Welcome to my Saturday blog post where I give thoughts on dramas I’m watching, whether at the beginning, middle, or end. Whatever I want, because I’m petty that way.
This week I recapped episodes 3-4 of Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo. We’ve reached the middle and have yet to let free the curse, it’s worse than ever. This means plenty of angst and longing.
I also recapped episodes 7-8 of Love is a Poison. Our lawyer and conman visit an onsen and do a lot of cuddling and snuggling. If you don’t want angst and longing, try this.
What did I watch this week? I’ve got a final review for something at the edge of the solar system.

Pluto – Pluto นิทาน ดวงดาว ความรัก – 2024
Recently aired Thai melodrama GL with 12 episodes.
The disappointing twin wants to do her sister the favor of breaking up with her lover, only to discover her twin’s lover is a rich, intelligent, sexy, blind woman. She does not break up with her sister’s lover.
In my initial review, I hadn’t put it together that the actress who plays May was also in Not Me. Based on these two shows, she’s carved out an interesting acting niche as someone who only dates a twin(s).
Anyway, Pluto was an entertaining show with a lot of secrets and a lot of final act crying. I appreciated how it handled its characters within the over-the-top soap opera world it created.

No one is perfect, these people are really, really, really not perfect
You can read the specifics about the setup in my initial review here.
As things go on it becomes clear that yes, both leads are keeping big secrets from one another. Kinda. It almost becomes comedic because neither is trying that hard to hide them. Ai-Oon might be worse than White at pretending to be her twin.
Poor Ai-Oon is also so dense that her lover May has to work extra hard to get her to “discover” things and think she figured them out herself. May probably doesn’t need to go through all this effort because Ai-Ooon isn’t that discerning.
It’s a show where no one ever makes the morally correct or smartest choice. They always make the most dramatic choice that only complicates everything even further.

But in a twist, no one is that judgemental
I was wrong that this show would end in a lot of slapping and screaming. It didn’t.
I found it touching how our characters accepted this extreme version of “no one is perfect”. In this world where people are constantly lying to cover up how their choices led to other people’s injuries and suffering, you can’t hold that against anyone. No one has any claims of moral superiority over anyone else.
I especially appreciated the treatment of the grandma character. Left raising a pair of very different identical twins, she made mistakes. But that’s just how it goes, and she’s still a loving grandma who did her best.
I guess that’s what I most liked about this show. Everyone is doing their best in this morally bankrupt reality, and they don’t hold things against each other. Not just our lead couple but their families and friends, the way they loved and supported each other despite all the hurt feelings was admirable.
(Although May’s father gets off waaaaaaay too easily. But I’ll be kind to this show the way the characters are kind to one another.)

Worth an honorable mention is our secondary couple/triangle
The most innocent of all the characters are these three. They have no secrets, haven’t caused anyone serious injury, and only want the love of a good woman. Despite that, they end up in a tangle of feelings and confusion that is amusing and sweet.
I lost track of who liked who and what was happening but it was a fun ride.
Bonus points to all the actors for making me like their characters despite some of their terrible actions. The actress playing the twins did a great job of playing two very different, horrible but sympathetic, identical twins.

If you want a mess, give it a try
And get ready for lots of lying and lots of crying.
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