yoh that he’s a vampire. First, he wants Yoh to stab him in the chest with a stake. Yoh is not into it, so Pun does it himself.
Everyone is convinced. But it’s time for another test. Pun has to walk into the sun. He’s more hesitant about this than being stabbed. Pun complains the entire time he’s exposed until Yoh runs out with an umbrella and Kamsai and Yoh’s sister bring fans.
Pun’s new goal is to spend the rest of his life with his friends. Awww. But he’s making dire statements about wishing he had more time. No! Why?

I thought the tests were over but they aren’t
Pun and Yoh go on their third ice cream date, though the others are there too. Pun explains that Somchai can stand in the sun because he drinks blood and Pun is weak because he doesn’t. Thai vampires (in this drama) have very different rules.
Then they go to get an undertaker’s hoe. To chop off Pun’s head. Yoh acts like he’s going to do it but then laughs. It’s ridiculous and he’d never do it. And he won’t cut out Pun’s heart because it already belongs to him. Awww. Yoh is learning to be cheesy from Pun.

Somchai ruins everything
Back at the restaurant, the gang conspires to leave Pun alone with Yoh. Then they drag Pun away for like an hour to give him advice on courting Yoh. He’s sent back to Yoh with a guitar and told to sing.
It’s all for nothing because Somchai shows up to laugh more. Yoh is frozen with fear as Somchai’s fangs go for his neck. Pun gets in the way and gets chomped instead.
Somchai lets Pun punch him repeatedly without fighting back. Yoh doesn’t like seeing Pun hit Somchai while bad sound effects happen. I don’t either. Yoh steps in to stop it. Somchai is bloody and laughing. Yoh thinks this violent Pun is scary.
Pun gets in one more punch and threatens to kill Somchai. Somchai laughs and yells about them all dying soon since they’re nearly 1000 years old. He taunts Yoh about Pun being violent. Finally, he leaves. I’d like more info on this dying situation.
Yoh wants Pun to calm down so he goes in for a back hug. This works so well that Pun fantasizes about sniffing Yoh deeply, together, in the coffin. It’s weirdly sweet. In reality, Yoh washes Pun’s wound, teases him, and leaves. The show is being mean to Pun and us.

April in Thailand means Songkran
I’ve been watching Thai dramas for a few years without coming across Songkran and I’ve seen it three times in the past month. It’s the festival for New Year and involves water fights in the streets. It occurs in April which is probably why I’m seeing it on airing shows.
This show is the first where I’ve seen the religious rituals. Younger people pour water over the hands of older people. Pun confuses an older woman by demanding to be treated as an elder.
Unfortunately, lurking nearby is a car full of vampires. A man I don’t remember seeing before brings Pun a bottle. It’s full of blood. Pun pours it down the drain but then leans in for a sniff and– We don’t get to see. But he’s acting strange when Yoh visits later. Yoh keeps spraying him with water and things are awkward.

The Vampire problem
Kamsai, Yoh, and his sister are trying to work out what’s going on with all these vampires. One thing that’s hard to stomach about Thailand, all the damn vampires.
Somchai tells Yoh about the blood and keeps laughing. Somchai thinks everything is hilarious. Yoh is nervous enough to send his sister home and consult with his classmates. They’re trying to figure out what Janja wants and who is the murderer.
The three of them get together to blow up balloons for club activities? And the other guy is gone ghost girl is back! And blowing up balloons?
Janja shows up to tell Yoh what we already know, that she’s a vampire. Pun shows up and things are awkward with them. She leaves. That’s that.
Also, the cat is chilling on the table with product placement.

There may be more to this whole vampire thing
Yoh learns that Janja donated money to a school club from a girl wearing a kerchief around her neck. Yoh keeps asking the girl if she was bitten. He chases her down at night and she shows him the marks. But gives no further explanations. There’s a lot of that going around.
Poor Yoh, this was more fun when he was uselessly chasing aliens.
Yoh doesn’t understand why she’s not dead or turned into a vampire. Pun explains that good vampires shouldn’t drink blood because it corrupts their minds. The way vampires behave after drinking blood sounds like his behavior earlier after pouring wine down the sink. Uh oh.
Pun implies he can’t survive on pork blood soup alone.

No angst! I didn’t order that!
Pun is sleeping over and Yoh allows some consensual sniffing. Pun makes more vague statements about not having long with Yoh. Yoh asks for details and Pun says he 925 and will live another 75 years. They will live and die together.
It’s dark but sweet. The guys are happy.
We get a super slow kiss! Just one, and no bed sharing. Pun doesn’t go to sleep but stares at Yoh. He thinks about how he actually only has two days left with Yoh. No! Why? No angst! Bad angst bad!
That’s not all. One of our restaurant regulars is outside when she runs into Somchai, who wants blood. She seems unsurprised but refuses to give it to him. Somchai goes after her anyway and the nosy neighbor gets in the way. She does some hissing but it doesn’t stop Somchai from going for her neck.

My thoughts, hopes, and dreams for this drama.
Not sure how I feel about all these vague warnings of Pun being either dead or gone in a few days. Worse, it’s not making a ton of sense. Just a few episodes ago Pun worried about Yoh’s life being too short, but didn’t he know he was the one with less time?
Also, Yoh could ask Pun more questions about Janja and Somchai and being a vampire and their past. I don’t think I can blame this vagueness on subtitles alone. I’m not loving this threat of doom, but there are still two eps left and we’ll see where this goes.
And don’t get me wrong, I love this ridiculous show. Pun’s evolution from a lonely vampire whose only happiness is eating pork blood soup to a restaurant owner with friends has been adorable. I don’t mind a chaste, slow-burn romance either. Pun and Yoh have been a devoted couple since they met, I don’t need kisses to prove it.