The Boy Next World – Recap and Review – Complete

A 2025 Thai BL about a man who wakes from a coma and tells his college junior he’s his boyfriend in a parrallel world.

You can watch the trailer here.

Country: Thailand 
Local Title: คนละกาลเวลา
Year Released: 2025
Number of Episodes: 10
Genre: Timey-Wimey College BL

Main Actors:

Boss Chaikamon Sermsongwittaya as Cirrus
Noeul Nuttarat Tangwai as Phukan

Pre-Recap Information:

I like interesting and unexpected combinations under extremely unthreatening conditions. Like the potato chip aisles of supermarkets.

Or dramas. Where you can try different genres, tropes, actors, settings, in combinations you wouldn’t expect.

In this case, there is just one unexpected ingredient: parallel worlds. The rest of it, MAME, Boss, Noeul, Thailand, college, BL, we’ve seen them together. But throwing in the parallel worlds angle will make it interesting.

I like Boss and Noeul from Love in the Air, which was a hot simple silly enjoyable nonsense show.

I like parallel-world stories because they’re puzzles to solve as you watch. Starting with the question, is it even parallel worlds? The trick with this kind of setup is that you never know if it’ll all turn out to be a dream or a scam or a head injury or something else.

But what is the plot?

Well, we’re in college. We’ve got a sweet young junior and a cold senior. I did say the parallel worlds was the unusual part. It’s not this part.

Phu, our junior, is living his best ordinary life when a rain-soaked, slightly bloody, literally cold senior shows up at his door. Cir, who Phu doesn’t remember ever speaking with in his entire life, tells Phu that he’s his lover in a parallel world.

To his credit, Phu does not immediately take him at his word. He may believe in lucky underwear but a line must be drawn somewhere. Cir is adamant however, and armed with a lot of information about Phu that isn’t common knowledge.

From there, who knows exactly where we’ll go? I’m expecting, er, a sultrier story with shallow and unexamined relationship dynamics and either a parallel world or something disappointing and mundane. My hope is that this unique combination will provide something that is entertaining and different.

You can read my final general review of the series here.

Recaps and Thoughts: