We’ve got Boss, we’ve got Noeul, we’ll get some hot scenes, we might get parallel worlds, and we’re in college. Let’s go!

Time for someone to end up in a coma!
Our lead Cir fends off attackers and collapses against a car with some scratch marks by the window. Our other lead Phu walks by without noticing him. Cir steps into the street and gets hit by a car.
It’s raining and Phu’s teru teru bozu has fallen. The next day it’s sunny but he can’t find his lucky underwear and runs late. His friend Jin warns of a surprise quiz before the professor arrives. Phu gives up on the underwear and things only get worse for him.
Though not as bad as Cir’s day. It’s day 3 of being in a coma. Cir’s friends argue in his room about fish. They stop bickering and one mentions how Cir maybe doesn’t want to live anymore.
Phu complains to his friends about his bad luck. They wonder if his guardian angel is out today. Phu prays for them to protect him again. At the hospital, Cir’s thumb twitches.
At home, Phu looks at the rain and tells his guardian angel he actually hopes they get better.

Coma Cir either imagines or remembers him and Phu as a happy couple
Happy, sappy, grainy couple memories.
Phu answers his door to find Cir, bloody and bandaged. Cir hugs a startled Phu and says he thought he’d never see him again.
Cir is unconcerned about the head injury but concerned about whether Phu knows him. Phu does, but only by reputation. Cir suggests they are a couple and goes straight to parallel worlds. Phu doesn’t believe in them. Cir started believing today.
Realizing Cir is saying they are lovers in a parallel world, Phu thinks he’s being pranked. Cir leaves rather than freak him out more, but tells Phu where to find his wallet. After he’s gone, that’s where Phu finds his wallet.
Cir goes home. He pulls out a picture tucked into a book. We can’t see it but it’s likely Phu. He’s confused about what’s real and what’s a dream.

Phu starts the next day with lucky underwear and snacks on his door
Not realizing he’s the lead in a BL, he’s not sure who it’s from. But at school, Cir brings him his favorite tea, tells him where to find his phone, and leaves.
Phu’s Mysterious friend Jin suggests Phu met Cir before but never noticed. After that, Phu notices Cir everywhere he goes. Cir realizes Phu is nervous and doesn’t want to scare him. He wants to start over.
And wants to make a move on him. We don’t see Phu’s answer.

The show wants us to see Cir escape the hospital twice
I like the second, creepy, Cir POV version. He wakes up and frantically asks about Phu. His friend says he doesn’t have a boyfriend. He yanks out his IV and runs through the rain to Phu’s place.
Phu is perplexed by Cir’s attention. His friends think withdrawn, introverted Cir would not pursue him as a joke. Phu doesn’t think he’s interesting enough for someone like Cir, it must be a head injury.
Cir calls Phu to worry about being scary and crossing a line. Um. Don’t call about that. Cir can’t stop taking care of Phu, skipping class to bring him an umbrella and trying to carry his stuff.
Cir proves he knows Phu’s door passcode is his father’s birthday. Phu should call the cops, but he agrees to be cute instead. Phu, you need a guardian angel.

Cir worries about scaring Phu while doing scary things
He forcibly back-hugs him and says he knows Phu is being too nice to him. People keep telling him he doesn’t know Phu and he feels insane. Phu doesn’t understand how they got together in another world when they never even talked in this one. Cir says they have.
Then Phu discovers Cir skipped a hospital appointment. He drags him there and gets unfairly scolded by a nurse. Phu learns Cir’s brain seems okay but no one knows why he was in a coma.
Cir is more worried about Phu than himself. Phu makes him make a pinky promise to obey the doctors.
Later, he dries Cir’s hair, bumps his injury, and climbs on Cir to examine his head. This excites another part of Cir but he can’t do anything because this Phu isn’t his boyfriend. Phu is a lot.

Cir explains how they met in High School
Phu brought a string-telephone to school and accidentally dropped one cup out the window. Cir saw it from the classroom below. Even though they didn’t hold the string taut, they somehow talked. That is magic.
In Phu’s memory, Cir didn’t respond. But he can’t deny Cir’s knowledge of him. Like knowing about moles he could only see if Phu were naked. Phu nicely allows Cir to pat his head. Cir takes a kiss. Phu looks surprised. He really is too nice.
Later at school, Mysterious Jin tells Cir he should tell Phu the truth. He doesn’t tell Cir or us what truth.
Phu worries he’s stolen the other world’s Phu’s boyfriend. He tells Mysterious Jin that he wants to help Cir return to his world. Mysterious Jin seems concerned by this idea but can’t stop Phu. Mysterious Jin also acts worried about one of Cir’s friends.
Cir stops Phu before he’s run over by a motorcycle. Phu feels like his world is being changed.
We see the telephone-cup scene again, but now we see Cir hiding from Phu and regretting it.

So what is happening?
It could be that Cir, who has long harbored a crush on Phu, hallucinated everything while in the coma. He thinks he’s telling the truth, but he really knows everything about Phu because he’s an obsessed stalker.
It could be this is all a lie he made up to approach Phu. I like how messed up that would be. But if so, his visions and questioning himself when alone would be the show faking us out, which I wouldn’t like.
It could be all the parallel worlds stuff could be true. Parallel world Cir spoke back to Phu on the string-phone and that changed everything.
We’ve been given a lot of clues that could go multiple ways. Phu might have a guardian angel who could be Cir. But then is Cir supernatural or a long-term stalker watching over him?
Mysterious Jin could be supernatural or just observant. By “truth” does he mean Cir needs to tell Phu that the whole parallel worlds thing is a lie?
Or is the truth that Phu is dead in the parallel world? Because Cir is acting frantic and shows no interest in going back to “his” Phu. If his Phu is dead, that makes sense. The way Phu nearly died immediately after felt like ominous foreshadowing.
Or not.
We also didn’t see the attack that sent Cir into a coma. Shows like this like to start with confusing violence and hospital visits to leave us guessing. Was it really just car thieves or is it somehow connected to the parallel worlds thing?
Those scratch marks on the car better mean something.
Only way to find out is to keep watching!
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