When last we left our average student his parallel world lover, our parallel world lover kept his student from getting run over.

Cir is more upset about Phu nearly dying than Phu
Phu is touched someone cares about him so much. His father passed away and his mom left the country to escape the memories. Phu wanted to stay with the memories, so he’s here alone. (Phu, you do have friends.)
The next day, Phu tries to return Cir to his world by visiting shamans who hit on him or hit him (with wet sticks). Neither works. Phu is disappointed as “people on the internet” promised these shamans were credible.
Cir, bleeding from the head, is happy to have spent time with Phu.

Back in the college BL part of the story
Random classmates yell at Cir’s friend Wim about Cir dating. Cir has never dated because of his family situation and sees himself as a robot who only does what he’s told. Because of some promise to Cir’s father, Wim feels obligated to look after him. But he’s afraid to ask Cir about his dating situation, so he looks for Phu.
He finds mysterious Jin and argues with him about cloud animals. Jin won’t give him Phu’s number but predicts rain, advises Wim against worrying about others, and points out that Phu is standing there.
Wim worries that Cir did “something” to Phu. He’s not happy Phu knows about the parallel world thing and thinks Cir should be in the hospital. According to Wim, being Cir’s friend is an unending nightmare he can’t escape. Since Phu seems fine with Cir, Wim encourages him to date so that someone else can take charge of him.
That night, Phu drops the string-phone cup down to Cir’s balcony and they talk until Cir wishes his “baby boy” goodnight. Phu says he’s “not his” but is totally into it. Not my thing but I love it for them.

Cir causes Wim to lose his mind by eating a cookie
They’re working for Wim when the cookie-eating occurs. Wim drags Cir from the room in a panic and wants him to go to the doctor because he DOES NOT eat the snacks people give him. Wim has forgotten he wants the two of them to date. Cir glares and Wim is forced to chill.
Later, Cir finds Phu sleeping and nearly goes in for a kiss. Phu grabs his hand before he can step away, and asks for a kiss. Kissing happens.
After, Phu feels guilty for kissing someone with a boyfriend.
Later, Cir sees memories of happy times with Phu but when he tries to get closer, he’s yanked into another memory. In one, Phu talks about what Cir would do in a world without him. Cir drops to his knees and is suddenly in a padded room. The lights flash and he hears Phu’s voice.
He wakes up. He talks aloud to himself about how he can’t tell Phu the truth, but he doesn’t explain to himself why.
Rain comes and Phu finds Cir standing in the rain with a closed umbrella. Phu’s solution to the kissing problem is to be the other Phu’s substitute. He knows the other Phu wouldn’t mind because neither of them would want Cir to be sad. That’s weirdly sweet.
Cir hugs Phu and Phu objects even though he just promised kisses. Cir thinks of himself as selfish for not being able to let go of either Phu. Phu thinks about how he’s falling for Cir.
A flashback reveals Cir was protecting Phu’s car in the beginning. Those scratches were from the attempted break-in, and Phu noticed them.

Phu thinks Jin can read minds
Because Jin guesses Cir is jealous of him and Phu seeing a movie together. No mind reading there, but Phu is Not Wrong. Jin thinks the attention Cir gives Phu is good. And Phu is too easy to believe things he’s told. Agreed.
Jealous Cir is waiting for Phu to come home so he can manhandle and kabedon him. He tries to warm Phu up by kissing him and is delighted when Phu gets a boner. Phu throws him out.
Cir gets a mysterious text and goes out to meet with mysterious Jin. He wants to know what Jin meant earlier about Cir telling the truth. Jin knows Cir has secrets and has fun being cryptic until he reveals he can read minds. He knows this is unbelievable, but Cir of all people should believe him.
He won’t reveal Cir’s secrets but thinks he should tell Phu.

Cir is kidnapped by his mother
But what really worries him is if Phu made it home on his own. He does, though he’s wet and sneezing. Cir has reason to worry.
Cir’s mother makes him wait a night before they talk. In the morning she goes over their rules about him attending school and behaving. He’s only allowed to go to this college because he’ll lose his freedom once he graduates. She doesn’t like that he’s seen his father or that he’s seeing Phu, but he refuses to stop doing either.
As he leaves, she tells her assistant that letting Cir taste freedom now will lead to deeper suffering later. Wow, at least she’s an honestly horrible mother.
Meanwhile, Phu has a drama cold. Lonely with Cir gone, he calls his mom and tells her how much he misses her curry. She’s not ready to visit Thailand and he quickly reassures her he’s fine on his own.
Cir calls on his way back and Phu asks for curry. Once Cir arrives, Phu admits he’s sick. Cir hugs and comforts him.
Our random final scene for this episode is Wim being scolded because Cir isn’t in class. Jin knows that Cir is at his mom’s, which Wim knows is bad. Jin likes that Wim says what is on his mind.

New information, ideas, and questions
It’s easy to imagine that Cir’s evil mom in the parallel world could have something to do with parallel Phu’s death. But if that’s the case, Jin should be more nervous about Cir becoming involved with Phu. Even if she didn’t kill Phu, she’s going to make a terrible mother-in-law. Jin should warn Phu.
If parallel Phu is dead, why is Cir putting up with Phu’s attempts to return him to the parallel world? It could be he knew the shaman wouldn’t work. And it’s not like Phu has tried anything else.
But I could be wrong about parallel Phu being dead.
I’m curious about Cir’s father and his hold over Wim. There has to be a mysterious secret there, Cir’s dad can’t be just Some Guy. Why isn’t he doing more to help his son? Cir’s mom clearly hates him.
We’ve got a mind reader and a man from a parallel world. Is Wim’s habit of saying everything that goes through his mind connected to some secret power?
Are there any differences between this world and the parallel world besides Cir and Phu’s relationship? If this Cir is parallel Cir, I feel like he should be more thrown off by differences. But except for his aggressive dating tactics, he seems fine.
Or he’s not a parallel Cir, but that’s a wild cover for some other secret that mind-reading Jin knows. Maybe he’s literally a robot. That could be fun.
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