The Boy Next World – Episode 7-8 – Recap and Review

When last we left our average student his parallel world lover, a fiancé appeared! 

But then she vanishes for a while

It’s the anniversary of Phu’s father’s death and with Cir’s help, he prepares for the memorial. They take a Tuk Tuk because… Thailand tourism product placement? Phu picks up memorial offerings and I like that we’re in the city instead of rooms. 

When Cir gets the flowers that he forgot, Phu heartbreakingly concludes that his dad is also dead in the parallel world. He’s upset that Parallel World Phu has a Cir and he doesn’t. 

He’s very Phu and doesn’t let himself be sad. Cir promises to always be there for him instead of telling him he’s not from a parallel world. Maybe it’s not the best timing but… At least he tells Phu not to force himself to smile and that he can cry.

Phu cries in his arms. He knows his dad wanted him to move on, but he’s still heartbroken. Cir tells him to take his time being sad.

Wim with others is Awful, Wim with Jin is Adorable

I like Jin being younger, taller, and wiser. I’m easy that way.

Wim babbles at his phone because Wim. Also because Cir made a deal with Jin, trading his friend in return for Jin letting them be alone while Phu mourned. This is in line with the shady morality of this show.

Wim doesn’t want to see a movie with Jin but does. Then Wim doesn’t want to eat dinner with Jin but does. They make a bet over whether Cir sold him out. Wim loses, so Jin wins another date.

Wim won’t stop talking again so Jin kisses him. Jin wanted to make it more obvious since Wim doesn’t get anything. Wim is flustered and confused and still talking.

No fiancé, but a cousin appears!

They’re at Phu’s family home for the memorial. Cir and the cousin act possessive long enough to be annoying before making peace. Alone, Phu tells his father about being in love. Later Cir joins him and promises the dad he’ll take care of Phu. 

Back at home, Phu is still sad. He pulls out his father’s flute, which he never learned to play. Cir promises to play the flute and be here for him.

As flute playing naturally does, this leads to kissing and sex.

Things get bad fast

Cir wakes up alone and finds Phu outside. Phu is adamant he returns to the other Phu and doesn’t want to hear anything. He walks away, right in front of a moving car. Cir shoves him out of the way and gets hit instead.

The drivers were working for Cir’s mom and hit the wrong guy. They move unconscious Cir into the car, which you should never do with a man hit by a car. 

At the hospital, Cir is in a coma. Again. Briefly. Phu blames himself. Then Cir wakes up and can’t remember Phu. He thinks he had a fever and fell asleep. He’s also a jerk who is annoyed by Phu crying.

Phu notices Cir’s forehead is smooth and the scar from being whacked by the Shaman is missing. This is not his Cir! Then Cir’s mom shows up! With Cir’s fiancé! Both in crop tops!

Phu’s Cir is back in that white room with the Cir in black

To make this easier, let’s say we have New Cir who is with Phu now. Our Cir is the one in white and PW (Parallel World) Cir is the one in black.

PW Cir tells Our Cir what’s happening. It’s not a dream, it’s them briefly inhabiting the body of another Cir to grow closer to Phu. He was in Our Cir’s position before and told what was going on by another Cir, while Our Cir lived PW Cir’s life and thought it was a dream.

Each Cir has different personalities, but their poor Phus are always stuck changing them.

We see lots of different Cirs and Phus. Our Cir doesn’t care about any of this and wants to return to his Phu, but he can’t, since New Cir is in his body. 

Where New Cir is causing problems

Everyone is mad at him even though he got hit by a car. Again.

Wim meets Jin at the hospital and apologizes on his friend’s behalf, which is sweet. Jin is maybe having mind-reading issues? He looks like he’s struggling.

Phu isn’t mad because he knows this isn’t his Cir. He’s upset he didn’t tell his Cir his real feelings. Worse, Cir’s fiancé is that kind of fiancé and confronts Phu at school. Phu is unmoved by her attempts to scare him away, but Jin has to protect him from a slap.

New Cir has escaped the hospital and has his LITA hair back. Yay! He already has feelings for Phu because when he hears about the slap he leaves to find Phu.

There’s a reversal from the show’s beginning, as Phu explains the parallel worlds to New Cir. He doesn’t get it, and Phu sends him away. Then Phu starts crying and remembering Our Cir.

He chases after New Cir, catching up to him in the middle of the street. Guys, stay on the sidewalk! But no cars hit them as Phu tells New Cir he loves him and is sorry for pushing him away. If New Cir meets Our Cir, maybe he can tell him he loves him. And goodbye. He walks away.

Cir wants to follow but his head pounds. A moment later, he grabs Phu and asks him where he’s going. I think this is Our Cir.

Our end sequence is New Cir waking up and thinking everything was a dream. He gets a call from Wim who is annoying in every world. He finds Phu outside his door, leaving him food. In this world, it seems Phu has a crush on Cir. Remembering his “dream”, New Cir goes after Phu.

Well that got interesting

Not the annoying fiancé, she’s typical, but the whole parallel world thing. When the show started, I thought it would be another timey-wimey “I must change our fate!”alter-fate thing. Like Love for Love’s Sake or 4Minutes. Kinda.

Instead, I’m bizarrely reminded of the unique Spanish independent film The Incident. Kinda. It’s very different but not something I ever expected a Thai BL to remind me of. I approve.

I don’t care if it makes sense because I don’t think parallel world/timey-wimey stuff will make sense. I’m happy with the strange interdimensional waiting room, with its clocks, empty frames, and plastic sheeting. I like the weirdness of it all. 

The rest of it I’m a little medium on. The fiancé is just another awful BL woman. I appreciate exploring Phu’s grief over his Dad and seeing Bangkok, but it felt like it went on too long. The stuff with the friends is sweet but tends to feel pointless.

And I’m wondering what we’ll do with the next two episodes. Cir needs to tell Phu the truth, but will he explain everything? Does that matter? Cir’s evil mom needs to be dealt with and his Dad has to appear, right? Will Dad be connected to parallel worlds? Did he experience it too? Is it a genetic thing?

Let’s see what answers I get!

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